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Discussion in 'General' started by Myke, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I’m shocked. It’s so sensational that to believe it would truly scare me. I just don’t know what to make of it…

    Needless to say, I’ve emailed the link to everyone I know and I recommend that everyone watches the clip and gives their associates the same chance.

    But if it’s true then what the heck does it mean and what the hell do we do?

    Life is stranger than fiction, they say. Too bloody right it is.
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    personally, I've thought our gov't did this for a while now, it makes too much sense. They (the neo-cons) have gotten so much out of this deal, not to mention oil companies, arms manufacturers, raw materials companies etc etc etc...

    All they had to swallow was that initial guilt on the first day. I've always thought the footage of Bush sitting in that classroom of kids on 9/11 showed him sitting there in a stupor, swallowing what he'd known was going to happen. Already, many more civilians and soldiers have been killed on all sides in Iraq and Afganistan, and that doesn't seem to be bothering anyone in the white house. Even the grizzly beheadings of civilains didn't phase the powers in control.

    These people have no guilt, consience or shame. Look at the Enron execs. I'd recommend "Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room" to anyone who hasn't seen it.
  3. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

  4. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    cool =)
  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    damn makes me want to own a parrot - pretrained of course
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:

    everyone should watch this:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm watching this right now. I can't fucking believe what I'm seeing. Well... actually, I can. I remember seeing the news in 2001 and hearing about how the fires caused the buildings to collapse. I just believed it. Never questioning. Why would someone lie about it?

    Tears are welling up in my eyes.

    This movie needs to be shown in theatres.
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

  9. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    The film's argument is so strong! I was watching it while my cousin paid me a visit last week; I was so excited by what I'd seen that he could barely understand me, my words were all over the place. I just kept shouting at him "Must watch!"

    He emailed me the other day and he too was also shocked by the film. It's not that I don't believe that a government isn't capable of lying to its citizens. Politicians spin the truth as easily as they breathe, but the size and magnitude of this potential conspiracy is so great and raw that if true it's just amazing.

    My cousin brought up the same point I thought of after watching the film; if it was a cover-up then what are the Americans going to do? Who would have the balls to physically run the gauntlet of the media and say this and that?

    Apathy is the poison in the veins of the people I say.
  10. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I think the big problem is that, in order to change things in our Gov't, you'd need the majority of the citizens in our country to act together. This is where the problem lies, that so many people just wouldn't be on the same side, this is the genius of the gamble made by the Bush administration: they divided the country into such distinct groups, that just a small margin was left. And such a small margin can be manipulated if need be. Suppose that all the people who thought this was a conspiracy decided to rise up, they'd be fighting against just as many people who wanted to say that it was true.

    This same logic applies, in my opinion, to the case of a "revolution" scenario for the US, I think it'd be more like a civil war. Even if that did happen, and a certain side claimed victory, who would rise to power in a new gov't? The people with the money and control. The prime minister of Italy who was recently outed, Berlusconi, was also the richest man in Italy. It's not coincidence.

    Apathy is the real killer, you're right. I think in addition, if the case made in the film were proven to be correct; as a few here have said, the truth is SO disturbing and painful, most just don't want to face it, even if it's shown to them. Do you want to be the one to tell the families of all the people who died in 9/11 that our own government was involved?

    It's such a hard situation, and sadly, this is only a small protion of the insanity that our gov't here in the US is up to. Personally, I'll probably end up moving to Europe sometime if I get the chance. At least some gov'ts there are taking an aggressive stance towards the environment, and the lifestyle is healthier. The planet is the only issue that I think will REALLY matter in this century.

  11. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    In counter to Loose Change, Popular Mechanics addresses many of the common conspiracy theories about 9/11: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html?page=6&c=y

    There are are two things that strike me about Loose Change:

    A) The amount of eye-witness interviews that are used as the groundwork for the various theories:- To get a logical, informed assessment of any of the events of 9/11 from people who are panicked and have no expertise of aircraft, explosives or structural engineering is impossible. These people see the towers collapse - "pancaking" and emitting large amounts of escaping dust and debris and are immediately going to relate it to the closest image they have to that of the WTC collapse - a demolition of a building. The collapse and subsequent pancaking of each floor did look like a demolition, and people watching saw this and stated that it looked like a demolition, but it doesn't mean a demolition took place.

