Saint Louis, Mo. Gathering (Dec.23-27)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Stl_Tim, Oct 29, 2005.

  1. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Mukatsuku Shun-
    Ok. You've shown everyone what they already know. Hurt the stl scene? Other interests in games hurt the stl scene. You are acting like I am hitler in stl. I guess if I have to be evil then why not go 100% I understand you defending yosuke, but all these people have not read his blog nor have they experieced him personally. Dave, you know my wife and she never gets pissed. This time I have never seen her that angry before in my life. Don't you think something is wrong here? She never said anything in the past with bad experiences, why now? I'll man up and say I have had bad past experiences that made me act certain ways, but that's just it, the past. I felt the need to lash out on people, because of their actions. Sometimes, it's the heat of the moment. It's a sport just like football, basketball, or baseball. You see that crap all the time. The only difference is that I don't get my own talk show spot to tell the story. I specifically set out to prove your dumbass roomate wrong. I feel you and understand you want to defend yosuke maybe because he is itazan's friend, who knows? What I do know is I had a bad experience with a freaky otaku wierdo in my home. I know the difference! Whatever, what does it matter I'll always be proved wrong, because of my old actions. Nice to see you again dave. I think it's funny that it takes something like this for you to talk to me these days. Just a little tip dave. You remember that scene in lord of the rings with the king that was poisoned, but nobody knew why until later? Well, I think you'll figure it out. Good luck in life and see you next flame.

    I guess I should of had his personal blog translated before posting. It rants and raves about eveything and goes into bold lies about his experiences. If I wanted to insult the dumb fucker I would have beatin his ass and duct taped him to a telephone pole naked on some random populated street. Either way it seems the sameway from the treatment in these statements I have been reading. This is probably the part lost in translation. I take full responsibility for my flame and won't take anything back. Those were my thoughts after my wife and I read his blog. Yosuke dosen't understand english or english vf or american mannerisms at all, so maybe that is one strong point in this whole mess or does he? I do know taking vf out of the equation still proves he was an ass in every aspect. What everyone sees is my old deeds and that yosuke is some freaking helpless puppydog. What everyone dosen't see is that yosuke's true feeling was I am great at vf bow down to me attitude and I can walk all over you in every fashion. The dood thinks he is on some pedestal. He knew better that's why he pulled what he pulled and then went home to cry about it on his blog. My wife was so mad at him that she hasn't been able to sleep and she has been crying her head off for the last couple nights. She even wants to get yosuke's parents telephone number to talk with them. I hope the fuckhead gets what he deserves.

    Let karma do it's job..
  2. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Jerky you are so right about the incidents in japan. that happend to me when I went to The Womb and I was waiting to get a drink. So many people pushed me out of the way.
  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Internet strangers meet in person, hopes and dreams shattered, toilets clogged, film at eleven.

    A number of years back, when VF3 was popular (or rather, still being played), there was talk of an Aoi player located in the Midwest named Tim. This Tim was rumored to have Tourettes syndrome and was certainly difficult to talk to. But what made this Tim stand out is that apparently, after losing a round, Tim went completely apeshit one day in the arcade. After pounding the fuck out of the controller console, it's said that he actually climbed on top of the console and jumped up and down stomping on it.

    After reading this thread I just have to ask: are you this very same Tim, Kaminari?

    Note: genuine curiosity. I could dig out my old computer to find ancient irc logs about this Tim, but...ehh. Also for anyone wondering, the old VF3 cabinets in the US were big enough to allow stomping on them physically possible.
  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Tim, i will have to side with Yosuke on this one, for one major reason alone. You invited Yosuke the VF4 FT Kakuto Shinseki player not Yosuke the human being. People no matter how great they are might still be incompatable with each other for various reason, especially when sharing the same living space. Even if all the things you said about Yosuke is true, you need to bear the responsibility that you have not bothered to find out if Yosuke the human being was a potential friend that you can actually invite into your home. In a way, your overeagerness in VF outweighed standard socialogicable behaviour; to take the neccessary precautionary steps in inviting a stranger into your home.

