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Shenmue III petition . . .

Discussion in 'General' started by PhoenixDth, Jun 16, 2003.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Gimme Darius Gaiden or any MAME'd Cave shooter, and gimme FFX, and I know what I'd rather be playing.

    Dodonpachi for life, yo.

    BTW, anyone who thinks GTA is a higher artistic achievement than any Panzer game needs a head check.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    BTW, anyone who thinks GTA is a higher artistic achievement than any Panzer game needs a head check.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So every videogame publication in America (and Time magazine) needs a head check?
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    And can youre PS2 play Panzer Orta, Halo, JSRF, PGR etcetera?
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    empnova said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    BTW, anyone who thinks GTA is a higher artistic achievement than any Panzer game needs a head check.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So every videogame publication in America (and Time magazine) needs a head check?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:

    And can youre PS2 play Panzer Orta, Halo, JSRF, PGR etcetera?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same answer as: "do I want it to?'

  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I do find it fun that my X-Box can play PSX games now. They are still young emulators, but it's coming along well. Now if I could just get UltraXLE to display Mario Kart 64 correctly in multi-player I would be very happy. Still playable and being able to carry Mario Kart 64 on a disc to friends is sweet. Better than lugging my 64 around with me. I like my PS2 and it has some great games, but I have not loved a system like the X-Box since I first bought my Asian Dreamcast. There is also a sweet new Sega emulator that allows you to play Sega (Master System, Genesis, SegaCD, 32x, Saturn) games on your X-Box and will even allow the cd-based games to boot up if you have the originals as well.
    replicant snuggles up with his Xbox and plays Mario Kart 64
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    ohh..fanboyism on both sides..JOY
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    It's pretty well known that the print and general gaming press are a bunch of retards - look at the scores for MK:DA. Mainstream news mags (like Time) factor to people who wouldn't play anything they didn't see on TV.

    People buy Sony because it's the will of the masses that marketting and societal pressure has created. That's the way the game market - especially the Japanese game market - works.

    As for the "it sells more cause it's better" argument... The PC Engine sold more than the Megadrive in Japan. Was it a better system? It's up for debate (especially among rabid American PCE fans), but most people would disagree. The PC Engine may have had Lords of Thunder, but did it have the mind-blowing insanity and pure brilliance of Gunstar Heroes or Alien Soldier? Not to mention the PCE was technologically inferior, as the PS2 is to, well, everything.

    All I know if that I've used my JP PS2 principally for a whopping 2 things besides VF/Evo: Dodonpachi Daioujou and soon Metal Slug 3. Maybe I'll buy a US system if and only if the English version of Star Ocean 3 is good enough.

    I think using Square as ammo for a "SONY IS TEH BESTEST" argument is a moot point. I mean, look at 80% of their PS2 lineup. In particular, look at this mess.
  9. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Zero your arguing with Cat Sandwhich, where did these boards go wrong.

    Its like since Cat Sandwhich got here, this place has turned into gamefaqs. Look people like what console your gonna like and live with it.

    Game Cube is teh rulz!!!
    Xbox roxoxoxxx Nvida ownz joo!!!
    PS2 ownz everybody!! Kojima hates teh xbox.!!!
    Microsoft designed the Xbox so well that nobody in Japan wants to buy it... /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    There now can we ban him?
  10. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    Mainstream news mags (like Time) factor to people who wouldn't play anything they didn't see on TV.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you are saying that people who have mainstream jobs don't qualify as people who are knowledable of video games? The people who work at Time are the same kind of people who post on this board, just normal people who to work etc. And YES people who work at TIME (omg gasp) do play video games. In fact, video games are becoming a regular part of the electronic/technology section of the magazine.

    The reason people buy videoGAME consoles, is to..wait for it.......play GAMEs. Sony consoles have the best game libararies hands down, so most people buy Sony consoles, end of story.

    It is funny how despite your opinions, most people respect the gaming press, buy Sony consoles, and buy more than VF:Evo and Dodonpachi Daioujou for their Sony Console.

    PS2 has tons of games that are exclusive to it that millions of people buy, are you saying that they are all fan boys for Sony?