    Similarly eye-witness reports of a small privately owned jet plane or missile-like object weren't given by people with aviation expertise but by passers-by. Can we believe these things as true because a group of people claim to have seen it? If there is one truth to be gained here it's that 1000 witnesses see 1000 different things, and if you interview 1000 of them 10 of them will have seen a missile.

    Again the reporters on-scene quoted in the movie are no different, and have the eye-witness syndrome, as well as the constant reports coming to them. In any live event such as 9/11 the news comes in thick and fast and whether it's verified or not doesn't matter because every news team wants to be there first and get their exclusive report. So reports come in of one explosion, two explosions, three, four... and the reports aren't coming from the footage of the event itself - they're coming from the same unreliable eye-witnesses on the ground.

    B) The amount of poor links that are made. The first few minutes of the film are unbelievable, literally. A collection of very broad meaning quotes from government officials taken out of context and ordered one after the other - and the link that we are supposed to make is that the US government has contradicted itself? Then a series of of various stories from NASA tests to unorthodox cold war plans to military terrorism drills and security warnings. Again the link we are meant to make is that the government was complicit when it came to the events of 9/11. The events are again placed one after the other, and out of context, but that doesn't matter because when a conspiracy is involved these single unrelated events can now be brought together as parts of a single premeditated cover-up, because all of these events are in some way conducted by the government. This government is much more unified in its efforts than any democratic government I know.

    And that level of organization in the 9/11 conspiracy theories (and many conspiracy theories in general) and the leap of faith that has to be made is what makes me question these theories the most. Depending on what side you sit on, the events of 9/11 can be summarized roughly as follows:

    A) An organization of terrorists known to have existed before 9/11, known to have a fundamental hatred for the US and known to have been planning attacks against America, executed a cleverly planned strike using two methods known to have been used in the past - aircraft hijacking and suicide attack. This group had the expertise and manpower to hijack civilian airplanes while in mid-flight, and fly the jets directly into their targets at full speed.

    B) A group of conspirators executed an attack against their own country on their own civilians using either a planned detonation of the twin towers or a cruise missile attack on the pentagon or both, in conjunction with the civilian planes crashing into the twin towers or in conjunction with drone planes replicating commercial airplanes crashing into the twin towers. This group was widespread enough to have access to a significant amount of explosives, a cruise missile and drone airplanes, but also had the expertise and manpower and operational equipment to set the explosives and to launch and pilot a cruise missile and the drone airplanes. They were also able to convincingly cover-up these events from the majority of the population of America and the world.

    I look at these options and believe that the former is more likely and the arguments given do not make me think that the latter should be any more likely.

    (ugh....that was a long post)
  12. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    2 questions that need to be answered that the film raise that could be answered by simply releasing footage or investigation.

    1) At least 7 of the supposed hijackers are still alive. WTF is our intelligence community that bad. Not seven! maybe even more...

    2) There is video of the pentagon "crash" but only 7 frames of bs were released by the government. Why not release the video, it would only make the governments case stronger + end all the conspriacy around the whole pentagon subject

    Simple shit easy to fix. Its not the first time our government has acted shady but it shouldn't just be glossed over. I mean you cant just ignore it like you do south america and africa, we're people here.
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vith_Dos said:

    I mean you cant just ignore it like you do south america and africa, we're people here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, in Sudan and Chad etc those who are being wiped out are people too. That sense of detachment is an evil in itself...Though I'm just as guilty by my own inaction. Yet I'm going to sleep relatively soundly tonight. Crazy.

    People on the whole just don't give a damn unless the shit falls on them or their loved ones when it hits the fan. Sad but true.

    But I do agree with you; if the American government released the pentagon tape then it would greatly bolster their stance. Because from my point of view, that's what it is.

    And that rattles me something fierce. I'm honestly getting flashbacks of V for Vendetta.
  14. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

  18. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

  19. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    bwhahaha wtf
  20. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

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