    When you invite a stranger into your home and try to make up steps 1 & 2 in making friends after, and it doesnt work, I believe what has happened was inevitable. Tim, you just need to shoulder some of the responsibility and just move on, this is not a war. You could say, Yosuke did this and that, but you never bothered to find out beforehand. There are certainly some people out there, that i would never invite into my home from prior experience with them, and it takes guts to invite a stranger. You never know whos a klepto.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry I wrote ''HE HAD 10% VF SKILLS AND 1000%SELF-CONFIDENT.''

    I guess I was a young ,so I wrote it . I had never writen or said like that before.
    I will never write again like these sentences.
    and, I am sorry about your house. I might have not done well, but I did not do wetting the bed. When I got in lestroom, a toilet was already blocked,but sorry.

    anyway, I was sorry for visiting your house. doN7t warry. I will not go hour house again. seem always go to your way. why don't you listen them voice? that time, I felt that you seemed to get angry when I teached you correct frame answers , so I could not teach you. why do you think you are a number one player?

    I agree your few thinking, but some things made me angry again..... ITABASHI and I are friends, but that has no relarionship. why don't you think one's mind? not only I but also some people are saying the same thing is a fact.

    I had gone to a game canter every weekends except 1 time in a year in Japan before coming to the United States. I usually went to some game canters 3 to 6 days a week. I always read a VF4FT frame book before going to bed when I did not go to a game canter because I was fine. I could not read that book after going home from a game center because I usually played VF4FT and talked after midnight on weekend.

    by the way , how long do you usually practice VF a week? is that great to make you much pride?
    I was really rerious about playing VF.
    Is that the same as play time as you?
    I don't know why but your pride is so high that I can not tell you any more. sorry.

    you said you was a morals frame player and my combination was so cheap that did not fit to you. I made you feel bored like you wanted to quit VF sorry.

    thanks for saying so. I am so happy.I don't know about CA but If I have a chance to go there, I will call you!
    nice to meet you!

    thank you for telling him . I can not tell him well because of my bad English. I will go back Japan in spring. I wish we could get together and enjoy not only VF, anything!

    I am so so so sorry to make a big happen.......I did not think it became such a big event....
    I was surprised to see your sentences. I could not expect you to have the same memories! thank you for showing your bad memory... I think it made you feel bad....

    thaks for understanding my mind. if someone made you uncomfortable, would you be able to make a laugh? I had no knowledge about a car. how should I have answered? I have no Idea...

    thanks for fooring me. I am so glad you said.


    thaks for sending me some PM letters. I was really helped by you guys messages. I will not write these people name because I don't want to break frinedship between KAMINARI_OYAJI and you.

    I thought I would not be able to play VF4 in the United States again, but some people were fooring me through the internet. therefore, I will try again to communicate to VF players on this BBS in order to be able to make friends.
    and I already know my blog has poison myself.

    everyone thanks you for writing on it.
    I feel much better.

    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    I don't play VF anymore, and only was around for the end of the Evo era, but somebody told me to come check this thread out. After reading the whole thing, it looked to be a very unfortunate turn of events.

    I then saw this quote from Dave:

    [ QUOTE ]
    mukatsuku_shun said:
    who knows, maybe its just an "stl thing?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will give you one chance to take this horrible overgeneralization back before I fly to Japan and regulate your Shun Di with Brad.

    conk out,
    not lolipops, just...

    DUM DUMS!!!!
  7. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member


    If you ever get a chance to come to NYC. We'll kiss your ass while bad-mouthing you behind your back when playing FT. After that we'll take you out to dinner and get you drunk. I'll even throw in a high price hooker for you to take home for the night, if you can beat the crap out of Kazu-kun/AZ-yet's Lau. << Jodan de sho except for the hooker part that's for real /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

    Lastly: you shouldn't take Gaijins too seriously, in time you'll adjust to the U.S. it's a bit of a cultural shock for most nihonjins like you. Simply we in general are not as polite or cultured as Japanese society. & especially w/ some NAVFers not having any of the VF skillz that's need to match the size of their EGOs, this is sad but true.
  8. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member


    i said that only in anticipation of tim blaming the fall of STL vf on people in st. louis not being interested.

    i think that people are interested--i remember you were excited about brad changes in FT.

    the fact that not as many people are playing as there are people interested must be due to something else. or someone else?

