Sega planning something soon for VF5...

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    feck and shiny battle of the trolls who is going to win?
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    No need for a battle Matt, if Shiny doesn't appreciate good games that's his business.
  3. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    maybe there's a temporal flux anomaly in the time space continuum [​IMG]
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Based on this event, I disagree.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    We are all jumping to conclusions. The announcement for super monkey ball game is just that.

    They still will have there announcement for VF5R later. Honestly this year is kinda crowded for fighting games. VF5R needs its own spotlight, around Q1 to Q2 of next year. Not to say that it can't stand on its own 2 feet, but I would rather it have more sales and attention than battle it out with a sea of pretenders. I still believe it will happen and yeah it will probaly be ver c. or the final version will see.
  7. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    There's not really any base to make a FT out of VF5, doing it for VF4 worked because Evo was a massive success in arcades. A potential Version C might happen but probably won't have any gameplay changes if we're going by Sega's pattern.

    TBH, they pretty much have to release VF5R this year if it's going to have any relevance, otherwise they could just skip it and move on with VF6 (that is, if they're going to make a VF6 but I guess they pretty much have to).
  8. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Yeah I think this is just another Final Tuned kind of thing, after VF4EVO the next console release was VF5 so I think at the rate it's going now we are just going to go from VF5 to VF6 for console release. Also keep in mind for VF5 we had version B already for ps3 and we don't even have that now for R!
  9. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    VF5R is not coming. Sega of Japan already confirmed this.

    And there are no words of a 5FT being worked on. VF5R was being developed during VF5 version A's development. Before VF5 even debuted at the arcades they were working on Taka-Arashi's model and move-list. Everyone in Japan had gotten word of VF5R (though it had no title at the time) during the first week of VF5 being out in arcades.

    There are no hints at a VF5FT and nothing close to VF getting another port to consoles.

    It's seemingly over.
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    What's funny is that when people found Monkeyball references in the source code, I bet it really was an error. As in, !@#%& so much for a mysterious countdown when it's freaking obvious what the result is going to be!

    So to cover up the mistake they changed the source code to reference other games in a seemingly random way...sorry Sega but you are LAME. It's Monkey Ball to begin with, it's a Monkey Ball error that you made, and it's Monkey Ball that you announced.
  11. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    SoJ didn't confirm VF5R wasn't coming. They haven't said anything.

    So I leave with this poem.

    I took up my Eileen
    Then Sega bragged abroad
    About some wench called Aiai
    And how Eileen's overboard

    They screwed her
    They mangled her
    They locked her up inside
    They stole from her
    then did with her
    even smacked up her behind

    So I took up Blazblue
    To win Eileen true
    And found what I did with Akira
    I could do with Ragna.
  12. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    I spoke with SoA, SoE, and SoJ employees about 5R before and during the Facebook campaign.

    Both SoA and SoE employees said that SoJ controls the Virtua Fighter brand and any chance at porting 5R would be decided by SoJ. In fact someone from SoE told me that they approached SoJ about porting 5R themselves and SoJ said no. So I then spoke with someone at SoJ who is familiar with the AM2 team and he said that VF5R on consoles didn't even make the drawing board at meetings in Japan.

    There's not even an international version of 5R at the arcades.
  13. Terra

    Terra Well-Known Member

    Funny how everyone is up arms about an announcement that was obliviously unrelated to the one Reno gave us.

    The announcement we care about still hasn't been made guys.
  14. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Just couldn't let this poem go unnoticed, I have a thing or two for poems. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Aksys is not without faults either. Blazblue is not on sale here in Europe.
  16. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Aksys does not have distribution rights for Europe. Only North America.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well why didnt they get them?
  18. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    long story short, arcsys' high ups didn't think it would be profitable.

    originally the plan was to make both the ps3 and 360 versions completely region free, but it was a restriction i believe put in place by microsoft that prevented this from happening.

    still, the ps3 version is region free, so if you're in europe you can still import that version.
  19. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Even namco bandai doesn't have publishing rights in europe. It's why sometimes EA and Ubisoft publish some of their games.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Sega History VF History ReRun after ReRun [​IMG]


    Is there some connection between Yu Suzuki licensing rights vs Microsoft Exclusive and Non Disclosure Agreement with Sega and Virtua Fighter 5 online and Yu Suzuki finally leaving Sega and taking his intellectual property with him and the secrecy over VF5R for consoles and the silence at Sega about the non disclosure exclusive agreement with Microsoft and Yu Suzuki's Intellectual property claim on Virtua Fighter and the law suits all over the place by Sega[See Sega Sues BeatTribe] and the restrictive sales strategies of the VirtuaFighter Hardware and Yu Suzuki being ousted and the Microsoft Money given to Sega to Make a online version of VF5 in exchange for a 5 year exclusive on the online version of VF5 and the fact that Sega is running out of Money [See Sega hits rock bottom] and the fact that Yu Suzuki feels screwed and he wants his Intellectual Property rights to Virtua Fighter because he's starting a new company but, Microsofts Exclusive Non Disclosure Agreement prevents Sega from saying anything or doing anything about a VF5R console release in North America because the Non Disclosure Agreement for the Microsoft Live version of Virtua fighter 5 really robs Yu Suzuki from what he feels he is entitled to and after Years and Years of negotiation between Sega and Microsoft, Sega finally decided to give its hardware division to Microsoft[To Thwart Sony] formerly called Sega Dreamcast, Now called Xbox 360 and that there was a secret deal to exclusively license Virtua Fighter 5 to Microsoft all along, which secret deal really caused the final rift with Yu Suzuki and Sega leading to Sega's absolute refusal to say or do anything about VF5R on the consoles thereby leading to the
    notorious and nefarious Monkey Ball Diversion and Deception[/size] [​IMG] in an absolute lame attempt to leave the VFDC community in an obfuscated state with respect to the true status of why there is no forth coming VF5R console release all the while trying to conceal the fact that there is a threeway FU campaign between Yu Suzuki, Microsoft and Sega as to who really owns the VF intellectual property, but at the same time keeping the VFDC Fans [​IMG] at bay by cheap
    Monkey Ball Diversions and Deceptions[/size]
    knowing full well that simple fact the Namco's upcoming release of Tekken 6 and Team Ninja's upcoming release of DOA 5 for the PS3 will bring the ultimate light of scrutiny on the Microsoft
    Non Disclosure Agreement, and the abject abuse of the VFDC fans
    [​IMG] with the whole Happy Bingo Century Hoax, But not anticipating that the whole FaceBook uprising would lead to
    the outting of the Sega of America's COO's hidden Agenda to
    get back at Sony over what happened with the Sega Saturn and that the Monkey Ball Diversion and Deception[/size] Would come to a full head when the VFDC community finally caught on to what was going on about the fact that there will be no VF5R for consoles right now because there
    are major legal disputes about who owns the rights to the Virtua fighter Franchise[/size] [​IMG]

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