PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Zeik makes a good point.

    I can upload tons of replays where I am destroyed at +8 to +15 online. People fuzzying at -9 to -15 is common. You can turn on frame data for the replays and see it clearly and then re-watch with input display on to see the full fraudulence. The experience of getting CH at massive advantage and being able to fuzzy from massive disadvantage wont teach you anything except to avoid online. Online also has a horrible tendency to make whiffs much safer than they actually are, so people end up eating tons of damage offline for whiffing unsafe moves, that could not be punished in online lagland.

    If you are learning a new character then online has some value, but if you're trying to play real FS it's worthless. People are stagnated at a certain level because they play too much online and don't have the muscle memory and timing for actual offline. Getting use to punishing -15 situations with PK and throws is just terrible if your character has an actual 14f punish. Also 98% of the players and play styles you see in ranked/online you will never ever see offline, as those players will never ever play offline. If you run into certain players online that try to play the game properly it can be a good experience for new players, but you may end up frozen in a statue state with all the laggy redundancy PSN has regardless.
    Neonomide, Zekiel and Dark Nova Void like this.
  2. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Online is good for trying stuff out and seeing what Spam-of-the-week is for IMO. While I will fully admit that the best players still seem to rise to the top, it can be very hard to separate why you're losing from online being online.

    Point, everyone seems to 2P my [6][P] attempts with Sarah regardless of how much advantage I have.

    Then you have the online players who spam nothing but 2P, Pai's [2][K][K] and DM all the time, which will inevitably just make you a worse player since you'll forget how to play good VF since most good players actually use the [G] button.

    Ultimately, that's where the problem lies for me at least with randoms online, good VF habits don't seem to translate well to random matches, and I'd rather not abandon good habits to "rank up" online.

    Edit: @steelbaz is 100% correct, frames absolutely don't make sense online unless you have a good connection. Unless it's 3 bars, it's usually not worth playing.
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
  3. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Your point about lag isn't lost on me. I'm neither new to VF, FGs in general, or the perils of online play for the genre. However, you've constructed a bit of a straw man to attack here. Zeik's point wasn't "online is bad because latency will cause bad habits", his point was " master your character inside and out before playing ranked."

    So, in that sense, you're attributing something to Zeik that was never actually said or debated. My rebuttal to Zeik was "it's impossible to 'master' a character without ever playing against other humans." If you'd like to rebut that point, I'll look forward to hearing tales of unknown players who emerged from a year grinding in Dojo mode to take down a major tournament having never played against other humans.

    Of course, nobody is going to give an example, because it's ridiculous and hasn't ever happened.

    As for online and bad habits, yes it can be a big issue when I can get hit out of a 2P after blocking a 2P with some i17 launcher. It's frustrating, but latency and frame sensitivity like in VF don't really jive.

    My point is that if reached a threshold where I needed to actually try to apply the stuff I've been learning in the Dojo. Sadly, we don't all have access to offline competition whenever we want it. I've reached that threshold, I didn't have anyone to play against offline, and I don't care at all if my rank gets dinged while I'm learning how to apply techniques with a new character.

    I think everyone who tried to rebut my statement or said "Zeik's got it right" totally missed the above point.
    Ellis likes this.
  4. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    No I used large separation into paragraphs which illustrates a difference between the two intentionally. I assumed the large spacing would be enough for you to discern the separate topics, I guess it wasn't as you just read it as one block..

    I saw other posts about online and was dropping comments on them as well. Dojo and Offline modes > Online :eek:
  5. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    You said:

    "Zeik makes a good point."

    I don't agree that he did with respect to my situation, for reasons stated above (need to get practical experience with limited access to offline players), and was replying to that. I don't see what my capacity for interpreting paragraph breaks had to do with that.
  6. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Ok that's fine. Hearing you refer to online play "As the game" was confusing as online isn't VF.

    So why can't you get anyone to play offline, you don't know anyone that plays fighters? I dun play this much online, but I can run some players matches with you.
  7. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Lol no there are offline players here but not available to play. We're gathering next week, so I wanted to get some hands on with the new char before the meet up.