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Console wars # 999999... This argument is like roaches, it just keeps coming back. Let it die ppl.

    I just hope Yu Suzuki can convince Sega to do the final game.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    and if just one console, xbox...all fannism aside, it is the best console out, hands down.
  13. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    PS2 > X-box in the minds of the majority, and the critics.
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I'll throw in a few comments here, which might simmer this down.

    Zero-chan: You're right about the mainstream journalists not really knowing shit. I remember an article that said, "The Xbox will be for hardcore gamers!". Sorry 1 console can't define a hardcore gamer -- *ALL* consoles (4-bit to 128-bit) are for hardcore gamers.

    Sony does sell the most. The in no way makes them "better". This argument is solely based on opinions, but think of it this way. Brittany, Shakira, Spice Girls, N-Synch, Back Door Boys, and all the other pre-teen music idiots have sold more albums than any artists 12" vinyl I've got, and any of the few CDs I've got. Does that make them better? Fuck no - means they either: 1) they have nice fake guns, 2) they're marketed well, 3) they play it "right in the middle" which doesn't define "good music". 4) all of the above.

    There's a general rule that applies to almost any medium. The more commercial it is - the cheesier it is.

    You tried pj64? It plays Mario quite well for me, although UltraXLE is suppposed to be better. Maybe you dumped the ROM wrong. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Xbox has better hardware AND easier to program for.
    COMES WITH broadband adaptor AND a harddrive...both of those (together) cost damn near 100 bucks for the ps2...please name some of these critics.
  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    empnova said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:
    Mainstream news mags (like Time) factor to people who wouldn't play anything they didn't see on TV.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you are saying that people who have mainstream jobs don't qualify as people who are knowledable of video games? The people who work at Time are the same kind of people who post on this board, just normal people who to work etc. And YES people who work at TIME (omg gasp) do play video games. In fact, video games are becoming a regular part of the electronic/technology section of the magazine.

    The reason people buy videoGAME consoles, is to..wait for it.......play GAMEs. Sony consoles have the best game libararies hands down, so most people buy Sony consoles, end of story.

    It is funny how despite your opinions, most people respect the gaming press, buy Sony consoles, and buy more than VF:Evo and Dodonpachi Daioujou for their Sony Console.

    PS2 has tons of games that are exclusive to it that millions of people buy, are you saying that they are all fan boys for Sony?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The masses are largely ignorant, i dont care for the oppinion of Joe sixpack when it comes to movies, Dr Strangelove is a far better movie then Titanic can ever hope to be.
    keep youre titanic´s on the PS2.
    Mass market shit for a mass market console, only reason VF4 is on PS2 and not on a technically better system.
    Case closed.
  17. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Panzer Dragoon Orta (which is one of my favourite games).

    Do you have any info on another project in the Panzer Dragoon universe? I remember the producer saying he would like to develop a new one, but no info since then...
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Not at the moment no but i can ask.
    Actually I havent talked with em in a while, I should call em soon.
  19. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I tried PJ64, but it doesn't keep as good of a framerate. Still very playable though. Although, the version of PJ64 I have is old and the version of UltraXLE I'm using is 1.0b the latest release. I verified the dump and it checks out fine. The single player game plays good with little frame drop and texture problems. Multiplayer causes a weird overlap of the Player 1 screen that messes up the other viewable screens for P2-P4. When I get off my lazy butt I'll play with the Ini file and fiddle with resolutions and such. What is the latest version of PJ46 out? I'll give it a grab off of xbins and see if it works better. I need a version of it just so I can play 1080 Snowboarding and Waverace 64 anyways. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Hopefully, one of them will have Wrestlemania 2000 or WWF No Mercy playable soon.
  20. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I think there's only one version PJ64. If there's two, then one just fixes the R-Trigger thing. I've got WaveRace on my cube, so that's good enough for me.

    I really play mame the most, and my Turbo CDs since I put my TurboDuo in the closet for now (no room in my room). Will likely try out the SegaCD emulator as well, as that system is next to the Turbo. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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