Proof that Kage is a cheap motherfucker!

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, May 31, 2007.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    That's a big call Hyun. What have I said or done to give you that impression?

    Again I ask you, is it really my fault that you missed a post? And no, I'm not expecting anyone to read every single post on here, but when a Dojo thread is talking about OM stats, don't you think that's particularly important for VF5?

    Regarding Shang's whining about the forums being worse, well, I disagree. We could go back to the old style of having everything in a single forum, where it'd be impossible to find anything again. Wouldn't that be great?

    At least this way, we have a system and character specific forums which helps people browse, find and discuss topics with more focus.

    In terms of content management on the site, I'm working on it.

    As for Shang, what's up with the promise? That's hilarious. I have never banned anyone for posting anti-character sentiments in the past, and don't plan on doing so in the future. Since VF5 came out, many people have "complained" about Pai and Shun, but have done so without personal attacks and abusive/vulgar language. The fact is, if I banned everyone who complained about Kage, there'd be nobody left on here /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Like I said, Shang could have created a good thread with some constructive criticism, but he couldn't help himself.

    Shang's points in his latest post are ridiculuous, complaining about /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif? Yeah that's so cheap, nevermind the fact that lots of characters have the exact same flowchart with similar guessing games that follow.

    I didn't say "Dpod is hard to do". Learn how to quote correctly, and while you're at it, learn how to read and comprehend too. In the context of mid/low/whatever-tier you're basing your argument on I said that a Kage player at that level probably wouldn't find it easy to perform. This is not justifying the skills required to play Kage, or trying to excuse him for being easier to play than Wolf. However, Shang is implying that a Kage at this level can just press a single button for an automatic Dpod. Shang's arguments aren't balanced.

    And at -15, there's a massive difference between guaranteed attacks and guaranteed throws. Here's a clue: guaranteed throws can be escaped.

    People have been asking the same question of this thread: what's the point? Everyone agrees, don't they? Am I reading the wrong thread?

    Shang, if you create another dummy account to post with, you'll get an IP ban.
  2. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Shang, obviously for you to type out dozens of pages of garbage you have too much time on your hands for a married man. Go have kids. The saddest thing is you've been banned so many times. No one likes your attitude. Haven't you learned? Go away.

    About my 10 year+ VF Career? I've got respect and friends it's all I need. Accomplishments? I've got 4 NYG's, I Love VF, and dozens of smaller gatherings that you say:

    "...anyone who is willing or have traveled to a gathering spending their money deserve an ounce of respect no matter who they are."

    I'm the organizer for the events that people get their respect at.

    What do you have to show for your 10 year+ VF career? What makes yours better than mine? Any top finishes at tournaments? a 27-3 run against me? Great. What you have is dozens of enemies. You are a laughing stock for running back here after being banned and making a new nick like mykeisrealgay. You act like you are 03 instead of 30. Grow up.

    If you want to know why VFDC is running down, look in the mirror.

    In your own words:

    "Do yourself and everyone else a favor. Shut the fuck up."
  3. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    Actually, I live in Japan and for a crappy American player who started VF with Evo, I do relatively well. Also, according to Ice-9, both he and Danny are Tsuwamonos. That shit is no joke.

    Besides, what I think you need to realize is that everything you've said up until now still doesn't really affect how the game should be designed or balanced.

    Just because you don't fare well against Kage at your level of play doesn't mean that Kage is broken. My baby brother doesn't fare well against Lau at his level either. But top players seem to do just fine against Kage.

    So I think there are really a few possible options for you:

    1) Improve your game against Kage
    2) Accept that Kage is tough to beat when you aren't top tier and move on
    3) Use Kage and own people

    I think the main point of my post is that your complaints aren't really about the game's balance, or even about Kage, they are more about you and your own level of play.

    I accept that I will never be able to play at the top tier, where Kage is considered strong but not overwhelming. I think you should probably do the same for yourself.
  4. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member


    what is shang trying to say he plays shang and he is complainig kage is broke...cause no one can beat him cnsistently.

    Well shang you just need better comp.

    Now plz Myke can you close this thread it has become less about vf and more about personal grudges.
  5. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    "Just because you don't fare well against Kage at your level of play doesn't mean that Kage is broken. My baby brother doesn't fare well against Lau at his level either. But top players seem to do just fine against Kage.

    So I think there are really a few possible options for you:

    1) Improve your game against Kage
    2) Accept that Kage is tough to beat when you aren't top tier and move on
    3) Use Kage and own people"



    or you can just simply SHUT THE FUCK UP~!!!

  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    And that somebody is...
  7. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I usually hate too jump in topics like this but I think I should give my opinion on the subject matter. During the gathering at Socal I noticed something about most American players. I noticed that their reaction time when compared to Japanese players and even Yosuke is extremely sluggish. They tend to think too hard about a certain situation rather then just trying new things and going with the flow. Basically, they tend not too mash when scared but rather low punch or block..Kage is a great character to take advantage of this.

