Sarah Technology

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by BLACKSTAR, Feb 12, 2014.


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Found one weird thing about 6PK setup. I didn't test on anyone but vs. Sarah, but 6PK-->4K will whiff from Closed Stance if opponent is crouching.

    Not that it matters much though, since she still has time to block wakeup kicks.
  2. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I just learned a pretty cool reset from watching Blackstar on RAW.

    Any launch that combos into [1][K][+][G][K] can be ended with FL [6][K], then go for [3_][K][K][G] as OTG. It will do the same damage as an FL [6] [K][K] ender and it gives good FL pressure if the opponent techs.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
    PurpGuy, BeastEG, Chanchai and 2 others like this.
  3. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    We're still trying to make Sarah work?! What the hell is happening over here?!
    PurpGuy likes this.
  4. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    We're not trying anymore, she works...
  5. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    I think my brain may explode GT :)

    Been going through the threads and I like the stuff. I guess that is the power of top tier players.
    PurpGuy likes this.
  6. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I got most of this from analyzing Memukurage, YOU and FP's Sarah.

    The information was always out there. You just need to understand and implement the strategies.
  7. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    GT, I'm an ex-college football player with a left hand that sounds like a gatling gun because of broken bones and more concussions than Elliot Spitzer had call girls. Me understand anything beyond the 3 button system is asking WAY too much of me bud :)

    That being said, I'm glad to hear stuff has come to light even though it took longer than I wish...and basically proved I contributed zilch to the community knowledge of her.

    I've switched to card games since my left hand has been hurting more than usual when I play FG's (really killed any hope I had) but maybe I'll see if I can implement this stuff in some games. At the bare minimum, it would be nice to see what a competent U.S. Sarah looks like.
    PurpGuy likes this.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I am probably missing something but... are you talking about cancelled successfull evade..?
  9. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Well, at least I found some of my meaty notes

    One thing to consider on the vast majority of the cast (don't have the weights but my guess is everyone that isn't Taka or a pixie) is the following:

    When you finish this combo with FL 6KK, you can basically get a perfectly timed meaty for techs by doing the following:

    [4][K]+[G] -> [1][K]+[G][K] -> FL [6][K][K] -> [K]x[G] ->[4][K]

    Standard Beasty into the easy combo into Vortex -> The K cancel after the FL [6][K][K] finish will help you judge whether they tech or not and how to proceed. If they tech and and attempt to evade, you get a stagger hit and can go from there. If they block, you're back in FL with guaranteed +4 (+5 in most cases, but some +4 based on distance) so go from there.

    If you get the tech hit, they will most likely be staggered and then you can do FL [3][K] and either follow up with

    a) [1][K]+[G][K] -> FL [6][K][K] -> [K]x[G] ->[4][K] to go right back into the vortex (though walls can screw this up

    b) or the combo ender for [3][K] which are

    b1) Jacky and above (I think) [1][K]+[G][K] -> FL [6][K][K]
    b2) lighter (I think Goh may be weird) [2][P] -> [6][K]+[G] -> [6] -> [P] -> [7][K]

    Unfortunately, I don't have all the settings, but it basically is a perfect meaty that can't be evaded or crouched blocked if your opponent side techs (or I believe in place techs as well). The K cancel movement also gives you ample time to see if they tech'ed. It's free entry into FL that they have to either block or get hit by.

    I'll see if I can find my other meaty notes.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
    PurpGuy likes this.
  10. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your hand, that's rough. : (

    I believe I can use that 4K post FL 6KK combo meaty. Will mess around with it! You can't say you've contributed nothing now, because if this works it will be very useful.
    PurpGuy and BeastEG like this.
  11. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    No I'm talking about someone inputing the command for an evade dash cancel guard.
    If the evade is succesful, you cannot cancel it but you will lose time doing the full command compared to just plain evade --> launcher.
    Considering the best you can have for the earliest evade possible in this situation is +6, you can consider that on average, an evade cancel not made at the perfect timing will result in the opponent having little to no advantage. Especially if opponent does evade cancel G, then look what happened then reacts he will a have lost a lot of "theorical advantage" due to the time spent pressing G and the reaction time.
    Unicorn likes this.
  12. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Also, if you hit your opponent with an up close (too far away and you wont' get the benefit of the side tech rolling around Sarah) [3][K]+[G] on everyone that isn't Taka / Pixie, you can use the buffer window to get another perfectly timed [4][K] meaty for techs. Basically, input the command during her recovery so it activates at the first instant. It's a little risky since they may choose to stay on the ground, but with a little practice, you can actually crush most rising attacks with FL [8][K] if you feel like being a dick. That or use the backflip escape, or just start blocking. It was one of the only ways I could every take a set off of Cha-mame :)
    PurpGuy likes this.
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Sharing time! From FL [2][K], or if the opponent doesn't tech a combo ending in FL [6][K][K], Sarah can beat mid rising attacks, and beat low ones with her [P][+][K]. This works on ALL of Akira's rising attacks, except for the low one where he's face down, head towards - those ones are OP.

