PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Should I tell them Kam? Do you think they're old enough yet? I think it's time.

    Gather around, and listen closely to this tale:

    "YEW KEEP DEWING SAME MOOF OVA OVA!! STOP IT!! (Loses) Hey everyone don't play this guy."


    "Cuz....he um...HE A PLUG-PULLING SPAMMER."


    " the first round I got him down to 80% life. And from that point on he..."


    "He...he beat the shit out of me. Y'all asses ain't safe. Oh lord y'all childrens ain't safe. This unruly nigga gone put his foot so far up y'al-HE A PLUG-PULLING SPAMMER I SAY!"

    "Burn him!"

    And thus the legend of the ORIGINAL BlackBeltSpartan was born...
  2. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    People take wins/losses/ranks too serious, and judge others potential via fucking digital numbers and letters. Of course, cause they get judged by others the same way and that's a problem. Not really, cause one can easily let that ish go and stay away from mass-proclaimed "rules".

    "I'm not a professional rapper myself, cause I don't happen to dwell on whether or not my shit actually sells"
  3. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Hoopjone. Plays Kage. Beat me once, then I went on a tear and beat him a few times. Then he went and disconnected on me each and every time he popped up on Ranked. I sent him a message asking why he was dodging me. His message back:

    "i'm trying to rank up, not down. ill choose my battles, thank you."

    Avoid him. Let's not give him the satisfaction.
  4. Conti

    Conti Member

    BG to either me or the Jacky I was playing. I beat him 3-0, and he messaged me saying that I suck because I use too many low attacks, and that I ruin fighting games online for going for cheap wins. I probably should mention that I play Lion.

    Now, from my point of view things look different. His Jacky was incredibly passive, keeping his distance while only occasionally attacking, and I found him pretty easy to beat. Buut.. I'm still a newbie and stuff, so I have no idea if a Lion using lots of lows (if they're successful) is considered a scrappy player or not. Should I change that?
  5. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    if he knew anything about Lion, he would have recognized that Lion's low attacks are pretty much his thing.
  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    A win is a win. If a player cant get past a tactic that they consider scrubby or noobish than who really is the scrub?
  7. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i have to agree. if you know what they're going to do, and you still can't/won't stop it, you need more practice.
  8. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    To no one in particular, BGs to all the people in ranked match who are in your same ranking section who refuse to play against you when you're trying to earn rank.
  9. Conti

    Conti Member

    Hah, thanks. [​IMG] And, admittedly, when I did meet players who knew how to deal with my lows, they pretty much destroyed me. So I probably should mix up my game, but not because people are complaining. [​IMG]
  10. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Auvii: Couldn't have said it better myself, although granted I do my fair share of complaining - my inability to deal with said situations right away.

    Me and JaLoHa21 had an interesting case last night. I was helping JaLoHa21 "train" for a tourney (I'm not really tourney level quality :p, but anyway...) then some Jean user shows up. 3 bars/full - cool. Random spikes in the middle of the match - NOT cool. Mess happened to both of us in that room. After a while of us taking turns whuppin' his tail (my Eileen, JaLoHa21's Goh, I just got tired of it and left.

    I'm mostly open on the whole connection thing 'cause I figure most folks just want to fight, and most of even the lowest of connections still runs smoother than most other fighting games. Hell, I figure at some point even the Red Smiley faces want to get back in good graces (except BlackBeltSpartan, it's confirmed after 7 straight losses to me - he sucks) Now lagging me out consistently is the fastest way to make sure I DON'T fight you again.

    At some point I'll probably start asking folks why they do what the do, though I tried it with MaestroNinja - still haven't gotten a reply yet. Personally, I'm not going to sit here and tell you what style you should fight with. Frame data and what not notwithstanding, that's stuff's not set in stone. You do what you do - situations are constantly changing. It's up to you to adjust and address. If you can't do that, it's not the other guy/girl's fault. My preaching is done.
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Bad Games to ExzetyXaT1. The fights themselves were okay, but the sore-loser hate-mail that comes with it is kinda lame, especially since he went on to even the score in the following fights anyway.
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    wow he's on my friends list too, that's weak.
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Bad games SEGA for having every single room regardless of host spontaneously drop. Also for having inputs completely drop in ranked, rooms, and player match, what an F'n disgrace.
  14. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Bad games to Phamilyman. First hate mail I have received. Called me a ground fighter and should fight standing up like a man...

    I play Jacky. Best pound for pound ground fighter out there. Know that.
  15. End

    End Active Member

    Mareks1985 - disconnecter.
  16. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    PSN is trash. That is all..
  17. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    god damn psn is going bonkers. just wanted to whine because i literally had like 20 drops today
  18. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Wonder if they'll ever get the PSN fixed..
  19. BolverkGTM

    BolverkGTM Active Member

    Yeah same here. Sending hate mail sounds unlike him. :\
  20. WingedRegent

    WingedRegent Member

    BGs to wiseman37.

    Back when I was a 5th Dan Goh (I'm now 10th), I fought against his 10th Dan Lei-Fei and swept him three straight rounds, where in each round, he led off with just PPP (Easy Sabaki bait), and I punished for it. After the match, I get a message saying "u fucking pussy". To be fair, I thought the matches weren't bad when he got going, so I said, "GGs to you too. =)" and ended at that.

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