PS3's Weak AI

Discussion in 'Console' started by akiralove, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I didn't say what you did is wrong or right. But if you don't want to play VF anymore, why go out of your way to convince people to not play VF5 when they could possibly enjoy the game?

    I think anyone posting in this message board is already enough of a fanboy, it's so funny how you guys are all trying to distance yourself away from that.

    It's an even worse case of fanboyism when you vocally talk shit about the game, but then spent more money and more effort in obtaining the game than most other people, or when you don't even have the game.
  2. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think if Sega was really worried about VF going online and ruining the Japanese arcade scene, well...just don't put online in the Japanese version (just look at Motorstorm...except, Sega would do it on purpose rather than to release the game early for some quick cash). And if they're still worried about VF's image if it were to go online (due to latency, but it's not like they care about what we think lol), then have on the box "T1 connection recommended for online play". /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    And if anyone here is thinking "I wouldn't want online, VF is too frame specific"...well, you're a special case. You would be someone like Myke, Srider, Ice-9, and a whole bunch of fellow VFDCers where frames and timing are of crucial importance. For these kinds of players...well, don't play online. Online is an option, nothing more. Nothing mandatory (and any online tournaments that are held will never be taken serious, so I don't see the problem there).

    Fact is, people who are saying in this thread that versus is the only thing that matters are right, but there's no one to play against! Despite what you may say, we HAVE tried to get other players to play, however, we simply don't have the time to dedicate ourselves like Srider and Myke. Hell, the majority of gamers out there just don't play fighters period. Fighters have become a niche genre it seems; and when we do find other fighting game players...well, it's like if someone from the Tekken scene were to try to convert you to Tekken.

    Online would bring in a lot of new players to the scene. Many of these players would remain casual, or eventually quit the game, or become one of those hardcore online type of people who play to win and make themselves feel good, or become true hardcore VFers (like just about everyone here). Even if only 1% of the players who get attracted to VF online would become hardcore VFers, that's still an increase in the community (plus, online would be a great way for VFDC members to preach the worth of this game to other players who try it out, in turn converting the "casuals" into hardcore VFers).

    And of course, have online features like a spectator mode, upload feature for Ghost data and replays and even have a tournament mode (so that casuals could easily set up an online tourney if they so choose to do so).

    /end generic "VF needs online, here's why" rant
  3. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    in response to empnova

    i guess to each their own then. i have never played virtua fighter until about last month when i bought evo and played it for a bit in preparation of vf5.

    as of about 10 minutes ago i finished the last world finals tournament in vf5 quest and have only finished about 36% of the rivals and about 35% of emblems/items collected. so far i can say this is one of the most enjoyable experiences i've had playing a fighting game and i think i'll continue enjoying it until i beat everyone and unlock everything for my current character and so on for whoever i decide to pick up next.

    i agree with your points about character customization, replays, and load times but for a player like me, that is the furthest thing from my mind. i just want to get better at the game and be able to play it well. for those reasons vf5 is a great game to me because it has the gameplay and depth to realize many possibilities at it's bare boned core.

    in a game like this you have to invest time to learn to play it and alot more time to learn to play it well. the thing i like about it is that in it's design, you can play it with alot of flash which in itself for me is rewarding.

    just like in evo, you don't have to use every technique learned in training to win a match, but having those techniques at your disposal makes the game that much fun and more strategy orientated. it is the same for vf5 and part of that fun is discovering those things and making them work for you. this game is different in that you may have to learn alot of those things on your own but with experience from evo, black book/brady guide, and sites like this all that information can easily be obtained.

    virtua fighter 5 is a wasteful purchase if you don't take the time to learn to play it well. to be good online means to take the time to practice on your own or you will just get beat by those who did take the time to learn to play and understand all the nuances that go on within the game.

    i'm sure online would help in it's sales and popularity among casual gamers but it may not necessarily make it a better game, it would just make it a more accessible game. the mechanics of what makes the game great is already built in without the online. if you can't realize that after playing it for awhile then being able to play it online won't matter to you anyways.

    but enough of this and back to playing. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member



    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">For these kinds of players...well, PLAY DOA 4</div></div>

  5. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Because he can't afford a PS3 and he's bitter.
  6. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    I think it's a testament to how awesome VF5 is. As a package, it sucks compared to VF4 evo and I think everyone can agree on that, but compared to other fighting games, it's still the best. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    As VF fans, we expect perfection, and for VF5, we were expecting a whole lot more. We still got a decent package...but it's still crap compared to our expectations. I understand what people like Srider are saying in regards to us being "too hard" on Sega. In truth, we are. We're just expecting too much. As VF fans though, I believe it's our duty to expect perfection. Or else we may end up like Tekken 6 and Akira suddenly has a rifle. >_>

    Ya, VF rules.

    Hopefully this post was logical enough. I'm a little drowsy right now. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  7. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    fixed. </div></div>

    I'm guessing that was a shot at me. Well, unless you're in Japan, I see no reason as to NOT having online play (for casual play). Just look at DOA and how large that community got thanks to online. Hell, they even brought it to evo 2k6 cause the community got so big (no one showed up, but that's a different story).
  8. NxP3

    NxP3 Member

    Well tested out the game. I'm definitely going to need a joystick for this. Can't perform the harder moves fast enough with the pad.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Holy (Empnova) and Shadowdean...for someone who professes not to want to even buy VF5 you guys read and post on this forum a helluva lot. Please, do everyone a favor, get a life, and go bother some other website.
  10. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    I'm a beginner at VF and I strongly oppose laggy online for VF5. What attracted me to VF was the precision required even for decent VF gaming: you can't be good at it if you don't work at it.

