PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    You are free.
    IcKY99 and steelbaz like this.
  2. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

  3. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

  4. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    BGs to tairi-y-11. Every god damn time I get on ranked there's this guy there with his god forsaken gray bar, challenging me over and over again after I decline him each time. I swear the lag is so bad when i did fight him everything I did came out 1/2 a second late and he's there spamming 2p after every move and string and I couldn't do a move, I couldn't attack.. fucking sucked.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  5. Riskbreak

    Riskbreak Member

    Had the exact same experience, hate that guy. I think he's japanese so that would explain the connection issues.
  6. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    Yeah he is, checked his profile.
  7. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Me and banok once talked about tairi-y-11 some time back, as in instead of challenging you guys he ran from us when we challenged him. The one time he didn't immediately run from me I saw he was a gray bar I said "da hell with dat." Granted I fought grey bars in the past but I wasn't in that mood at the time.

    Thing with connections like that is that even if the match seems to be running smoothly it doesn't quite hit you (probably literally) until you try to do a move and it comes out like 5 seconds later. I've had more than my share of bullet-time matches though.
  8. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Being from Japan, I have a 3-bar green connection with him yet he and his scumbag cohorts run for the hills whenever I challenge. They sit around in the lobby sipping tea and cherry pick the laggiest of connections for their wins.


    Too bad he doesn't respond to English or Japanese hate mail.
    Strider786 likes this.
  9. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    You guys should try throwing Spanish or French then. I'd actually use Spanish if I still knew what the hell I'd be saying. tairi had cohorts? Tell me who they are and I'll have my evil wannabe twin brother's mother's cousin's distant relative troll them with Wolf's back-turned Burning Hammer a few times, assuming of course; the connection's halfway decent.
  10. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Yeah, wondefullcounte is his most notorious cohort. Like I said in an earlier post, they're like the Lone Ranger and Tonto of ranked except lamer. And no, your connection with them would most likely be terrible.


    everygame is bad now. where the fuck are my blocks? my sidesteps? my fucking stagger recoverys? huh? huh? i should not b getting hit like this


    wonderfullcounte used to beat my ass when i first got on. a while later i had him rage quitting. now he doesnt fight me, i have to use my brahamut account if i wanna beat him up lol


    Sum little kid called me a gay wad today, hilarious. beat his eileen up with mine but really im showcasing her combos 4 u. learn youngin
  14. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    Was his name corbin_2006, some 3rd dan or something? Lol, did he call you a spammer by chance? Well i've got a tale to tell about him...

    Our story begins in the ranked lobby, a wild something dan challenged our hero (me). But he had 1 bar so i declined him, he challenges once again and i declined him again, sending him a message that time "no 1 bars, sry" He then replys saying he just didn't want to fight the one other guy in the lobby beacuse he was a "spammer", I didn't bother to take a picture of that message.

    After a while i got bored waiting for a good connection and challenged him. I beat his Aoi, all he did was literally spam reversals and yin yang so i threw him each time. he sent me this

    I then explained to him that basically, if all your gonna do is stand there in yin yang all match im gonna throw you all match, i then explained to him that attacks always beat throws and someother stuff to help his game. he then sent this

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    I Then said we could fight ANYTIME he wanted as long as it doesn't get too laggy. And I did fight him again a bit later, he was using Eileen. He clearly had been in the dojo like once ever with her.. but he still beat me :oops:
    I seem to have a lot of trouble fighting new players, their unpredicatbility always gets me, I overestimate them too much.

    Anyway, the next time we fight it comes down to the last round (2 rounds for both of us) and i get a knockdown, he never tech rolls so I used 8K+G (with Jeff, its basically a butt stomp) twice in a row, it felt cheap to kill him with it so i let him get up and i finish him with a 2p.

    I sent him a message telling him how to tech roll and that if he just lay there I could (COULD) do it almost infinatly.
    He sends this

    I then got pissed and sent him a message:
    "I said I "CAN", and i will now you checky faggot"
    ... yeah I know I could've handled that better but it is what it is.
    So he sends

    Well thats that, I tried to give him a hand and he calls me a spammer. Whatever. I wish this scrub luck, what with eveyone "spamming" guard when he attacks and "spamming" launchers when he attacks out of -6 or something.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  15. ItSupah

    ItSupah Active Member

    Whenever somebody acts so retarded just troll them. ;)
  16. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    Nah man, I hate when people troll me so I don't do it to others. "Do unto others what you wish unto you", y'know?
    Ellis, Riskbreak and ItSupah like this.


    Hell yea thats the same dude. wanted to beat his ass again cuz i play aoi n wanted to troll him but he declined cuz im gay
  18. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Well spamming is a big problem in VF!

    The worst kind are those that spam all of this in the same fight:
    punches, kicks, elbows, knees, palms, evades, evade-crouch-dashes, fuzzies, guard-breaks,forward and backward-dashes, jumps, crouches, launchers, throw-escapes, staggers, rising attacks, tech-rolls to all sides and even blocks.

    Some even have the audacity to spam all of the above at different times, just when it fits them and their advantage of frames!!

    - When i meet people that uses these cheap tactics i really wish i could call them all sorts of names - so much cheating everywhere! : p
  19. Riskbreak

    Riskbreak Member

    I was called pathetic a couple of times for doing tick throws/forcing block, and I don't even think those people were young.
    Anyway, constantly using a certain move in VF (like the famous 2P spam) obviously makes you really easy to counter, wish more people realized this.
  20. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    We need a new thread, 'Hate Mail & LOLmsgs'. Put 'em on blast.
    ItSupah, Strider786 and Ellis like this.

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