Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by samtheseed, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I used to go through controllers left and right was very violent even for my own standards. I mellowed out considerably since then and when I get emotional alittle now people in my home think I am getting mad but I don't see it knowing I was worse as a youth. People still think I am losing it now even though I am actually calm and just letting my feelings out little by little.

    The most annoying part of it is that nowadays the dog in the house reacts to it more than I do now and if I show any emotion at all and it barks and gets on my last nerve too. When I play now I can truly say I am calm now but when the dog over reacts it pissed me off. It doesn't even watch me play games now but it knows when I am playing even if I am perfectly quiet and calm. The dog and its annoying barking is more likely to make me stop playing then losing to a player online 20 straight that doesn't bother me anymore
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Ditto... since i would end up swelling my hand i started striking down on the bed. Normally it was bayou billy that made me mad as fuck.
  3. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Fuck that cheating ass game! There were a few games back in the NES days that made me lose my shit in a heartbeat. Funny thing is, those were the games I wanted to play the most. Guerrilla War had infinite lives and I could beat it every time I rented it, so I was just chill as hell playing it. But it never seemed to be the game I wanted to play, just the game I should play.
  4. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Wow, I really hated that joystick. The buttons were so garbage heheh. Memories.
  5. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

  6. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Use xbox.com to reply, jeez. Also stomps/death combos are fun and if you get mad about it you need your head checked.
  7. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    USB keyboard is another solution for messaging on Live.
  8. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Nice! Bayou Billy!! [​IMG]

    Thinking back to the NES days I'm surprised it was only a few games that pissed me off since I played a TON of them. Maybe it's because I used to be very good at old school platform games but I do remember level 5-3 in Ninja Gaiden and I wanted to throw my TV out the window! Those GOD DAMN birds!!! And they just kept coming and coming! LOL
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    5-3 I think had the jump in it, breh. I know you know what I'm saying. The only ways I knew how to get past that part was to either have the jump blades item, or get hit on the other side of the guy on the ledge, so you flinch forward and stay on the ledge instead of falling backwards off.

    I don't really rage at video games, because they help me to not want to rage. So the only way I'd be upset is if something else that has nothing to do with the game, is bothering me, then I end up being all passive aggressive-like.

    Also, in VF I don't ever feel the need to rage, especially because of the way I play it. I'm literally just amusing myself, as I play the game, and I think most of the time my opponent sees that, too.
  10. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Man when the people down the other end of the street hear you and think you're possessed lol. YouuUU MOTHAAAFUKKKKAAAAAHHH! (changing eye color )
  11. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    kingo can really piss me off with aoi when he gets you to the floor and down grabs me i input the te but the second time he changes it or punchs me instead grr also the crouch grab hit throw move. cooladdy really anoys me with his constant dmpk im wise to it now but he always backs off and trys long range moves it makes me wanna leave lol in my house theres a rule: if the kids and gf are there i wont play if i can help it, its not there fault but when they talk to me during a game i can feel myself getting angry and end up making mistakes, everyone whos serious about vf will know what i mean you need 100% concentration. but apart from that im a very laid back chilled person. speaking of nija gaidon on the nes i have some vengeful memories of that game arhhh second lvl after u climb the steps that goddam bloke with the juggling knifes really used to turn me into the hulk lol also sf2 on the snes i used to try complete it on hardest diff (full stars) to get extra ending omg blanka was a nightmare for me i once even throw my snez out my bedroom window lol. also mk2 shua khan when he keeps hiting you with the hammer really got on my goat. but the worst game anger i had was with super star wars on the snez when your in the sand crawler lvl. theres a part where you have to do a long jump over lava and if you missed it you lost all your weopons and started right at the top of the lvl.
  12. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    I stomped one of those to bits after being beaten by Zedonis in the lava. Master ninja mode - Ninja Gaidan 2

    Funny thing was for about a few months afterwards I was still finding the odd key here and there.
  13. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    I think I'm very controlled when I play. Sometimes I just lose it though.

    Was fooling around with a new character. I've only been playing VF for about a month so my game is obviously very flawed, especially when playing non-main chars. Most people will probably laugh but some dude online kept 2p:ing and I kept falling for it. Got so mad I hit my stick a few times and later realised I was bleeding. After a while I had him figured out and he left though, haha god that felt good.

    I thought I was past this stage, but since I come from 2D fighters where I'm more experienced I didn't really feel like I was falling for simple tactics anymore. With VF there so many tings that are new to me that I'm kind of experiencing the online-rage-period all over again.

    I guess I should change my expectations before going online and stop expecting people to play as I want them to play. People have habits and tactics they use and exploit for different reasons. I realise it's my problem if I can't deal with that. You gotta learn to adapt to each opponent I guess.

    Also, when SCIV came out I was playing on wired controllers. I remember I got so mad once I grabbed the wire and hit the controller to the floor and that grey part on the bottom side of the (360) pad fell off. Even the mic input still works though wich is weird.

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