    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    mukatsuku_shun said:


    i said that only in anticipation of tim blaming the fall of STL vf on people in st. louis not being interested.

    i think that people are interested--i remember you were excited about brad changes in FT.

    the fact that not as many people are playing as there are people interested must be due to something else. or someone else?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That clears it up. No harm no foul. See you in Japan this summer if you are still there.

    conk out,
    not Shun Di, just...

    SHAUN DI!!!!
  10. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    I am so sorry I wrote ''HE HAD 10% VF SKILLS AND 1000%SELF-CONFIDENT.''

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The reason it seemed this way is that you were complaining alot about being rusty and you haven't played since KS3 everytime we would take a break or I would win a match. Everyone has pride yosuke in what they do and I won't sit here and lie to you and say I don't, becuase I do, but not 1000%. I got pissed at you, because you always blamed not playing since KS3. It made me feel smaller than I was already compared to your vf skills. I didn't appreciate it and took it as a insult.

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    I guess I was a young ,so I wrote it . I had never writen or said like that before.
    I will never write again like these sentences.
    and, I am sorry about your house. I might have not done well, but I did not do wetting the bed. When I got in lestroom, a toilet was already blocked,but sorry.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never said you wet the bed. I said I found urine everywhere around the toilet bowl. The toilet bowl was stuffed with tissues and overflowed leaking into my first floor. I found this very unacceptable. You could of at least told megumi or I that it happened. We never use that restroom, because it's only meant for guests. Yes, I did clean and check if everything was working before your stay.

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    anyway, I was sorry for visiting your house. doN7t warry. I will not go hour house again. seem always go to your way. why don't you listen them voice? that time, I felt that you seemed to get angry when I teached you correct frame answers , so I could not teach you. why do you think you are a number one player?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wanted everything to go smoothly, because I was taking care of your needs, my baby, cleaning up after everything etc. Nothing went my way. What are you talking about?

    Everytime you tried to teach me frames you said I don't talk vf I only teach by playing. You changed your mind many times throughout your stay. I was confused at this point and gave up. Maybe we didn't understand each other clearly at this point?

    I NEVER said to you EVER that I was the #1 player and as god as my witness may he strike me down now if I ever said I was the #1 player. What are you even getting at? I don't even think I'm decent at this game at best.

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    I agree your few thinking, but some things made me angry again..... ITABASHI and I are friends, but that has no relarionship. why don't you think one's mind? not only I but also some people are saying the same thing is a fact.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What do agree with I was saying?

    In reference to Itabashi,I was talking about david sticking up for you, because you were either A.Itabashi's friend and he did it out of respect and he knew you. B. Your simply Japanese and he wanted to help your reply out. C. Because he dislikes me and wanted to prove me wrong.

    I do think of one's mind. Did you stop to examine your actions towards me or for that fact any player in your life. I asked you many times during your stay why the sad looking face? I asked you during vf why the angry/serious looking face? You said to me I have this face when I play vf. I said ok, but I knew you were mad from something. I am always thinking about the other players mind.

    I realize I have some problem that I am not aware of and I am trying to findout what I exactly do to piss people off. Not from one point of view, but from everyone.

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    I had gone to a game canter every weekends except 1 time in a year in Japan before coming to the United States. I usually went to some game canters 3 to 6 days a week. I always read a VF4FT frame book before going to bed when I did not go to a game canter because I was fine. I could not read that book after going home from a game center because I usually played VF4FT and talked after midnight on weekend.

    by the way , how long do you usually practice VF a week? is that great to make you much pride?
    I was really rerious about playing VF.
    Is that the same as play time as you?
    I don't know why but your pride is so high that I can not tell you any more. sorry.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great that you were able to go to your local arcade and play that much, but here in America we are not as lucky as you.