    [9][K] can launch every character over low walls I think. Maximum reward lol

    And what GT's getting at, [4][K] post FL [6][K][K] can setup a meaty side turn situation.
    PurpGuy and Chanchai like this.
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    What's the advantage over doing this instead of finishing the [6][K][K] then lording over the opponent with FL stance and punishing them with either FL [3][K], FL [2][K] > throw, or FL [K][+][G] if they decide to tech?
  15. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Please elaborate more...
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    The opponent probably wont tech a combo ending with FL [1][K][+][G][K], FL [6][K][K]. Sarah can just safely throw up [4][K][+][G][G] with no risk. Smart guys don't wanna deal with that. YOU goes for [1][K][+][G] OTG.

    FL [1][K][+][G][K], FL [6][K], OTG [3_][K][K][G] might do the same damage. The opponent can tech the last hit, BUT they are forced to deal with Flamingo.

    If they don't tech at all (disrespect), Sarah can get alot of damage from [1][K][+][G][K], [6][K], OTG [3_][K][K][G], FL [6][K], and maybe a down attack. Gotta keep dudes honest.

    I can't get this to work. BUT sarah's sweeps can setup meaty side turn. Sarah's one of the few characters that can OTG off of her sweeps too.

    On the topics of her sweeps: In the NH full circular sweep oki tier list, Sarah has all the top three spots (i think.)

    3. [3][K][+][G] - Depending on foot position, Sarah can OTG.
    If they fall on their back, she can [1][K][+][G][K], FL [8][K]. Sarah can also [3][K][K].
    If they fall on their stomach, Sarah can OTG some characters with [3][K][K]. Definitely doesn't work on everyone. It's oddly character specific; I can only think of Eileen and Wolf. If the sweep hits too late, the OTG wont work.

    2. FL [2][K][+][G]
    The same as above, but both OTGs work regardless of foot stance.
    [4][K] works if the opponent falls to their back. Sarah can get [4][K], FL [6][K][K] or FL [P][K].
    Sarah also gets time to confirm the opponent not teching!

    1. FS [2][K]
    All works, but with this more time to see the opponent not teching!
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
    PurpGuy, Chanchai and BeastEG like this.
  17. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    I'd recommend checking what I posted a little early with using [4][K] as a tech trap in addition to trying to go for the [1][K][+][G] OTG. Forces the opponent into far more of a guessing game.

    I'm not too much a fan of the OTG on people other than light (I think Lion is too heavy but it seems to work on everyone below) but you can do [1][K]+[G][K] -> FL[3][P][P] to make them fall usually face up with their head towards you, where you can just bully the s*** out of most rising attacks.

    Edit: Works on Lion so I don't remember where the weight cutoff is but slightly heavier than Lion, which is a decent chunk of the cast.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
    PurpGuy and Cozby like this.
  18. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Also, quick update, the full kata to what I was talking about GT & other Sarahs is as below (will edit original post)

    [4][K]+[G] -> [1][K]+[G][K] -> FL [6][K][K] -> [K]x[G] ->[4][K]

    Standard Beasty into the easy combo into Vortex -> The K cancel after the FL [6][K][K] finish will help you judge whether they tech or not and how to proceed. If they tech and and attempt to evade, you get a stagger hit and can go from there. If they block, you're back in FL with guaranteed +4 (+5 in most cases, but some +4 based on distance) so go from there.

    If you get the tech hit, they will most likely be staggered and then you can do FL [3][K] and either follow up with

    a) [1][K]+[G][K] -> FL [6][K][K] -> [K]x[G] ->[4][K] to go right back into the vortex (though walls can screw this up

    b) or the combo ender for [3][K] which are

    b1) Jacky and above (I think) [1][K]+[G][K] -> FL [6][K][K]
    b2) lighter (I think Goh may be weird) [2][P] -> [6][K]+[G] -> [6] -> [P] -> [7][K]

    That is probably the best tech I have (which isn't much unfortunately)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
    PurpGuy likes this.
  19. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Also, I see people picked up on my sneaky BS [K]+[G] trick I used to use alot.

    The main issue is that unless it is a CH, you need to be careful about trying to follow-up with [1][K]+[G] [K] since if you miss, you'll be hanging out in FL as your opponent has frame advantage. Mainly weight dependent but I think everyone below Jean is definitely capable of getting juggled on CH. Others may be a little tough.

