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Revolution Controller

Discussion in 'General' started by Crazy_Galaxy, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    How can MS be ahead of Nintendo when it hasn't (as far as I know) come close to being in the black for the history of the XBox?

    I think you are confusing market share and/or revenue with profits.
  2. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    all it means is that MS has a helluva lot more sales but incur more costs. so i guess in that sense, nintendo DO make a profit.

    business is complicated.

    nintendo are small, but in that sense, they havnt got as many expense as MS or sony. If they did, then theyd be in the gutter.
  3. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    if i could find those damn numbers again, the ones that take into account japan's gaming numbers, they showed Nintendo's total sales exceeding both Sony AND Microsoft. Granted, in the states nintendo is not doing well, but back home they're still strong, and their handhelds are doing well despite the PSP actually being a pretty decent competitor /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    edit: maybe SH_ will have better luck. I just can't find it again
  4. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    People forget that general consumers buy every latest edition of Gameboy: color, advance, SP, DS. They also own the Pokemon franchise which still makes them money outside the video games.

    I have every home console Nintendo put out except Gamecube. I'm sure to get one when the new Zelda game comes out.
  5. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

  6. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    Nintendo has its problems to be sure, but I must confess that I do not like Microsoft. I think that they know nothing about games. Maybe they bought a company or two that contained some individuals who know something about games, but MS, at its heart is not a gaming company at all. Not even to the extent that Sony is.

    At least Sony came along at time when they were needed and provided a system with an affordable storage medium that allowed companies to cheaply produce long rpgs and crude 3d games (I am talking about the original Playstation). And they were a legitimate company that entered into the business thinking that they had a product that could and did make them some money.

    MS on the other hand, devised a plan wholly lacking in artistry or cleverness. They went to the drawing board and came up with a very powerful machine. And it was large- about the size of a 1984 VHS player. Of course it cost about $450 to make each one which would then be sold at $299, but what did they care, they were Microsoft. Throw a billion dollars into promotions of said "CoolBox" or whatever it's called and, Presto! Instant market share! Sure the company has lost hundreds of millions on the "CoolBox," but what does that matter? Bill Gates can lose that in an afternoon when the price of gold fluctuates.

    Compare that to Nintendo. Nintendo never sold the GC at a loss (or so I'm told). And honestly, GC enjoys graphical parity with the CoolBox. I'm not saying that GC games look better, but compare Resident Evil 4, Metroid, and the new Zelda to the games on the XBox. Maybe the XBox has higher capabilities, but it doesn't translate into a huge advantage on the screen- only a small advantage, and it differs from game to game.

    Again, I do have many gripes with Nintendo, but I also have sympathy for them as well. Imagine if you owned a profitable restaraunt. All of the sudden the Sultan of Brunei opens another restaraunt next door to you. His restaraunt sells 25 cent beers, $5 filet mignon, and $6 lobster dinners. The Sultan figures if he keeps giving away lobsters, you won't have any customers and you'll go out of business. The he'll be the only restaraunt in town. And what if that doesn't happen and he just loses abunch of money? Well, what does he care? He the frickin' Sultan of Brunei! He's got more loot than most nations.

    This is a sucky scenario, no? Now imagine that you still find a way to stay in business by virtue of the loyalty of your customers and the ingenuity of your chefs. Quite an accomplishment, right?
  7. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shag said:

    People forget that general consumers buy every latest edition of Gameboy: color, advance, SP, DS.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just read an article in the paper today that Nintendo plans to bring out another handheld. The Gameboy Micro, it weighs less than 3 ounces, interchangable faceplate, brightness control and headphone jack. It plays Advance games and priced at $99.
  8. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    ahahahahah ksvanessa was real quick to call us idiotic fanboys until SH_ found those damn numbers for me /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    besides i hate that there are only 2 nintendo exclusive games that im interested in, so i will probably skip the new system just on account that it wont have much i want to play besides metroid lah
  9. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    so i was wrong. could happen to anyone
    you must be weird if you get off on at that shit.
  10. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    nope i just wanted to point out that you are a dumb troll that is all
  11. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    mate if im a troll then what the fuck are you then?

    all i pointed out was that the rev controller was going to limit the uses of the rev and that gamecube sales were low, of which i see now that they are not.

    a simple mistake.

    but fuck you anyway.
  12. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    i never denied being a troll im just not a dumb one.

    and you forgot that you also made accusations of fanboyism because someone pointed out that nintendo wasnt in their death throes like you said :-D
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I wonder if it vibrates...
  14. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member


    Oops, too inapropriate.
  15. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Out of all the next-gen systems this is the one that got me most excited. I can't wait to see the games and if there's at least three I want I will pick this console up first day. The others I can wait on.

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