    I get to practice once or twice a week and on the weekends, because of my school, baby, and workload.

    You said to me you weren't very serious with vf and it was easy after we played. This pissed me off and I took it as a insult.

    My pride comes from playing vf and learning and wanting to get better. In the process it seems I have gone down the wrong path and upset many people with my sickness I am still not aware of.

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:

    you said you was a morals frame player and my combination was so cheap that did not fit to you. I made you feel bored like you wanted to quit VF sorry.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never said I was a moral type player. I said I strive to get to be one. Then you told me all moral type player will lose and are weak. I was pissed at that comment and didn't say anything to you. I never said I was bored. I complemented you and praised ALOT on everything you did from when you got there to even when you left. I think maybe we just don't understand one another very well? If you took the time to read my other posts I rated you as one of the strongest players I have ever met, so how was I exactly bored, lol.
    As far as the other comments that your refered to in your blog CHEAP being one of them. I was talking with you everytime you switched to play as a different character. You asked me my opinion on them and I said they were CHEAP imo, because of certain reasons. You said go complain to sega. I thought, why did you ask me my opinion then? You took this to heart and got pissed as maybe I did with some of your comments?

    Thanks for apologizing and trying to clear things up. I to am at fault and will take and eat all my doings from past to present. I never set out to hurt your feelings before the event started or during the event. I was hurt after reading your blog. I then decided to lashout, because I was mega pissed. I knew that alot of people would blame me and accuse me and say it was my fault from my past doings. It's ok, I chose to do it and will live with it. I'll just leave it at we both REALLY misunderstood one another and formed our own conclusions. I'm sorry that we couldn't understand each other's mind.

    [ QUOTE ]
    YOSUKE said:
    I will not write these people name because I don't want to break frinedship between KAMINARI_OYAJI and you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's too late for this, but I would like to ask each and everyone whomever had a problem with me to pm in description a time, place, and what I exactly did to upset them. On the same note, I too might have been offended and let you know why I acted the way I did. Hopefully, we can work it all out? Some I do know were mistakes the others I don't expect to solve, but I am willing to try. This hopefully will help me to recognize what my big problem is, so I can deal with it and become a normal person. Please be descriptive so no feeling or questions get tossed aside. It may take some time to answer all of these, so please be patient. This is just a small request before I quit vf. If you feel the need to post it up, by all means go ahead, but only after we have at least discussed it.
  11. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Wow, I finally get my internet working again (I don't know what I did I'll just say it was magic) and look what I come back to. Not to but in or anything, I know I have no say in any of this arguement but I had a lot of fun playing against YOSUKE and I feel it improved my game greatly. Wow all this drama reminds me of a the good old Tekken forums but oh well nothing I can do about it. I had fun, enough said.
  12. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member


    PhoenixDth said really right. You always think you are right. I will never not be able to understand your mind. you can read sentences when they made your advantage sentences only. I am sorry I have already decided not to play VF with you forever because of what you said.
    I heard almost all AMERICAN and some foreign people had already well known that you had been rude like myke.
    If you said all right, If I did 100% bad, don't you think that why kungfusmurf called me to come New York?why maddy also called me to come ohio? I am confused.
    I just guess they also knew that you had been terrible behavior.

    you said KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI was very good, and don't heat myself. HOWEVER, While we were playing VF, you made me really really mad!! I did not think this meant that you respect KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI 3!!
    If you hadn't made me mad, I would have had no problem. I don't respect myself. I respect other players whoever they make me exciting.

    what are you talking about? I did not make any apology to you. I made it for just your wife and your house. I agree with your mind about them.
    I really got angry about while playing VF with you and your too high pride!! but you changed to the subject about your house........and I will never apologize to you unless I think I need to apologize.
    I felt If I had not admitted your apolory, you would have gotten more angry. I had no choice except agreement with his apology. BBS tim and while playing VF tim are 100& different. Who can expect this happen?

    one thing I understand is I don't need to talk to you anymore because you can listen only your advantage opinion. You will answer only your advantage question , won't you? why don't you answer Mr. Bungle's question? I am really interested because you told me a story.

