Sarah VF5FS Ver. A.1 (Console) Combos

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Cla, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yeah, Im talking about your posts, sorry to say but the format is horrible to read, plus too many abbreviations.
  2. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Yeah it is a bit hard to read/process in that clustered format.
  3. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Are you all having trouble reading them because my layout is rough or cause you aren't familiar with the standard notation for writing combos? Either way...

    These are more of my own personal notes that I'm copying and pasting here so you all at least have a chance to read them rather than not seeing them at all. I will clean it up when things are finalized. BUT....

    I swear it's not as crazy as it looks. All the combos themselves are in standard notation that is used for ALMOST ALL fighting games (only exceptions I know are Tekken, SF, and MK) on any message board. Beyond that yes there are a lot of abbreviations. The whole point of the internet notation the entire fighting game community uses for combos is to communicate combos in as few chars as possible. I'm not sure what abbreviations are already used for these things, but I did my best to use common sense and create abbreviations that would likely be what the community would gravitate to anyway. (FL = Flamingo, FS = Forward Slide, etc) Anyway, the first code box explains all the abbreviations. Then the combo code box follows a fairly simple pattern which is mentioned at the top of the box:

    1st: Damage on Normal Hit and Counter Hit
    2nd: Whether the combo works on Normal, Counter, or Any Hit
    3rd: Whether the combo works in Closed, Open, or Any Foot Position
    4th: The combo itself in normal notation
    5th: Any additional notes you should know about the combo

    Anyway, please ask away if you still don't understand because this is how I'm gonna be writing this stuff until everything is finalized* and it will help you all to realize the strongest combos faster or gain inspiration for finding combos if you can read my notes.

    *As in once all best combos for each launcher against every char is discovered. As well as the best "universal combos".

    Oh yeah, regarding those "universal combos". It seems like can pretty just always use 1K+GK, FL 6KK after ANY launcher against any char in any foot position and it'll do pretty decent damage. BUT, sometimes you have to finish with 8K instead of 6KK. Make this judgement in real-time based on how high the opponent is after the 1K+GK. If you're unsure, you can just always do 8K. But sometimes, even 8K will miss because the opponent is too low. Be careful cause if you whiff 8K, you'll be punished hard.
  4. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    Been working in the lab on some combos.

    2P+KK->3PK->FL K->FL 8K works on Normal Hit and Counter Hit.

    Haven't tested it on everyone and in each foot position yet. However it seems to work on everyone except Jeffry, Wolf and Taka(I know it doesn't work on Taka, it doesn't launch on any hit.) There are variations to it as well, you'll be within a few points of damage each way.

    3P+K->4P+K->FL K->FL 8K only works on Counter Hit.

    Once again not fully tested, but seems to work on everyone except Jeffry Wolf and Taka, haven't actually faced them yet and had a chance to use it. A few little variations from Flamingo like the other one.

    I'll get on and test further later. Along with some of the other combos I'm working on.
  5. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    In general you should be able to hit FL 8k if you omit the FL k on Jeff and Wolf, but you may need to switch to FL 6kk, depending. No idea on Taka.
  6. sandwraith

    sandwraith Member

    Hey guys, I have some issues with combos ending with 66K+G.

    When I manage the 1K launch and the quick K,P,P follow up, I almost never seem to hit the opponent in mid-air with the 66 K+G and it just opens me up to some punishment. It doesn't seem to matter which weight class of opponent I do it t I just can't nail the 66 K+G. Is there a short delay, a certain level of air I need to gain? The space between me and the opponent?

    Also, if I can't land the 66 K+G, what would be the safest follow-up?
  7. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    You have to be quick on that combo with out a counter hit. I can't seem to do it reliably in dojo. On counter hit it's easy to land with no problems though. With no counter hit on the 1K launcher you might want to go with, KP6->PPK. The heavier characters with out counter hit on a 1K launcher, doing 3PK->FL k-> FL 8K works on everyone but Taka.

    On Wolf and Jeffery on the combos I posted earlier, there isn't much on the 2P+KK->3PK stuff, pretty much just FL 8K. However the FL 6K+G->3PK->FL K->FL 8K works on them on Normal and Counter Hit.
  8. sandwraith

    sandwraith Member

    Are there any accessible combos to continue from 3 P+K? I think it has a lot of promise as a combo starter.

