Ranked VS Player Match...

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Gernburgs, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    same 4 me but people do tend 2 play harder on rank
  2. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    I just prefer player matches myself XP
  3. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    If you want someone to play harder in player matches start stomping them and repeatedly taking the FUN out of their game by whoring them with "cheese."

    It will up their game if they keep playing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif If they don't they aren't who you wanted to play anyway.
  4. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Despite the rage I accumulate while playing Ranking matches, I still enjoy them. The rank itself is addicting. It is sort of like an RPG in that aspect.
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    You an RPG fan Auvii
  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Love me some rpg
  7. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    I prefer rank but it sure makes me a very inconsistent akira player. maybe i m trying wayyyy too many reversal throw escapes or probably trying to hard to read my opponents
  8. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I enjoy the player match simply because of the rematch option, granted i'm a begginer at VF. I played ranked matches when I 1st got this game, all I knew really was the dash elbow n double kick with Akira so my record is bout 6w/80L lol and have been playing player matches ever since. But like the topic creater said somewhat, when you find someone on your skill level or slightly above or below or even extremely higher in my case it's fun to keep rematching and having to change your style up almost all the time or just try to find a way to get some hits in /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Even though i'm a begginner (im ok so far/alot better than I used to be anyway) if I run into someone that obviously don't know what's going i'll rematch them alot as well to give em a chance to try to find their way through the game since a few ppl have done that for me. But you kinda have to be in the mood for something like that. I could understand how a person wants a challenge. But I remember one dude that was obviously way out of my leauge would rematch me till I stopped, he musta beat me like 30times in a row during our Akira vs Akira matches, wich had to be a breeze for him but was ever so great for me. Wich is why I like player matches
  9. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Many of the better people here will do that if you want them to, they will rematch you even though it won't be a match right away but as you fight this superior fighter over and over an over you get better and better and even though you are losing every match it is actually getting closer and closer each time but you are too focused on the fact you are losing to notice it sometimes. You have to think about it sometimes afterwards to see just how good you really got playing that superior player. It benefits both sides since they might find a potential foe in time that they haven't fought before. That is another great think about player matches because each side plays until each side is satisfied. That is another reason why I love player matches so much more then ranking matches
  10. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Well, my favorite way to play is player matches were an actual invite occured (gogo shoutbox!). But, outside of occasional arranged matches, everyone I randomly play on the player match side ends up usually being a complete noob. Now, that's not a bad thing innately... but it does kind of boring. I usually end up heading back to rank fairly quickly, just cause it seems like everyone at my skill level or above is over on that side.

    But yeah, I'll agree that the odd laggy ranking match or whatever can piss me off as well. Honestly, I'd go to player matches in a heartbeat, if I ever started meeting people who could actually play the game there.
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I have easier time finding noobs in ranking matches over the average player in player matches most of the time. The best people for the most part do play ranking matches and that is understood but to me the more inexperienced people I see play ranking matches as well. Many of the people at my level not the best or the worst either (intermediate level most of the time) have a easier time finding me in player matches.
  12. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I agree shadowmaster. I usually always leave those kinda fights just slightly better than I was since I had to try so many different ways to find/make openings for me to attack. Lots of times it wont showand i'll get hit alot simply because if I anticipate an attack comming that will just barley reach me when I try to backdash it wont come out wich leads to me catching a nice lil combo but obviously isn't the only reason I lose being I am only a couple months deep with VF. And when I try a standing palm if I see an opening lota times i'll just throw out a jab or low jab by accident, kinda sux sometimes but it's all in getting better at acomplishing these moves when desired. Can't wait to get the hori stick, using the analog is aight but I know i'd feel more comfortable with the arcade stick..I hope lol,I know there's some who do fine with a controller but I was a SF junkie back in the arcade days so I think that would bring me up a lil notch in my game hopefully so I wont have to make fun of myself saying "so now what's your excuse?" hahah

    And yea Sorias I feel you on that. Rarley i'll have a match where it seems like i'm playing against a 5 year old and i'll say to myself, ohh wow so this is what it's like when good ppl play me.

    Erf came in to late..I agree with the your post after my first one so you won't get confused..
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I play player match for obvious reasons. See S/N for details.
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    I like keeping a record of my wins and losses, so I strongly prefer Ranked. I use Player only to invite a specific player.
  15. NeoMaxim

    NeoMaxim Member

    Player Match would be the way to go if more good players got out of the shithole that is ranked matches. I find myself getting cheesed way more in ranked (ring-outs, taking advantage of lag) than in player match, which is more casual. Sadly most people gravitate to ranked match to massage their egos with numbers instead of wanting to get better.
  16. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    The rematch option is a huge factor for me playing player matches. I do have a hard time finding skilled opponents though.
    I usually host, and sometimes I'll have to wait over an hour for an opponent who can present any type of real challenge. But once that player does join- it's a lot of fun. You really cant get away with gimmicky stuff, as your opponent (if they are good) will adapt the next match.
    I think I might play some more ranked matches soon though--- I want a "name" rank!!(I bet that promotion battle would nerve-wrecking!!) Currently I'm only at 7th Dan- but I don't think I've hit a wall or anything, it's simply because I rarely play ranked.
  17. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Unless you get TFTed, I don't think you can really complain about ring outs too much. I mean maybe Wolf has borderline unfair ring-out tools too, but most of the time it's not so hard to avoid getting rung out. I also think that except for very bad connections it is hard to play in a way that turns the lag into your ally. Maybe some of Lion's distance mixups are hard to deal with since you can't block low in that last instant, but these things are not exactly easy to deal with in real life either.

    I am not directing this at any person in particular, but I think that a lot of people who hate ranked hate it because they get frustrated by losing in general, and especially by losing to weak players who exploit certain VF5 "quirks" to play in a way that gets them more wins than their skill level should allow.
  18. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    There are a number of people who win more than their skill level should allow. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    But I guess that's the nature of the game. What's really annoying is when said person doesn't at least recognize that they're not really all that good, but are winning with some admittedly effective (if annoying and not that skillful) techniques. But I guess ignorance of others is something one has to deal with in all aspects of life.


  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The skill pool on ranked seems way lower to me.

    I generally play private matches anyway but if I'm looking to fight some randoms I head into player matches.

    The players are usually better and if I come across a good player I can rematch them.

    I have come across very few good players in ranked who aren't already on my friend list. Frankly I don't see the point other than looking for proof in numbers of how much I have improved since I first picked up this game.

    I know I have improved immensely since I first started playing this game, I don't need numbers to tell me that.

    To each their own I guess.
  20. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    It's uneven. Sometimes there are decent matches on ranked and other times not. I wouldn't say that it is easier to find good people in player matches though. A lot of times when you search there is no one and when you host someone very inexperienced joins or worse, someone with a bad connection.

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