    The precision that makes VF beautiful in my opinion will fall apart on laggy online gaming, and, in my opinion, make VF5 a poor imitation of some other online fighting game.
  11. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Oh, but supid, you still fall under that category. Read carefully: "you would be someone like Myke, Srider, Ice-9, and a whole bunch of fellow VFDCers where frames and timing are of crucial importance."

    I too fall under that category. I would much rather play offline (not to mention the whole face to face arcade feel). However, if online means more players, I'm all for it. So, we still fall under that elitist group...we may not be as good as them, but we definitely fall under that group. =P
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Well I wanted to buy VF5, badly...up until this thread appeared and I found out the AI was simulating four year olds. And please, get a life? Don't you own part own this site? I mean VF is more part of your life than it is mine. Don't get pissed at me if I don't like the game based of reviews of industry magazines/websites and VFDC'ers.

    And yes I can afford a PS3 so I'm not bitter over being poor, but I'm a not an idiot with my money and if I don't need a PS3 I won't spend the $800 on it/VF5/arcade sticks. My $800 will go towards something more worthwhile.

    Virtua Fighter 5 was one of the only games I was looking forward to on next-gen consoles....the fact that the game is a step back from Evo in terms of features just killed my desire to get a PS3. Nothing would make me happier in terms of videogames than for VF5 to get patched for the PS3, or have the 360 version be improved over the PS3 version.
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Ice-9 - Did I ever say that I have no intention of getting vf5? No. Have I said I am extremely disappointed with the choices sega made in producing it - yes. Please go back to defending Sega at all costs.
    Get a life? The reason I am not as involved in VF as much as I used to be (video games in general) is because I have a life outside of a electronic box.
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    So are you guys getting it or not? Just don't waste time if you are not. Otherwise what's the point of this thread?
  15. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    I think the AI is terrible but it's still easily the best game I own right now.
  16. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    As a total package I'm a bit dissapointed, Evo was better in that regard. Gameplay though, VF5 trumps just about anything out there.
  17. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I not getting the PS3 version or a PS3 at the current price. The 360 version of course is still up in the air for me as no details have been announced for it yet. If the things, most importantly the AI, are fixed for the 360 version, or VF5:Evolution has better AI than count me right back in for VF. But I cannot justify purchasing a PS3 for VF5 right now.

    And for the record Srider, don't tell me how to spend my time. It's not that I'm wasting my time on this forum, it took maybe five minutes to put this post up. It's my money that I'm concerened with not wasting, specifically the $1000 I would have to spend to enjoy this game (PS3/game/joystick import shipping costs etc.).

    And the point of this thread was to show that Sega fucked up VF5 big time and that the game is a step down from VF4:Evo in terms of features.
  18. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


    Not having a life is posting avidly on a forum based on a game that you don't own or don't plan to own in the near future. That's the two of you right? So please, get a life.
  19. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't think any video game company puts everything into a game that they can. These people need to make money to make the world go around. They can't just give the consumer a perfect game because if they did, they could not make more money down the road, its just the way it is, sad but true. Nothing anyone can really do about it.

    EA sports releases Madden football every year and makes a ton of money doing it. They put 1-3 new "features" in the following years game, features like "defensive play maker", now why the hell could that not have been in every years game? Because it’s a selling point and companies need these things to sell products. When EA sports released their nex-gen football product, all of the features from previous years mysteriously disappeared, why? Because they need a selling point for next year, something to make you buy it.

    EA continues to release a crappy online experience filled with horrible laggy servers and major flaws in their game. I think one year online opponents could find out wether or not you were running or passing after you broke the huddle, now that’s ridiculous.

    Online leader boards for VF would be dumb I think, not totally sure though. When you get games going online there are nothing but cheesers and cheater who will do anything just to get to the top. I realize in Japan they have VF leader boards for the arcade but that’s the arcade. There is no plug pulling at the arcade and you have to spend money, leave the house, ect to cheat which also deters stupid, pathetic people. LOL, wait until you can play VF online and you have some 12 year old at the back of his PS3 pulling the internet cord in and out of the jack. Not to say this will happen all the time but it will destroy any ranking system and most people will have to stick to playing friends they know which is still great and maybe one day it will happen.

    Fact is, VF5 is a great fighting game that earns its merit on great graphics and game play alone. Make what you can out of the single player version, don't cheese the AI and you can still have a ton of fun with it. I am no expert at the game so beating the AI might be easier for the elite players on this board and I am not sure that’s who Sega is marketing their product to. Sega made product that can be improved upon for single players in the future, that’s how they make money. I know when VF5 EVO comes out I will buy that too, its what makes the world go around. In the mean time, I will be playing VF5 every day, it’s a hella fun game.
  20. Zin

    Zin New Member

    Hi folks, new to the boards here but I saw this thread after getting my copy of VF5. Just played it for a couple hours last night and though the AI seems to fall for more cheap tricks than evo the difference from EVO isn't as severe as some people seem to say. I only got up to the high dans with Aoi but they seem to be tech rolling and using attacks not available in evo.
    As far as the difficulty settings go it just looks like SEGA changed "beginner - standard" in evo to "normal - hard" in vf5. It doesn't really help to get more people interested by saying the AI "fights like a 4 year old"
    AI improvements would be a great update from SEGA if they continue to develop the AI algorithm. I remember vf4 having weaker ai than evo but thats just a time factor. Good thing about this gen hardware is that an ai patch is easy to distribute over the psn.

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