Question about Akira's double palms when facing Left (at 2p side)

Discussion in 'Akira' started by whitegrass, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    From left side I do [3][3][4][6]
    From right side I do [3][2][3][6][4]

    I guess I'm just slower at doing [1][1][6][4] so I go to [3] as early as possible and then just roll a qc input instead and finish with forward.
  2. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I use [2][1][4]~[2][1][4]~[6][+][P] from either side, quite consistent to buffer off anything with the right timing.
  3. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    thanks all of you, I will keep practice, I think the double palm is a quest/sign that whether
    I master the left-down left-down or not, and it's useful no matter I choose which character in future.

    Recently, I watched some latest video of Homestay akira in momo 's youtube channel

    2016 Tokyo Bay Area Cup Vol.4 and
    2016/3/19 VF5FS 天翔神戦 ちんぱんJvsホームステイアキラ

    It seems that double palms is not as important as it was during the vf4evo /vf4ft era.
    Pulling out in double palms in combos like
    33p p 2_6p+k 3346p
    64p+G 666p 3346p
    42p+G 2_6p 3346p

    in past was very excited.

  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Come on now.. just follow this chart to win in FS with Akira, it's way more fun than learning modifying double palm. For real...
  5. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    today I got a little improve on inputting the 1n164p .
    I can do the 33p p k+g(1 frame G) 3346p combo on the 2p side.

    now is fast enough to input it during the recovery time of k+g(1 frame G).
    but not fast enough to do the 2p side combo of
    33p p 46p 3346p
    and 46p p 3346p

    at least, I can see some hope

    My way of input the 1n1 is only using index finger and middle finger 's first blending joint(sorry, i don't know how to name this part correctly).
    thumb is up pointing to the sky but not touching the balltop during input 1n1.
  6. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    Is this what you call modifying double palm ?

    Sorry, I never have chance playing VF5fs.
    The about diagram only works on your opponent that never evade or no awareness of distance control or no idea what is frame data?

    you can search many top players who are not main in Akira, watch their matches and see how they deal with Homestay Akira and Joseph. Even the highest level akira players not unbeatable.

    Aim high, if you are a Akira player that use the way showed by your flowchart, try to find someone you cannot beat. On the other hands, if you are beated by the flowchart that you pasted, following may be a suggestion:
    only watch the replay of the best group of VF players (Most of them in Japan),
    also study your losing replay,

    then you will soon find a way to against Akira players who are same level or a bit higher than you. No need complain the Move design ( frame data) all the day. / Akira players can have cheap win.

    Hope that your actual identity is not ジョセフ or ホームステイ or いのっち, and you was seriously reveal the true secret of high level Akira play.

    Once Sega or any fighting game company change their fighting game's frame data / Juggle Potential , all players will be busy a while.
    Indeed all we are played by the game company and spend or waste some amount of our precious living time on those game parameters.

    VF5FS is not the starting point I enjoying practice Akira, my practice of the 2p side input also for have fun when I play VF2 and VF4evo / VF4FT again.

    Back to the VF4evo/FT era, I also play Pai , Lei Fei and Vanessa .
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    @whitegrass the term "modifying doublepalm" simply refers to using a modified input that allows you to execute it instantly, while standing, and/or during recovery.

    All From Crouch moves that require you to be crouching first can have their input modified to start with a crouch dash input instead. Whether you enter the crouch dash in the forward or backward direction, by returning to neutral or not, is really down to personal preference. Find what works for you.
  8. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    thanks for explain the term,

    Now I can do the 3346p for 1p side combo
    and 3364p for 2p side combo.

    After some practice and compare the speed of my 33 input,
    I understand my input speed of 1146p and 1164p is very slow, cannot be used on combo.

    I cannot afford enough time to overcome this , I accept its my bottleneck, but I will keep practicing the 11 input.

    May be I will read some anatomy books when I have time to find out a way to improve on the input of 33.

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