Ranked VS Player Match...

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Gernburgs, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    I agree with Jason Cha and happy freind completely. there are good and bad in both ranking and player matches. For me I only play once a week so there is no real point in player matches. Numbers really don't mean anything in ranking but for the most part I can figure out who might be worth playing.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Ranked sucks because of lag. If there's any lag and it effects your game at all, that invalidates the entire match to me. This game can swing so fast that lag making you drop a combo or whatever just KILLS the game. You just can't claim anything if you won and there was any lag at all, that's not supposed to be part of the game and makes ranked mean very little.
  3. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    If you don't like online play or value ranked matches who gives a
    fuck really. At the end of the day just play your best in either.
    If someone likes that they win in spite of lag and you don't then
    fuck off I say. They are enjoying the experience of playing in that
    environment and have done well to adjusting to it.

    Wait theres lag in online play? Heavens no! Didn't expect that.
  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    It's whatever for me
  5. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Am I missing something here? Are player matches free of lag?

    I am sure that I have lost some matches because of lag, but I have probably won some also. There is no reason why it wouldn't even out unless somebody has some clever lag exploitation technique. I actually think I eat Wolf's stupid dodge attack occasionally cuz I can't duck fast enough, but I might be wrong about that...
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    meh, i dont like any¬

    i always get trashed when i go back to quest mode, my inputs
    have to completely double when im playing for hard frames
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I think they're both as bad as the other.It seems like more people play ranked and it's easier to find matches with a half decent connection, but once you do there's no rematch, You have to start over. Player matches are a lottery, and you can wait a long time just for someone with a grey connection reading to join.
    I do prefer player matches though. I think with me the difference is that i prefer learning or helping someone else learn, to winning.

    Both should be better though. Imagine if VF5's online was done as well as in PGR4 Halo 3 or call of Duty? SEGA have alot to work on.
  8. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Player match isn't lag free, but it can be a whole lot better then rank against the same opponent. Sometimes even feeling like it's lag free. I'll play someone like Denkai in rank then we'll go to player match and I see a huge difference in the games speed. And for me personally, playing against top players like Denkai, lag isn't my friend. I rely on my characters speed a lot of times to sneak in wins, and in laggy matches you're forced to play a lot slower, or you miss inputs because you probably did them too fast or they didn't register. The less the lag, the closer the match is to playing offline and that means the game is played with a lot more skill instead of losing or winning to laggy bullshit.

    Honestly, the most fun I've had on VF5 online is the numerous player matches I've had against all the great players here, not ranking up to Gladiator. Like ranking means anything anyway.
  9. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    I just started playing player matches -- wanted to try Aoi a bit and I have to say it's been a pretty good experience. It does feel like there's less lag -- dunno why, maybe it's just easier to connect to better connections. Surprisingly, I find there are more than a few decent intermediate players out there, which is perfect for me. Honestly, I've had a lot of fun with these player matches, more than on the ranking mode ones.


  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The fact that you can find someone with a good connection who is the right skill level and stay with them as long as either of you want. So, as opposed to ranked match, where you can get a connection but it's one and done, in player match you can play nice, lag-free games against the same opponent over and over. I think that alone makes player match better. If they had rematch in ranked as well, it would be a little better.
  11. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yeah the rematch thing is pretty sweet. Searching and searching for a match can be wack. I at least turn the music off and listen to my iPod. The variety and the pressure of ranked is cool though. It can be very annoying to lose to people w/o skills, but it happens. I lost to a terrible 44 Jacky today. You know, run away, slide shuffle DMPK... I also get killed with his /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif. It seems stupid that it goes over your head yet still hits low punches. I know it's special high, but it should called magical high cuz it really doesn't touch you when you duck. But jeez, that annoying stuff is in the game so you gotta deal with it one way or another.

    Before XBL, people would blame losses on this or that thing. People are obsessive about VF and don't suffer losses gladly. I think playing ranked and not having a very high rank would be a downer for some personality types and it might even motivate some people to avoid playing ranked ostensibly because of "lag." A person could have predicted before there was online that there would be lag (to varying degrees) and that people would blame some or most or all of their losses on it. It's human nature. Anything that CAN be blamed for a loss, WILL be blamed for a loss.

    Don't get me wrong it can be very frustrating when the lag is so bad that you can't stick an elbow between two low punches after you block the first, or if you can't tech roll, or you float someone and you know hit the buttons on time, but your combo misses, or if you play Jeff and you land a counter hit knee and then the game slows up for a second...
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    yeah, WTF is up with that? seems sometimes that if I ever want to introduce lag in a match all I need do is counter with Jeff's knee.

  13. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    That's probably because of the opponent's streams of profanity pouring through the headset into xbox live, momentarily lagging the game down.

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