    My big problems with Sarah is the lack of standing low kicks aside from 1K+G and that FL is too easily disrupted by kick pokes and jabs.

    The moment characters like Eileen, Jean or Akira sees FL, they go into crouch guard and use 66Ps before your FL 3K frame resolves. Its very frustrating.
  9. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    On counter hit 3P+K I do. 4P+K->FL K->FL 8K, it does 75 damage and works all the way up to Wolf and Jeffry. On those two I do 4P+K->FL KK2K which does 68 damage.

    I haven't run into situations where I've needed to use a low kick very often. I use 3K+G once in a while, it catches some people off guard.

    As for Flamingo, I'm not in Flamingo just for the sake of being in Flamingo. If I'm in Flamingo, it's because I'm mid combo, thus you can't do anything. Or I got into Flamingo and I'm in advantage from the move I used to get into it and I know what I want to use. But mainly I use Flamingo in combos, and sometimes to launch if I feel I can get away with it. That's just how I play her though. When I try to use Flamingo to create something, it never works. For my style of play, I use it when I know I can get away with it.
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I've been working on some basic FL>3K combos, anyone have any favorites for this?
  11. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    I'll see what I can cook up with FL 3K combos later. Also going to look at some CH 8K+G combos as well. Also going to try and work on some wall combos as well.
  12. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this was posted yet but, here it is:

    Sarah combos

    Does not specify the weight/stance for each combo but it's kinda useful. The dojo is our friend.
  13. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    so didn't see this one in the lists but it's a pretty stable combo for NH off 1k

    1k, 5p, 4k+g, 4p+k, fl8k.

    hits up to I think the light middleweights (need to check on Lau), but definitely everyone up to Lion. 84 damage. i can't consistently do better on normal hit on something that will work on half the cast, but if there's other suggestions i'm game. at lau or better i switch to kp6 fspkk

    there's also a variant combo for up to Jean off NH since kp6 fs pkk isn't reliable;

    1k 4k fl3pk fl8k

    which is 78 if memory serves. really only useful for jean and maybe brad since otherwise kp6 fs pkk is 80 damage. it will work on jacky in open only (iirc), not sure about akira.
  14. Sithlord

    Sithlord Well-Known Member

  15. sandwraith

    sandwraith Member

    Can anyone explain an idiot-proof way of nailing the FL~Step->K.K.K "when hit" timing? I really want to include it in my arsenal of moves.
  16. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    Just got to watch them, as best i can tell. It really is tagged to the hit flashes. As best i can tell the rythym for them is basically slow/fast; you kind of wait for the first hit and then have to be a little quicker for the second. after that just mash 1kk for victory.
  17. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    So an interesting addendum to the 7k juggle ender -> 7k discussion earlier: while the 7k is techable it looks like a 3k down attack is a very good choice after you end with a flipkick. Timed properly after then ass flop against the AI, it's a 50/50 even on exact recovery. If they don't roll properly based on whether you started from closed or open stance or if they get up in place, you get the kick. So this gives a good chance to up your damage for anything that gets ass flop after 7k ender (so 1k 4k+gk FL k FL 8k, or kp6 Slide ppk, as the prime examples).

    Also I've seen some nasty pressure from Slide 2k/2kk mixup on wakeup in some videos recently. Not really the topic for that, but something to add to your game.
  18. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Lots of good info here, but I noticed there's nothing on Taka yet. I haven't been working on him much myself yet, but I just discovered this DC combo in the dojo: [1][K] [4][K]+[G] [K][P] [7][K]+[G]. 85 damage on NH, 97 on MC, works in both open and closed stance. It does slightly more damage than other combos I've seen people use from [1][K] on Taka, and they were all stance specific. I haven't seen that many Taka vs Sarah matches though, there may be better stuff to do.

    I also tried some stuff from FL [3][K] but couldn't come up with anything better than FL [3][K] [K][P] [7][K]+[G]. 65/75 damage, also works in both open and closed stance.
  19. tmd02

    tmd02 Well-Known Member

    The BEST Sarah combo video I've seen, by my friend Kknator95:

  20. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Great video although a lot of the setups are quite situational (side wall hits etc). I might mess around with the stuff for certain characters I vs a lot , thanks for sharing :D

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