PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    yea its crazy
  2. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Good games to Yoolose, truewiseman, Cha-mame3, and someone else whose name I've forgotten.

    I seriously thought I was good at this game. Then I fought you people [​IMG]

    Guess it's off to training mode for a bit...
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    GG's VFnumbers..

    He put in time whopping ass [​IMG]
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Number, anyone else you recommend to play with?
    I've saw Yoolose and char-ma3 couple times with pretty good connection.
  5. TetsuyaHikari

    TetsuyaHikari Active Member

    Well, I finally got to take a crack at Cha-mame3's Sarah and lost 1-3. I am proud to say though, the rounds I did lose, I didn't lose by much. I think the main thing I had going for me was that I use Eileen and he probably doesn't have much experience against her since she's rarely used online.

    Definitely a good game though~!
  6. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    AHAN had a decent lei, thmkr was a strong taka player i still couldnt beat, banok uses shun, crazycrank i forgot who he used but he destroyed me. So_it _goes was a strong player with veteran rank.

    ggs raze, ajs, illusion, complex,and others for the room matches
  7. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    GGS coldblooded86
    glad I got that win off ya in ranked before you adapted the shit outa me [​IMG] good stuffs

    GG everyone in that lobby before too, hope to get worked over by yall again sometime, add me up if you like
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    GGs to all the people I played in ranked it I am starting to see more of the named ranked people on PSN now that I am getting close to their rank and I did a decent job against them too. GGs to Raze too I wasn't even thinking about how to deal with that Sarah properly because I all the higher ranked Sarahs I beat ranked higher than 10th dan were handled in same way that I lost focus and went into autopilot and lost to you. I was focused for most of the night though and it won't be long until I get a named rank. Hopefully this means the players really get better overall at some point too.

    I still need to find some rooms and player matches with the better people that don't quit so easily too. I would like to have to a great set of matches with more of the entertaining players on PSN at some point oh well.
  9. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    holy shit Hades_kr is a fucking monster.. ggs. and holy shit to VF5FS netcode, 2 bars to korea!?

    and ggs to anyone else I may have run into.... think it's time to finally chill out and take a break.
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I hear yah shadow and gg's!!
    Had a lotta good games yesterday and went into auto pilot myself after a little while, no excuses though, I did get smacked. There are a lot of people that don't just quit on PSN, shouldn't be too hard to get a good room going. GG's Ajs (those Jacky combos are deadly) and everyone else too, one of the better sessions with VF [​IMG]
  11. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    i really wish PSn had a better way of tracking peoples names. people i played in VF do not come up on any kind of recently met list lol i hate the PS3 UI, as much as i dislike microsoft the xbox dashboard is 3 times better. then again i suppose it better be if they are charging me far out the ass to play online. anyway!

    GGto the lion player who wrecked me in ranked last night and GG to the Vanessa player i played in player match. i really got start writing players names down in note pad!
  12. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Great games to everyone I played over the weekend. I got the game Friday night and have had a blast since. It feels awesome being back in the game.

    I used to be on xbox live but now I am strictly PSN. Cant wait to play more people!

    AU_IM_DIGIMON Active Member

    Guys just wanted to give you folks a heads up, that I'll be streaming VF5FS A LOT MORE OFTEN...starting today.

    Please follow me on = and on twitter = devildigimon , and you'll be prompted when I go live.

    I probably won't have a schedule of when I stream, for me it works better when I can do it freestyle. But I will try my best to post in shoutbox and on the threads when I go live.

    Please add me on PSN and when can get some good talent from you folks showcased on the stream.


    THX! [​IMG]
  14. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    I'll shoot you an invite today. You play Jeffry right?
  15. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    Crazy fun games with Raze--, mistercomplexz, VFnumbers, Ilusions01, Cid_Bro, gsamu... uh, a bunch of people, haha.

    Dennis and Rodnutz, really hoping to play you guys sometime soon.
  16. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member

    Had some good games with VF2011 the other day. A lot of back and forth adaptations in our sets, which is the heart and soul of the game, so it was fun.

    Anyone looking for games (maining Lei-Fei, no competent secondaries yet) please add me and invite: I'm on PSN playing most nights I'm not at our local gatherings, also playing :p.
  17. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    GGnumbers, wanted to get some more matches in but I couldn't deal with all that lag + the wait. Sitting there waiting after those 2 excellent's was [​IMG]

    Obviously need a new gameplan since you have been studying too much!! Will be working on it [​IMG]
  18. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    yesterday on ranked matches..ggs to lethalcrank.volx and some others were i dont remember the names!!!

    lethalcrank(one of the coolest and stylish kage i ever seen)
    volx( id like to play with u more cause u have an amazing jean .i will add u today my friend).
  19. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Good games to AU_IM_DIGIMON, SkyPegasus, IKizzLE, AJS, and Cannon77!

    I had a great time with the matches online, even when my connection wasn't going so great...

    Sorry to IKizzLE and SkyPegasus, my connections to both of you, despite how it looked on indicator (2 bar) were pretty rough so it was hard to see what your guys' real games are like. We were all missing weird stuff! :p

    Thanks a lot and looking forward to more!

    Had no idea matches were being streamed :p
  20. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Yay I actually got a GG:) Id be glad to get some games with you foros1! You played Akira right? I got a lot of practice agains him, so Ill put up a fight if i can!

    I also have to compliment lethalcrank on his Kage. I though i had a chance, when i took a round from you, but im actually still far away from beeing good at this game.

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