PS2 Nitpicking

Discussion in 'Console' started by CreeD, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. soulmachine

    soulmachine Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it all back, arcade definitely > PS2

    The comp totally cheats when blocking. Forexample, as I'm getting ready to do a rising attack, depending on whether I push down on the d-pad or not, I will see the CPU block in the appropriate position. Unfortunately you have to make a choice well in advance or it won't register, thereby giving the comp all it needs to know in order to block your ass.

    Sometimes I try and catch the CPU off-guard by pressing down to do a sweeping rising-attack at the last millisecond, but that's a millisec too late and I end up doing a medium roundhouse. Naturally it gets blocked, or I get whomped. All I can say is that it's very gay.
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it all back, arcade definitely > PS2

    "Akira looks like he has 2 black eyes in the PS2 version."

    same thing in the arcade dude
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it all back, arcade definitely > PS2

    THE CHEAPER..THE BETTER...I LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it all back, arcade definitely > PS2

    You can skip PART of the intro. Basically, once your characters are loaded, hit Select+Start. Or at least that's how I did it. If you're in Vs. mode, and you have a different setup than the last (stage and characters), then you'll have to probably wait sometime after the start of the first character introduction.

    However, if you are doing a repeat of the previous matchup, as in you picked the top option after the end of the match, then you can probably instantly skip the round intros immediately.

  5. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    Re: I take it all back, arcade definitely > PS2

    No need to hit start and select, just hit start once you see a character starting their opening phrase. Ya, the game is still loading in the stage pan. What's worse is the HDD doesn't really improve the situation much either. It's almost no difference compared to what you gain in Ace Combat 4 and Capcom vs SNK 2.

    Oh one other thing I wanted to mention is on the rooftop stage, the red light sources in the corners ARE there. I never noticed them till today.
  6. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    Simple impressions

    Well, I have very limited experience with the arcade version, but so far Id say this is still easily one of Sega's finest translations (excluding Naomi 1 stuff).

    The intros that you cant skip are indeed due to loading. Notice how when a match is recycled all intros can be skipped.

    The opening intro's screwy frame rate and blur is due to it being MPEG-2. The blur was likely added for effect, the frame rate, well MPEG2 is 30fps...

    I was going to make this its own thread, but maybe best left in here. Maybe its just my PS2, but sometimes when the character intros are playing, the voice is totally out of sync. Other times its dead on. (Im not saying dead on for some characters and not others. Example, Sarah: "So your my opponent... wont you take it easy on me" comes out well often, but sometimes is totally off. Bad enough that she's speaking even after the animation is complete. Im thinking this is due to loading (my PS2 may have a dirty lens, but Im not sure. Also had this occur with other characters from time to time). Anyone else notice something similar?

  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Simple impressions

    Re: the voice being out of sync.
    Does anyone else (playing either an imort copy or back) experience load problems like the ones I'm having? I don't think this is what you're talking about, but here's what happens when I'm loading a typical kumite match.

    -White Now Loading screen (10 seconds or so)
    -White frame (top and bottom of screen are black, like the stage flybys) -5 seconds or so.
    -Opening stage flyby. Music starts. (unskippable)
    -more white frame (at this point the music cuts out, usually leaving just ambient sound FX, i.e. crashing waves and seagulls on jeff's, birds on lei fei's, etc.)
    If I wail on start during this wait (another 10-15 seconds) music comes in and out.
    -Opponent does their prefight animation. Voice appears to be synched ok.. BUT after 90% of the opening quote is played, voice stops while the char's animation goes on.
    -More white screen for 2-5 seconds.
    -Last 10% of opening quote finishes playing as a view the characters squaring off.
    -The fight begins.

    ----I'd actually be kinda pleased if I'm the only one with this sort of suxor loading issues.
  8. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: Simple impressions

    Creed: It doesn't take nearly as long to come up for me. As far as voices go, I think only the English speaking characters are out of sync. Doesn't make much sense really. Heh...I've pretty much just given up on trying to do a rising attack to a higher level kumite opponent. It's usually a much better choice to roll away and attack normally. Cheap AI...Vanessa is brutal at higher levels! I had one fight where I literally could not touch her. She was reversing everything or throwing me right out of moves. Other than that, I really haven't seen other characters "cheating" in kumite. Another jumbled thoughts post ends...
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Simple impressions

    Ok, so it's just my copy.
    Re the rising attacks, I've found a trick. Don't roll at all before doing it, and then delay it as late as humanly possible, and it seems to hit more.
    What makes me sick is how an elbow stagger is near useless. I crouch dash to try a throw, they're doing a big move. I hesitate with half a second of perfect timing and do a big move, they're guarding. Humans in this situation would be fucked.

    Thankfully the CPU doesn't struggle well. A nice and easy combo with lau: elbow stagger, elbow (float), palm, double low kick.
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Simple impressions

    BTW, do burned copies of the game tend to have issues compared to originals, similar to the case with DC "backups?" In some cases, things are tossed out, but in general and others, loading times are longer. Just curious.

    However, on an original Japanese PS2 VF4, the loading time is quite long. The white "loading" screen takes its time, and it's still loading during the intro after that.

  11. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Simple impressions

    I'm playing a real version of the game on a Jap PS2, and I haven't seen any of those problems. The white loading screen was prominent in Trial Mode, but during Kumite and Arcade, I hardly notice it now. I haven't noticed any voice syncing stuff, either.

    Regarding beating the CPU, the two things I've noticed work really well are forcing the CPU to guard your fully charged charge attack, then hitting them with a fast move during the stagger. The other is that similar fast moves seem to work well off the line at ready, go. IE Akira's b,f+P will almost always hit when the round starts.

    Another thing, the CPU has lots of stupid patterns that can always be exploited. If Lau does b+P, he'll ALWAYS follow with another b+P,K. Shun nearly always follows d/b+P with d/f+P+K etc...

  12. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    Re: Simple impressions

    Hmm, odd. Haven't had anything where the voice ends too soon. However, on mine when a match is recycled, everything syncs up. Does yours as well? Im pretty sure this is loading. The reason it differs and isnt consistent is because of the drive access times differ loading character X at start of the data track vs loading character Y at the end of the data track. Some mixes of characters, combined if they are first or second to have their pre-fight animation seems to be the determining factors in the sync effect.


    PS. On a side note, Im new to these forums... but in the preferences, I know I put post avatars to be displayed to yes, but its not showing up. In IE 6, NS 4.X doesnt like this place /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

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