Reduce LAG

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Fabrizio Villavicencio, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I have done most of that, but what is this DHCP thing, and how much of a difference will it make if I turn it off (is turning it off going to ruin other things?)? I'm not sure how good/bad my router is - it's my father-in-law's place and he deals with it - it's a Netgear WGR614v10.
  2. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    DMZ opens ALL ports to your PS3 so I don't see how it's better than UPnP!? Regardless, I have my router set up to enable UPnP and my PS3 UPnP and I get NAT Type 2 so I'm happy.
  3. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    DHCP just sets IP addresses, DNS info and such automatically from your router to network devices if you haven't configured a static IP address for every device, essentially useless if you have and I think it's a bit of a security risk too.

    The differance is that DMZ is sort of localized to only one address while UPnP is a global thing that works for everything. So if you just set your PS3 into a DMZ it only allows all traffic through that IP adress while UPnP sets it for every device you have connected to the router.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    To the most part it doesn't. I have found that NAT type doesn't particularly create lag, but it can prevent you and someone else playing at all (ie peer to peer connection cannot be established). This is why ports are usually forwarded, not because not doing so would create lag.

    Not counting downloading shit, lag is usually caused by things you have no control over, like your ISPs, geographical distance, quality of your internet connection and your opponent's.

    And DMZ is not necessarily localized. Enabling it (opening all ports) just happens to be a foolproof way for fixing abovementioned port issues that can prevent a match. A more refined way of doing it is to forward only some ports, instead of all. Neither option has much effect on lag.

    And if anything would be a security risk, its enabling DMZ, which is practical equivalent of disabling firewall completely. Hence the abbreviation, DMZ = demilitarized zone. However, enabling DMZ only to your consoles IP address is possible. All PCs should have their own firewall anyways, so its less of a security risk as you might think.
  5. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    The NAT type or having ports forwarded/not forwarded causes no lag, the only thing it determines is your connectivity to other players, PSN, Sony servers and such. Lag is caused by shitty internet, improperly configured router and wireless.

    Putting only the PS3 into a DMZ carries no risk because no viruses or such exists for the PS3 to infect your network. But yeah, just forwarding the correct ports is the better solution over DMZ.

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