    When a man got angry at losing, the man went home with his stick, but the man forgot to bring his drink. Then he came back and got a drink, and went home told me and laughed.
    If you don't unswer that , this means you are a that upset Tim.
    If you had wanted to win, you should have colled a weaker player than you. I felt he did not play strong players. He wanted to just WIN. I felt that time If I lost even 1game, he would get much pride and tell a lot of people '' I won the match YOSUKE!!! '' so I did not allow you to win when I used JACKY.

    I felt you were a number one player in the world because you got angry for me who is a little famous in my small state.

    Mr. Bungle
    thanks for asking such a important thing. I would also like to play VF wiith you even though you use LAU'S PPP only. I like ot be used that combination lol.

    hello. I remembered you who use shun, right? you are a good player. When I throw broke your P+G, you used 4P+G....I think you need to know what shun is. I think you need to buy PS2EVO... I promise you who will become a strong player soon! you can do it! I hope you still play VF, and someday we come together to Play with VF again!
  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member


    I don't think I am always right and you need to cool down. I listened to phoenix's post and he basicly said take responsibility and move on and that's what I'm doing. Your the person going crazy now. I said we misunderstood each other and your not listening. Your blaming 100% this all on me. As far Mr. Bungle's post goes, I never played vf3 much and I didn't play aoi when I played vf3, so sorry to ruin your assumption. I think you need to reread the post I did and try to really understand it, because obviously your not. Please calm down. I wanted to call a truce with you, but now it seems your just being a jerk.
  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Tim, what I believe the reason I can continously play matches with you is because of relativity. I have experienced players with video game rage that goes as far as throwing chairs across the hall and busting door knobs. No joke. So in a relative scale, your video game rage is very mild to me. It seems that im one of the few people who can just link it to your personality trait, shrug it off, and know we can be friends again afterwards because it is a part of who you are.

    Tim, you need to also realize culturally, maybe Yosuke isnt used to certain levels of video game rage or has a very low tolerance for them. He might of avoided these players in the arcades to avoid conflict that may be obviously inherent. He apparently seems to understand what his tolerance levels are when dealing with these types of players.

    Given the fact that Yosuke said BBS Tim and VF4 Tim are very different people, he probably had his guard down when he first encountered your gaming rage. Neither he or you would be prepared for what would happen next. Yosuke having a low tolerance for video game rage realized that he could not be able to handle it for the next 3 days and probably isolated himself from you as the best possible solution, without getting in a direct argument with you. You probably took this as a gesture of being very cocky and rude. Also Yosuke limited english is very apparent here, and when combined with conflicting emotions, there was no way he could of conveyed how he feeled at that time. Like I said before, what happened seemed to be inevitable.

    It seems there is a very obvious communication gap right now. Right now it only seems to be getting worse. Tim, Yosukes english is not very good right now, im sure he will get better, but if you take things so literally right now, itll confuse Yosuke even more. I hope things can clear up between you two, but the communication gap is just hurting things even more. There is definately a lot of things being lost in translation.

    with that being said,
    i hope someone can close this thread soon
  15. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I already calmed down after first writing.

    now, I read your sentences.

    but I can not understand some things. ITABASHI and I are friends. so what? that makes me uncomfortable.
    even though we are friends, it is true that some not only AMERICAN but also foreign players wrote the same things like me. you said like that if we are not friends, mukatsuku_shun did not help me. I WAS A VF PLAYER. I am not only ITABASHI's friends VF player.

    actually, mukatsuku_shun already know your behavior and he told me about that story.

    I didn't think I could hear all of your English, but I saw your face. I could realize you got really angry.

    If someone,A, said fu&k ,your play is cheap!!! ,and why don't you think about frame!?(he is more no morals player) to the other person, B , would B person be able to enjoy playing TV games?

    you asked me many times about my feeling. I know. Why Did I agree with you?

    I was really afraid of your mad...... I had no choice.....
    because I got uncomfortable again while we were playing VF even after you apologized to me.....
    I was sure you got angry again when we played VF after you made a apology.