    I've found the most efficient BS Oki setup triangle to be

    1) BS [K]+[G] (Does wonders as a CH and helps dissuade steps), -13 but can be hard to punish if you space it properly since it has monstrous push back
    2) BS [2][K] (Leg Crumble on CH, +3 on hit), unsafe on block though so beware. Also 1/2 cir if I remember correctly so it still will help that step spammers.
    3) BS into dash up rush down if you feel they will be moral since they will probably learn to respect the BS buffer.

    It is important to note you have about 5-10 frame buffer (never tested exact amount) from when BS stops and you can still do BS moves. I know I've caught many people off guard when they thing BS has stopped and I pop them with BS [K] or BS [P] :)

    BS [K] can be worked in as it is safe (nitaku though) on block, but gives a nice mid crumble. BS [P] and BS [P]+[K] are highs and while nice, I feel like they will rarely benefit you despite BS [P]+[K] awesome head crumple :(
    PurpGuy likes this.
  20. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    So after spending a little time in the lab since @Elite and basically everyone I've ever played refuses to break Sarah's neutral throw, I'd thought I'd share some notes I compiled. I just view the neutral throw as a knockdown option and so far, it's actually started to really improve my game. I initially stayed away from Sarah's neutral throw because of its low damage and no OTG possibilities but after spending enough time in the lab and practicing it in matches, I'd thought I'd share:

    1) If your opponent is tech happy in basically any direction

    You can absolutely brutalize people who choose to tech after the knockdown with a wide variety of meaty attacks and pressure options. My favorite 2-way option is:

    a) [4][K] since it's amazing as a meaty that can't be stepped and leads into usually +4 FL. While it can be +5 if spaced properly, it's generally safe to assume +4 FL. If you get a crouch attempt hit, confirm into [3][K] and do a combo.
    b) Rush up and go for a throw.
    b2.5) Rush up and go for pressure if they start getting abare happy as a bait so you can CH the s*** out of them.

    Basically covers all of your options since your opponent basically has to block. You can also mix in a little [4][K]+[G]x[G] to go right into FL to work with the following stuff below.

    2) If your opponent lies on the ground

    The biggest issue here is that your down attacks can miss if they choose to roll and you can't pick them up with [1][K]+[G], so now we get to be more mental and break up the scenarios as to what you can do

    a) No Rising attack

    If your opponent is one to not use rising attacks, you basically can use any free pressure option you want. Personally, I just go straight into FL via [4][K]+[G]x[G] since FL stance is where you want to be all the time. From there you have frame advantage, and Sarah's best options available to you.

    b) Any type of rising attack

    Here is something that I've begun practicing and has paid dividends for me, and that is crushing rising attacks with FL [8][K] after getting into FL via [4][K] or [4][K]+[G]x[G]. It's very fast and has 4 active frames so you can pretty much do it on reaction. It requires a decent amount of practice at first but once you get it down, you can basically force your opponent into never using a rising attack after a neutral throw. It comes with the risk of getting hit out of it if mis-timed, but with proper practice, it's an amazing option that can really shutdown your opponent's options.

    c) Mid-Rising attacks

    With the exception of those characters with altered mid-rising attacks, FL[2][K][+][G] will actually go under all mid-rising attacks. If you successfully convert this into a knockdown, you can just rip face as Sarah has fantastic options for pressure and damage since [1][K]+[G] will OTG people.

    If you face a character with altered mid-rising attacks, then it's probably best to just stick to the FL[8][K] crush.

    d) Low-Rising attacks

    If you want to get super Yomi about it, you can actually do the following pretty easily [4][K]+[G]x[G] (hold G) to cancel FL into normal stance. This has the nice effect of putting you into FL and then getting out of FL which will probably tempt your opponent into attempting a rising attack. Thus it can be used to bait out a rising attack!

    This can also be nice because if your opponent goes for a low rising attack, you can tech jump it with [8][K] and put your opponent into a deep stagger. While they can technically mash out of it, it's not that easy and I believe FL [3][K] is guaranteed (not sure about that) but I've gotten either FL[6][K]+[G] pretty consistently or FL [K]+[G][G] as well. You'll usually get about 90 ish damage off of it, which is pretty good IMO.

    Edit 2) If they attempt to use Mid Risings, then just crush with [7][K], it's so much fun!

    Edit: e) Back roll

    If your opponent chooses this, just follow them. The combined distance of the neural throw + a back roll will near certainly put your opponent near a wall or edge. Then you get to really apply the pressure!


    Am I the only poster left?! Any thoughts or comments on this would be greatly appreciated!
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    PurpGuy and Koenraku like this.

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