    After playing many matches against Shang Kage with my Jacky I discovered that I too have the same weakness. Every time Shang would go into Kage new stance I would freeze up..I wouldn't attack I would just stand there block/duck/sidestep and hope I guess right..the trick about Kage new stance is that he can hit you no matter what defensive technique you use. Eventually he will get you...I mean come on if you stand there with slow ass reflexes and just block sooner or later you will guess wrong (that catch throw can be tricky).

    I feared that maybe it was just my poor reflexes so I used Kage against Shang with little knowledge of Kage command list. I abused Kage new stance against Shang every chance I had and to my surprise every time I used it he would freeze up too..hell everyone did. Out of Kage new stance he can use 6+P which is pretty safe on block he can also use 2+K while hit checking which is pretty safe on block or follow up with PPP all safe on block which means even if you guess right defensively you still can't do much to Kage. I exploited rather his new stance to win the tournaments later during that day but I have to say it wasn't really Kage "cheapness" rather it was just me exploiting the weakness of American players. Believe it or not I have trouble beating newbies with Kage because they mash buttons they aren't afraid of Kage new stance because they don't know the dangers of it so they mash and they get lucky most of the time and stop my attacks before they come out. American players need to stop thinking and start reacting fast..its ok to mash sometimes.

    So is Kage cheap? hmmm I guess I can understand why some people my think so but then again Shun taste the rainbow garbage is pretty lame ass as well so if you ask me its more of a problem with VF5 in general. It forces you to adapt or be killed and thats easier said then done seeing how its hard to brake bad habits.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I personally like it when you and the other serious VF players jump into these topics and break some myths or bring up more perspective ^_^ In fact, as much junk is in this thread, there's been a decent amount of information that's been brought back into focus.

    I agree with Myke that this could have been a vs. Kage thread instead, though every few posts it has become just that (despite all the other exchanges).

    I know it's popular these days to talk about how the vets (or even the proven new guys) don't post much on these boards anymore. While that's still true in general, I greatly appreciate the efforts of Noodalls as well as some of the posts that were put in this crazy thread.

    The biggest problem is when everyone thinks they are too good to respond and ends up just letting impressionable people (likely to include yours truly) to take it as the only thing said on VFDC in the moment (memory-loss sucks).

    But at least the topic of Kage's strengths, countering those strengths, and some of the apparent weaknesses and current limitations on Western (specifically American) VF have been brought up here--they should have been brought up eventually.

    And I think there's a lot more agreement in this thread than many believe. Hyun, myself, and some others seem to really be going for the view that this is a "problem" rooted more in American level play and fundamentals than anything else. At least in our own way. I wouldn't personally say it was a problem, so much as a challenge and something we can rise above anyways and just acknowledge that it's a sign of deficiencies in our games.

    And I definitely agree with Denkai that a lot of our (American players anyways) reactions are slow. A lot of times we are lost in thought thinking about what we should do, and I would add that sometimes we just do the same response over and over again (what's the point in thinking about it if we're not gonna really test it across the spectrum?).

    On top of that, I know I'm not the only one with the bad tendency to try to force a pattern on people--I've mistakenly made up my mind on what I'll do ahead of time instead of actually watch to hit-check, I fail to see what my opponent hit me with, fail to see what I've actually dodged (instead I end up treating all dodges equally when they aren't), and generally fallen into routine. Let's not forget how many guarantees are missed--sometimes the missed guarantees are a sign of not watching and focusing on what is happening, and instead acting a bit too much on predicting what will happen.

    I'll admit that one of my stupidest weaknesses is that I've sort of become Pavlov's Dog when it comes to VF. Sadly, I know I'm not the only one...

    I'm working on fixing that though ^_^

  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for bringing this up Chanchai. It's funny how many point at the fact that "vets" don't post anymore as if the site is worthless without them. To me, that's a cop out for justifying one's own lack of contribution. Guys like noodalls are fast becoming the new "vets" in my eyes, especially when it comes to the thankless task of translating volumes of Japanese text. It diminishes the value they bring to the site when people whine about the lack of involvement from the "vets".

    And finally, a big thank you to Denkai_84, for bringing some perspective and sharing your insights on the average American player's skill level. If players are letting Kage get away with murder, then who's to blame?