    This was my first trip in the United States, so I could not expect like this happen. I guess I should not have gone your house because you and I were only 2 people, which situation was really dangerous.

    I did not write you had said you had been a number one player. just I felt so. that was all of my feeling.

    this is my opinion... before I went to his house, you said KAKUTOU SHINSEIKI was really good ! don't say I was weak myself! Then we played VF..... next, you got angry and you said my VF was no morals. I thought you had thought you could win one of KS3 players earily....

    I said VF was easy. That is true because of my practice time. you wrote you practiced only 1 or 2 hours. However, you said my combination was cheap. How could you understand my combination? I killed some famous players such as KOEDO, SENNIN GIRI, JIN ,etc. in big torunament.

    I don't know what you are practice and whether that is good. Then I have a question.

    Why could you say VF is diffecult? Likewise, I got angry at you. after reading, I am really sure that you don't have enough practice.
    everyone practive VF a lot of times for winning even though they don't have enough time.

    TV games make us much fun, but he makes much mad. I think I have to play TV games except him, which is much better.

    I don't understand why you write desperately?
    do you want to play VF with me again? I really no thank you. I don't want to get uncomfortable again in VF.
    If I did something bad and I understood, I would apologize like I wrote about your wife and house.

    I know losing VF make little mad, but when someone tell a opponent, also lost person make mad to winning person.
    I am amazed now. He really read your advantage opinion only. you keep away from disadvantage question. you did not answer what I want

    I don't need any respect, but I don't like any insult about one's play.

    I told you. I will never play VF with you.

    I will never write this thread again.
  16. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hmm, im up at 5:30am still reading this thread 0___0*

    now i wanna quit vf~!!

    nah, just kiddin /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ~~ hey why doesnt anyone come to UK to play VF anywayz... /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif we never get visitors.

    and u wont feel out of place peeing around toilets either~!! I PROMISE~!!!
  17. Neoshinji

    Neoshinji Member

    Well... well... well... I am just... jesus... and I am spent...
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said: hey why doesnt anyone come to UK to play VF anywayz... /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif we never get visitors.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was hoping to visit London next year. Nothing set in stone yet, but if I do plan I'll be sure to let you know. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  19. NegromusPrime

    NegromusPrime New Member

    What the fuck is this??


    Ive been built by officer down to hand out some fucking regulation.

    Kungfusmurf- stop sucking dick. If you still have the urge, write a fucking poem or love letter. Also, we just might have to pump your stomach if this keeps up.

    amibatman- you know NOTHING about tekken, zaibatsu, VF or the STL scene. Children are to be seen not heard. So put the Pacifier in your mouth and shut the fuck up

    Dandy J- Whats up, much respect to you ohio fools.

    Once again the leader of the Care bear Crew is at it again!!
    1. Congrats on totally wasting a golden opportunity. One of the best players in the world for Vf comes to your house and you absolutely learn NOTHING.Instead you have a fucking monkey shit throwing contest. you straight up conned yosuke to come to your place for some VF comp. And now your legendary tears is jacking STL rep. Unlike you we care about our rep.
    IM sure youll BS and say youve learned allot but thats you just making another imaginary world for yourself yet again.

    2. Calm down there Gastappo!! "Other games hurt the scene and VF?" Man no one is is ONLY going to play one game. Also, many people here play games with virtually no one and struggle to get comp. NONE of them pitch bullshit like you do. aaron who has NEGATIVE comp in ggxx has an A game as does NKI in ST. Shou who virtually had no one to play BUT YOU is a fucking besat with sarah. What did they do? they found outlets to play and when they had the opportunity they took advantage of it. So why havent you? Instead you would rather burn bridges.

    3. If people from different countries, states, counties and basically every aspect of human society are saying the very same thing were saying about your "videogame rage". And you havent caught on yet about your attitude, then mabye its time to seek Medication.
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    <font color="BDBDBD">SeeShangStylinSomeShouSamaShoeSammyShit</font>

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