PS3's VF5

Discussion in 'Console' started by zakira, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see Sarah in a 15 mins shower scene CG FMV when you beat the story mode. I guess I might as well throw in Pai prancing on a beach in a bikini and Aoi rubbing jello all over herself.

    I think having those as endings to the story mode would make the game sell much more.
  2. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    You betcha it will!
    Can you imagine people prowling through the code on the disc in search of the next hot-coffee mod... (There's a weird pride in saying that it was a Dutchman who made it btw.)
    mmmmm jello...
    How about a volleyball mini-game?
    aside: They could always put in Vane's VF4 p1 outfit as an unlockable, but now with her new less-muscular physique.

    I recently picked up that one ancient VF comic that Marvel put out as prelude to VF1. If they had bothered to do a new issue after each iteration of VF I'd be quite amused (I was going to say happy, but its not all that spectacular).

    For all I care they could do a simple text based thingy as far as a storymode goes. (SC3's storymode actually gets on my nerves with its unskippable movies and branching crap.)

    They could always expand upon the Arcade storyline though. Revealing that Sega IS J6 and that they're banding together the greatest minds in fighting games to create some kind of skynet-like super computer to dominate the world with. (Aided by the mecha we all know they have and genetically manipulated hedgehogs...) The slight snippets of VF story we know are actually reflections of real happenings that escaped Sega employees have managed to sneak into the game in an attempt to let the public know the danger.

    How's that for a "wow, didn't see that coming!" moment?

    ps. Now that I think of it, this is getting rather close to Megatokyo...
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    I'd like to see Sarah in a 15 mins shower scene CG FMV when you beat the story mode. I guess I might as well throw in Pai prancing on a beach in a bikini and Aoi rubbing jello all over herself.

    I think having those as endings to the story mode would make the game sell much more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am sure if the females of VF were portrayed like the girls of DOA and their skimpy outfits I am sure that would get the people that usually avoid what they think it is a boring game but would the pure fans like it. It would kind of make fun of the one series that was completely serious from the beginning. I don't think the humor will be taken lightly by long time fans. If you saw it on any other game people wouldn't even respond but with VF characters I don't know
  4. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    I don't know, the Saturn's Portrait series was pretty silly, with loads of images of Sarah in a bathing suit or towel, Pai being generally cute and school girlish and Lion being overly gay as usual. All to some mellow J-pop tune with a karaoke option... (featuring in state of the art cg for its time) Seriousness has also taken a hit with VF-kids.

    But it's true that they kept such content out of the main game though.

    I think the fans will be able to take it all with a grain of salt and have a good laugh about it. Or play through the story mode of a character once and then toss it aside, like one does in most fighting games. General silliness hasn't cost Tekken any of its serious contenders. DOA, however, puts the silliness up front, projecting itself to a rather different audience.

    But enough about that.

    How about facing off against Dural-like S-versions of the different characters (speed up, extra sabaki, uninterruptable or unblockable properties)? Or some VF-kids SD insanity as a special outfit, like the VF1 models in EVO?

    What could be really interesting is a Spore-like version of the Quest mode where the AI opponents are based on the performance of other players of the game (purely based on the statistics of their fighting that the game compiles, not requiring on-line play of course). This could be expanded upon in various ways with unlockables et all. But this would keep the game interesting for single players out there without having to add on-line play. Data could be uploaded whenever a player connects to the VF-net features of the game.

    Imagine facing off against the anti-AI compiled versions of the different members of VFDC...

    "Dude, I so kicked your arse last night!"

    hmmmm, by connecting all the machines together and compiling the data through the VF-net servers one could create a sort of evolving/generational algorithm that would develop ever more efficient scripts for AI opponents based upon the existing AI's combined with the way players take on the AI's. It'd be a regular coding hell to get this down properly (I've constructed a few such algorythms). You could evolve scripts further and further to have them match the bahaviour pattern of the players' input. This'd involve some heavy tiering algorythms to judge what the best player would be since the actual win/loss stats represent nothing on the console. Unless they make escaping a match without forfeiting it impossible, a very real possibility.

    hmmmm, food for fantasy and thought.

    long winded me...
  5. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

  6. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know how much this game is gonna cost+necessary accessories+PS3 so I can budget my spending for this thing.

  7. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EXM said:

    Does anyone know how much this game is gonna cost+necessary accessories+PS3 so I can budget my spending for this thing.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Recently Ridge Racer 7's price was announced: 7329 yen. Expect somethin like that for VF5.

    Here a currency converter
  8. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I figured a new game would cost that much however I want to know how much Console+necessary acessories (like arcade stick) would cost.
  9. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EXM said:

    I figured a new game would cost that much however I want to know how much Console+necessary acessories (like arcade stick) would cost.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    500-600 US dollars the console. About the arcade stick I have no idea. But don't expect it to be priced less than 50 US dollars.
  10. gregor_thewolf

    gregor_thewolf Well-Known Member

    The Japanese version is set for December 31. I'll probably get this and then the US version in March...hope it has rudimentary english in the menus...
  11. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    gregor_thewolf said:

    The Japanese version is set for December 31. I'll probably get this and then the US version in March...hope it has rudimentary english in the menus...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, Japanese version is not coming out in December.

    It's a spring 2007 release, and most likely it will be the same day as the US version.
  12. gregor_thewolf

    gregor_thewolf Well-Known Member

    Well, some sites have it for Dec. 31 for Japan, such as IGN, and they were right about Revision B. It's only logical for it to come to Japan first in any case.
  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    gregor_thewolf said:

    Well, some sites have it for Dec. 31 for Japan, such as IGN, and they were right about Revision B. It's only logical for it to come to Japan first in any case.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Except for the fact that it says Spring 07 on the Japanese official site.
  14. gregor_thewolf

    gregor_thewolf Well-Known Member

    Well, that could change. It's a month away and the final version is being prepped. I want this game yesterday.
  15. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member

    i just saw this week famitsu magazine. and there was an article about VF5 training mode with few pics. the training arena looks damn great. nothing  really new in this mode. as i recall everything you saw in evo is here. i dont know if is it coz the pics quality or just my eyes playing tricks on me, but the graphics looks better than the arcade version /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif. if i had a scanner i would`ve bought it and post the scans here /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    The latest unofficial date for the Japanese release is February 8th, 2007. Just rumor right now.
  17. gregor_thewolf

    gregor_thewolf Well-Known Member

    At least the wait isn't that bad since VF5 videos pop up pretty much everyday. I hope these rumors are true...
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think it's official now, Japanese version of VF5 will be released February 8th. Official announcement soon. Not sure yet about US release. Will update when known.
  19. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member

    I`ve read the announcement in a japanese site but i wasn`t too sure of it. but if that is true, then I`m really glad that i bought PS3 at launch time. coz right now its hard to buy when here in japan since most of the console were booked. now whats only left is a good HD TV before VF5 released /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif Thanx Srider for the conformation /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    If you look at official english VF5 site, you will find a "pre-order" link on it... And the site it leads on say that pre-orders will be shipped on 3/13/07... Is that the US release date?

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