PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. The_Exalted

    The_Exalted New Member

    My HUGE bad dude! I was tired from work so after you won I saw your entire win animation and then pressed the power off button, I didn't know it would count as a disconnect for you, the loss counted for me! You played well, I meant absolutely NO disrespect, I'll be mindful of that next time!

    As for the guy who says I spam lows...yeah...I kinda's a really good low. [​IMG]
  2. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    I just would like to know what the hell is the deal when it disconnects and it looks like it's a tie game or you are winning and on the other guy's screen it looks completely different?
  3. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    Also to exalted.. Yes it is!!! If I keep falling for it, I can't knock you for it.. I was blaming myself moreso than anything..
  4. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Like I said, I think that when the game senses a possible disconnect it will allow the A.I. to kick in for the opponent. So both players will see and experience totally diff shit. Any fellow players in the room will see what either you or your opponent saw. It's fucking weird dude.
  5. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    Yeah that's dumb as hell but not the worst possible thing I guess..
  6. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    It is if you got balls or money on the line. LMAO.
  7. End

    End Active Member

    Yeah, that disconnect thing happens frequently. I am winning against someone who is winning against me at the same time [​IMG] Weird.

    Also, to Exalted One [​IMG] Dont turn off PS by pressing the power button in-game. To prolong life of playstation, it is best to turn off the system via XMB menu, after quitting the game already. To be extra safe, it is best to let the system run idle for about 5 minutes AFTER You stop playing anything, so the hot air inside the console is ventilated(?) out.

    Just my 2 cents for fellow ps3 gamers. I burned one ps3 already, so I have some experience in the subject [​IMG]
  8. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    there's absolutely no reason that guy should be an Assassin. i just busted my butt to become Warrior and that took quite a long time IMO. that guy just does two moves (sometimes three, what a bag of tricks he is, eh?) and somehow still levels up. and if you pound him, he disconnects.

    it's a wonder how he even ranks up that way because people with those ranks should destroy him every single time.
  9. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    That's why he is stuck at Assassin. Any players at that level know not to even accepted his games. He wont go any higher.
  10. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i'd like to know how people even accepted battles with him before then. he's been pulling that crap since he was in the Dans. maybe people got so salty over him quitting that they kept going for him hopefully beating him before he pulled the plug.
  11. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    That you care enough about your reputation to come here and make amends is all I need to know. We're good.[​IMG]
  12. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Nope, that's not good enough. His rep is officially ruined. Because I'm going to spread the word that Exalted is a certified plug-pulling spammer. And push that he be exiled from the entire fg community. This is the only reasonable solution for people LIKE HIM...
  13. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how to interpret this; it could be taken several ways without knowing the intended tone. I expect you're simply having fun with Exalted and not my initial "bg" post, but to be clear, I accept that it was not a genuine DC and was instead a weird accident. However, from my side of the match, I had every reason to suspect a forced DC. I got the "Disconnected..." message just as Shun was heading over the wall in the final round. No round credit, no replay, no win pose. It seems that our connection was interrupted at the most questionable moment possible. Still, anyone who can be an adult and step forward is unlikely to pull such garbage. I rescind my grievance.^,^
  14. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Oh nah, no worries! I def understand man. I'm just having fun with Exalted and giving him grief.

    OR AM I......
  15. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    I hated all my games today. Hit or miss. bleh
  16. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    what I learned tonite is jinks81 or whatever the tag was is a cordpullin' coward...
  17. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Bad game to XDoc-Holl1d4y

    I played him a few weeks ago and he rage quit when I beat him. I would have left it at that but he challenged me again and then complained when I turned him down.

    Avoid this loser, he's not very good which will just lead to him pulling on you too. He doesn't have a green smiley face obviously.
  18. DontForkWitMe

    DontForkWitMe Member

    bad games to Lighto who won a single match against me in my "just got off work and tired auto pilot mode", where im susceptible to the most random scrubby bs. knowing im a much better player than i was in that fight i attempt to challenge him again to "avenge" that loss and of course with him being one of those "one and done" scrubs who get a win and hold onto it for dear life, he avoids me like the plague and declines my rematch requests.
  19. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    Got an angry message from Hawthorn16 who apparently does not read Lovecraft and feel that I, as an Arab (which I am not), should stop being mad and integrate better into society. =)

    A misunderstanding perhaps? Funny enough to post I think. =)
  20. End

    End Active Member

    Hmm, Madarab perhaps? Why wouldnt You accept my challenges?

    I love [​IMG] Lovecraft, by the way.

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