    Also, as I'm sure you know VF is pretty low on the FG popularity totem pole. Toronto has lots of FG players, but I could count our VF players without running out of fingers :(.
    Ellis and steelbaz like this.
  8. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Ah well that is true. Should just try and peer pressure them into giving you matches :D
    I can do some players matches with you sometime if you want, ranked is meh, although it does have banana eileen, so there is that!!
    b4k4 likes this.
  9. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Sweet. Yeah I just added my PSN ID to my profile so if you add me I'm happy to get some games in sometime. I'm out today but I might be online later, tomorrow, and on and off in the coming weeks. Still getting back into VF after a hiatus because our scene died out, but there's an inexplicable surge in local interest so I'm trying to ride it out and promote the game/encourage new players.
    steelbaz likes this.
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Cool i'll add you next time I log in.
    Goodluck with the local scene and new interest, game is much better offline and it's basically always gg's.
  11. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    @b4k4 You dont know how to run scenario's in dojo huh? I barely play ranked and stay in dojo practicing tech. l got good doing this. Also l never said you dont have to play against other humans but the players in ranked arent good enough to push to the next lvl...''I'll look forward to hearing tales of unknown players who emerged from a year grinding in Dojo mode to take down a major tournament having never played against other humans.''<. l did this. ln my first tournament ever at Sega Cup this year even though i ddnt win, i made top 10 taking out veteran players. ln casuals i was able to hold my own against Chofu and beat fuudo n itazan a few times. So yea playing against players ALL the time online wont help you.
    When l first started playing, i went back n forth btwn Dojo and Ranked. But players enventually were no challenge so i stayed in dojo mastering my tech not just combos. VFDC players will push u to the next lvl cuz we lvl eachother up.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    BeastEG and TheKillingJoke like this.
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I've been on both sides of the "online is bs" argument. Compared to other games VF gives players A LOT of freedom to do whatever they want - offensively or defensively.

    Players shouldn't rely on their memory of lines from the 10 VF Commandments to win games for them. Recently we've watched a Jacky spam flip kick all the way to the podium of a VF Major. What went wrong?

    We all have to keep our patience and learn from each other. Quote me when i say, Hard Guesses Stop Dumb Shit. Playing reserved means you're passing up opportunities. That play style is opportunistic and very dangerous.

    If there's something I can't figure out, I'll run it through dojo.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    oneida, Zekiel, Ellis and 1 other person like this.
  13. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    True enough, a good player plays btwn moral and abare. I think staying unpredictable is key. Also what jacky player was it? japanese?
  14. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Great ~10 hours of playing VF some day ago, good games flies out to, in no particular bloody order:


    And more.
    memory does not always serve me well enough so do excuse any omissions or typos.

    I had a great time anyways, no matter how long or short each PM session and room where!,
    keep em' coming.
    Modelah and TheKillingJoke like this.
  15. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    Good games to @D0llo13 @Titantony @KishinRuLeR-_- and @Raiden789

    "Solange did a whole Akira combo on Jay-Z, 200 health"
    "Beyonce just sittin' in the corner like 'wow! look at those frames!'" - Raiden789
    "B*tch stop stompin. The floor is alright..." - dollomite13
    Raiden789 and D0llo13 like this.
  16. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    GGs to.........Libertine, KyleVF, Banok, and ServeredShogun! :D
    Libertine likes this.
  17. D0llo13

    D0llo13 Well-Known Member

    'Side Step Solange"Damn @Valakrie Good Games to KyleVF...You are better person than Most of us God bless you..Turn the other cheek i guess.. Han Do Ken.gif
  18. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    GGs to @Elite and @Riq for the PM sets. Hopefully you guys are getting something out of them as well.
    Riq likes this.
  19. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    GG's to @Valakrie yesterday your eileen is powerful. i need character knowledge. gg's to @Elite your jacky's not bad but your kage is solid. you blew up my bad habits. btwn u n exzety i dnt know who's better.
    BeastEG and Koenraku like this.
  20. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    @Zekiel, the answer is obvious -> Snake Boss :)
    Zekiel likes this.

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