    This reminds me of the flames that broke out over the home port and its (lack of) featuers and the countless complaints that were aired. The difference is that, unlike the home port of VF5, this is something an individual has the power to change.
  10. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Good few reads.
  11. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Ok, I finally see what the problem is. You lack the mental capacity to understand a lot of obvious things. Whether it is from years of smoking pot or because you dropped out of elementary school (it's called elementary for a reason) or who knows, maybe you made it all the way to junior highschool (if so, good for you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ) See that, I put a smiley face there for you, I hope it encourage's you to go back to school, it's never too late you know, you can do it! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I'm really truly sorry if I stirred up old memories of something of a sexual nature that happenned to you when you were a child. That was not my intention. I didn't even want to know about that shit. TMI, in my opinion. Oh, btw, tmi means 'too much information'... oh, and btw means 'by the way'.

    I wrote, and I quote: "I'm willing to bet that you were abused as a child, that is why that's all you understand. Niceties dont work on you. You're used to beatings and verbal abuse."

    Now how in the fuck did you get "sexual abuse" or even "child molestation" from THAT?!?!?
    I know how, you dont know any better. So just for your ignorant self, here you go:

    1. Child sexual abuse is the sexual assault of a minor or, according to the American Psychological Association[1], sexual activity between a minor and an older person in which the dominant position of the older person is used to coerce or exploit the younger. Child sexual abuse is illegal in all countries about which information is available. Although these laws differ in detail, all set an age - typically near puberty - under which all sexual contact with adults is deemed abusive. Above this age, sexual contact may be judged abuse depending on the use of violence or coercion or the type of relationship involved.
    2. Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause pain, injury, or other physical suffering or harm.
    3. Verbal abuse is not as concretely defined as the above mentioned but it's pretty simple. Well, for most people anyway.

    I dont know what to call you, I dont want to call you retarded or special because that would be an insult to mentally challenged people everywhere (btw, that was verbal abuse).
    So I wont call you any names for now but depending on your reaction to this post, I might come up with something.

    So let's analyze your wack, out-of-whack posts:
    Are you really now? Could have fooled me.
    I cant get offended by anything you've written because nothing you've written can be taken seriously. For example:
    Are you really? Yet at the bottom of your post you continue with the same bullshit that got you flamed in the first place. Make up your mind, are you sorry or are you going to keep attacking?
    Riiight. No, I do not read all of whatever you post, it's too much crap to sift through.
    What??? English, do you speak it?! No, you have contributed NOTHING useful to this or any thread. Read, NOTHING.
    Used toilet paper is more useful than the crap you write.

    Pretty big word for an elementary school dropout.
    ORLY??? What about Plague and anyone else who didn't agree with any of your uninformed opinions? Yeah, you might want to look up the word 'hypocrite' before you start throwing it out there.

    Another apology you dont mean. Whatever...

    You sure about that buddy? You sure you're not here just to have your opinions be heard because, obviously, NOBODY AROUND YOU WANTS TO LISTEN TO YOUR DRIBBLE. Too bad we're damn near forced to. Here's a wise, old saying: "Wise men listen and learn while fools talk." If you're really here to learn about VF: use the search feauture, read, ask questions that have NOT been asked and stfu.

    Do I, really now? guess you forgot, I'm one of the few people that tried to be nice to you. People that try to be nice to you get attacked but a guy like Shang butt-slams you and you stfu. Pretty dumb, dont you think?

    Now, I understand that you have a very low-level education and that's why you cant be bothered to use proper grammar and punctuation. But that still does not excuse you writing some of the crap you write. Spamming posts, replying to yourself, butting in on veteran's arguments. FYI some of these guys have known each other for YEARS and you come in like the know-all/end-all, just crying for attention.

    I'm not getting on you because you lack intelligence; knowledge of forum/posting-etiquette or even common sense. It's because when people try to give you advice to help you, you snap on them. If anybody disagrees with your point of view, you snap on them. It's ok if you're not the best speller, or writer but take some kind of advice from people who have been here for years (not me, I've only been here for a year or so) Stop attacking cool vets when they try to give you some advice.
    Anyway, I'm done, you have proven that you dont listen when somebody talks nicely to you, try proving the opposite.

    P.S. Dont test me, I'm Shang's disciple, lol j/k
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    In a game with Pai and Shun, people whine most about Kage? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  13. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Well, I'd rather fight 11 Kages, 10 Shuns, 2 Eileens, and 6 "Pies" than 1 Lei-Fei.

    "Look at me! I'll either crush your low or sabaki everything else, and if you block a number of my moves I get advantage which I'll use you rape YOU!"

    Not cheap, just annoying as fuck.
  14. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Lei gives me nightmares too.

    Oh and Eileen cause I still don't know how to deal with her.

    At least with Kage I have an idea what BS he is gonna throw. Eileen and Lei are super confusing and make my head hurt. A low kick that staggers for super easy combo (it's like almost impossible to struggle out) and is safe on block (can be followed by the evading sweep which owns any immediate retaliation) makes my head hurt.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thread locked.

    Namflow's "how to deal with Kage" post, and its replies, can be found in the Kage sub-forum.

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