Shakedown Online Beatdown: Post fight discussions!

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by TheWorstPlayer, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Hahha, nice! KRS1 was the shit
  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    yes yes yall! and you don't stop!
  3. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    No sweat numbers. I actually only RROD'd twice. Now to get my lazy ass up and actually send it in hahaha
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    Props on the Shake-down Rake-down, JB. And to think, i remember when you were a masher!!!!

    For realz, good job.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You can say anything you want. But if noone had a chance to play the late comers they don't count. Shit frankly you came late. The rule generally is 30 minutes and your not admitted.
    I think like 2 people played SDS and like 1 played Sevensided.

    You didn't win the shake, play Konjou and beat him and I'll give it to you. Just because his name appears first doesn't mean he came in first. Shakedown is based on points.

    XChaotic GraceX: 5 pts
    Social Ruin: 5 pts
    Cozby: 4 pts
    WorstPlayer: 3pts
    KOC: 2 pts
    VFnumbers: 2 pt
    Slug: 0 pts

    Whether I don't count their points or give points for forfeiting either way you are tied with Konjou.
  7. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

  8. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

  9. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    no excuses
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    so I take that as a no.
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Calm down girls [​IMG]

    Clearly it shows that Konjou is the champion judging from Social's sig, lets just leave it at that. [​IMG]
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    You're right, it was important to me. Which is the reason i played everyone in the shoutbox liveparty. All 8 of them. Whether or not u want to say 2 didn't count after the fact. <--not in the rules, BTW.

    so quit hating. Konjou sat in the livechat with us for almost an hour, while SDS and sevensided were in the chat. He could have played. Wasn't that the rules? Come and play everyone in the shoutbox shakedown? i thought it was. I understand he had a phone call and couldn't play everyone. That is fine. But don't tell me to follow the rules, when that is what i did, and not what u are doing.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Frankly you're right if I followed the rules you shouldn't have been let in either. SDS I bitched at for a minute for doing the play but not play stuff. Both him and Sevensided came so late and didn't even fully participate. I've excluded player points before and I'm doing it again. You're the only one that is actually argueing about it. Me I'm not big on people winning on a technicality (players not even bothering to play) Just be happy you beat them.

    We'll have to simply disagree. Or you can break the tie with Konjou and we can agree. Either way, doesn't really matter to me. I just run the thing.
  14. smb

    smb Well-Known Member




    Enjoy your 6 day victory parade. I'm rooting for you to repeat next week!!! (but my money is on konjou to reclaim the crown)
  15. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Forget Konjou or the switchnation or lagzby or any of those guys, listen up because I'm only going to say this once: I'm SOB champion of the week; next week.
  16. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Congrats in advance to KO
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Yknow what I like, the fact that he's afraid to play Konjou for a tie breaker. Me? I'd man up and play Konjou. But I guess it's his way of saying I don't care what you think. Sure I may run this every week and make it a point to show up. Why should I havee a set of rules that all the regulars follow. I recognize Konjou as the winner due to forfeit on Social Ruins part.

    For all intents an purposes people if your late by more than 15 minutes from start don't join. If you don't play your matches fully and just quit, don't join. You're going to have to overcome some adversity people. It's the way things go down and you're going to have to try your best to play everyone. That means making sure everyone has the opportunity to play you. Some of you were having other matches during the shakedown with people NOT in the shakedown. We don't have time for that. What happens then?
    You fuck up my numbers! Don't fuck up my numbers. It's a simple system with simple answers if everyone that plays
    follows the rules. If I could kick you out of the party for joining late I would but there's no kick you out feature.

    It's not a race to see who lucks out and actually gets to play everyone. This is genuinely an attempt to get everyone to play everyone in the tournament, whether they are the best on that day or the worst. This means no forcing people to stay in the room for over 2 hours so they can finally play you! Have some damn respect for others time.

    Also, get a MIC! I can't just assume everyones listening to me through their TV screen.

    I appreciate everyone who thanks me for trying to
    keep this going. I know damn well noone else will.
    No matter who you agree with it's about the competition.

    In the meantime let the twins congratulate each other in
    color schemes. I ain't going to hate no more.

    SHAKEDOWN NEXT WEEK! Same bat time! Same bat channel!
  18. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    I actually have a mic but can't use it. I lost that stupid little plastic thing you need to hook it up to a sf4 TE stick. So i'm not too sure how to get around that one. But I was listening to you guys through my TV [​IMG]
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i didn't/don't forfeit anything.

    i don't know what u have against me, but i do know this goes back a long time. This goes back to the days when everytime i beat you u, u would lie and say 'oh it was my son'. Ya know, EVERY time. So whatever it is that is causing this you should just get over it.

    I joined your stupid tourny for fun. this isn't fun. This is pathetic.

    I won.
    I'm done.
    You will not see me in another SOB.
    1 entry, 1 win, thru with it for good.

    Get over your beef twp. Man up. No excuses.
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I never had anything against you brother. There's no reason too. All I do is play VF. You seem to have me all figured out. I admittedly know nothing about you.

    I've done the same thing in every shakedown. Ommitted points because people didn't make themselves avaiable to play or simply stopped playing.

    I'm not even going to address your other assumptions. You must be right. There's no way I have kids that play VF. It had to be me playing at all hours of the day when I'm a real estate broker in Manhattan. That doesn't take anytime at all. What? I teach capoeira too? That's easy Im probably flipping with a pad in my hand. Oh and I work in film production? Nice. Plenty of time to fuck around with Social Ruin just to piss him off and engage in a cyber grudge.

    Feel free to play in next weeks shake. Keep that imagination in check though.

    Why would I focus on screwing you over and say GGs in the GGs thread at the same time? If anything I'm disappointed we're losing a good player due to his preconcieved notion that I have it in for him. Maybe its because I used to hunt Lei Feis back in the day. Noone else but you two formed this conspiracy theory out of that lot.

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