Shun Di: Final Tuned

Discussion in 'Shun' started by Myke, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    mukatsuku_shun said:
    Word on the street is that it is 16.

    The move sounds great but it hits High-high, and at 16 you are pretty stupid if you dont go for chouwan instead. Also, animation is such that after the two hits he kinda pulls back, so that if its evaded or misses on range you are F---ed.

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    yeah thats what i was afraid of. i was thinking if it was slightly faster like upto 13-14 frames you could use it as an alternative option to punish recovery (so you go for the 24 dmg and DS guessing game afterwards for greater possible overall damage) but at 16 frames, high and totally linear i agree it does sound hard to utilize. however from what i've seen the move does seem to have fairly good range (almost as good as [3]+[P]'s) so it might be good as a poke from certain distances or after certain staggers (such as the one induced by [2_][4]+[K]?? not sure just tossing out ideas there.

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    remember shun's moves start doing extra damage with more drinks. so at 5 DP, it will do 5% extra damage, 21 points!

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    i know but you still can't do it before reaching that many number of drinks and thats not guaranteed to happen. my point was that there was no need to lower damage in an effort to stifle such limited strategies because they aren't going to shift game balance to begin with (of course if i had a choice i'd screw the damage and much rather see chouwan at 15 frames so i can use it in flowcharts again :p)
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I will also add that the reach is fair at best... definitely not "good". +6 is nice after a guard, but your'e limited as to what you can do next due to the drunken stance.
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [4][3][P]+[G] ~ Chouwan ([2][3][6][P]) combos:

    1. [3][P][P][K]
    All characters. Requires 8dp.

    2. [6_][P][P][2][K][K]
    Up to middle weights. Requires 6dp.

    3. [K][K][2][P]
    All characters.

    [2_][3][P] Counter Hit combos:

    1. [2][P] - [6][K][P]
    Against Akira. Open stance.

    2. [6][P][P][K]
    Against Jeffry. Open stance.

    Source: Arcadia 54 (Nov 2004)
  4. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member

    Sorry to post this.

    I'm trying to find out Shun's new move (I think). He does some string and bops you on the head with his hand. I remember I saw it on Those little mini-flash movies for the new moves that Sega had before FT came out.

    Is that the new A/B Move or just a brand new move?

  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    It's the B2 change move [4][P][P]. The second [P] requires 6dp and slams the opponent when used in an air combo.
  6. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Shun Combo Maniacs
    Source - Orange Mook
    Writer - Yanaga
    Translation - Noodalls

    1. [6_][P] [2][P] [2][P] (>6DP)[P][P][2][K][K]
    2. [K][K][2][P]
    3. [6_][P] [6_][K][P]
    4. [6_][P] [6_][P] [4][3][P]
    5. [6_][P] (>6DP)[2][3][6][P][P]
    6. [6_][P] [4][P][P]
    7. [6_][P] (>8DP)[3][P][P][K]

    Shun's main combo starter [2][3][6][P] gives combos 2 and 3 on normal hit. Combo 2 is for starting from closed stance, and connects on all characters. Combo 3 is from closed stance, and works on middle weight characters except for Lion. Against heavy weights where combo 3 won't connect, use combo 4 in open stance as the basic combo, and combo 5 when you have >6DP. 5 won't connect against heavy weights in closed stance, so be careful.
    On counter hit [2][3][6][P], combos 3 and 5 will work on all characters, and combo 1 will work on all characters from closed stance starter. 1 will work on normal hit against all midweights except Lion, but depending on distance it may not connect. Otherwise, combo 6 will work in open stance on light and middle weights up to Lau, and has a slam hit. 7 will work on all characters in closed stance when the move connects from a distance, as a flow combo.

    8. [3][P][P][K]
    9. [6][P]+[K]+[G][P]hit or guard[P]
    10. [6_][P] [2][P] [2][P] (>6DP)[P][P][2][K][K]
    11. [2][P] [6][P][P][K]
    12. [3]or[9][P]+[K]+[G] [2][P] [4][6][P][P][P]
    13. [3]or[9][P]+[K]+[G] [2][P] [6][P][K]
    14. [6][P]+[K]

    After [8][K]+[G] there are various combos you can go for. 8 works for all characters, and the damage is high, but you can't go for okizeme. Combo 9 works on light and middle weights in open stance, and increases his DP by 1. In closed stance it's difficult to get the third hit to connec,t but his DP do increase so it's not a bad idea to go for it. Combo 10 is a combo limited to Pai and Aoi in open stance. Against Pai you can do the whole combo at full speed without a problem, but against Aoi you need to input the first [2][P] with a 1 frame penalty. Then in closed stance, the second [2][P] refloats them, and so you can go for various combos. 11-13 are bound combos that work on light and middle weights. However, against light wegihts combo 12 becomes an air combo.
    For combos 12 and 13, do [3]or[9][P]+[K]+[G] to move towards the opponent's back.
    With combo 14, you trade gaining 4DPs for allowing a guaranteed counter. But, against light weights it's difficult for them to counter attack, so it's a good thing to go for.

    [2_][3][P] counter hit or [4][K][P] or (>10DP)[4][P]+[K]
    15. [2][P] [1][P][K]
    16. [2][P] [6_][K][P]
    17. [6][P][P][K]
    18. [6][P][K]

    From stomach crumple, 15 is guaranteed on all characters and does the best damage. However, it doesn't allow you to go for okizeme, so against light and middle weights you should go for 16. 16 is a little bit lower on damage, but they land face down so you can go for okizeme. Basically it connects on middle weights, but against Akira and Jacky in open stance it won't. Also, after the [4][K][P] starter unless if you delay the hit of the [2][P] it won't connect so be careful. 17 and 18 are open stance combos against heavy weights. Combo 17 is for Jeffrey and combo 18 is for Wolf.

    19. [2][3][6][P] [4][P][P]
    20. [2][3][6][P] (>6DP)[2][3][6][P][P]
    21. [2][3][6][P] [4][6][P][P][P]
    22. [2][3][6][P] [1][P][K]

    From [3][P]+[G], except for Vanessa and Pai [2][3][6][P] is guaranteed. But, if Shun does [6][3][2][1][4][P]+[K] he will lie down, and no combos will work, so be careful. Basically combos 21 and 22 will work against all opponents. Combo 21 does lower damage, but the chance to do okizeme makes it a strong option. Combo 22 does more damage, but it's harder to use okizeme. 19 works on light and middle weights except Jacky, and finishes with a slam hit. If you add down [3][P] it's good damage. 20 works on light weights and Goh, and allows for okizeme, so it's good to use.

    23. [2][3][6][P] [3][P][P][K]
    24. [2][3][6][P] [K][K][2][P]
    25. [2][3][6][P] (>6DP)[P][P][2][K][K]
    26. [2][3][6][P] [6_][P] [6_][K][P]
    27. [2][3][6][P] (>6DP)[2][3][6][P][P]

    The [2][3][6][P] after (>6DP)[4][3][P]+[G] can be evaded by Akira so be careful. Combo 23 is the best damage and works on all characters, but you can't go for okizeme. Combo 24 works on all characters. Combo 25 works on middle weights and gives slightly better damage than 24. 26 is a special combo used on a crouching Sarah. The damage is high and the okizeme is easy. 27 works only on Pai, giving damage about as high as 24 but also allowing the high probability of following on with more damage.


    The first combo was listed as 10, not 1, but it makes no difference. Also, the section on [2][3][6][P] combos seemed to get a bit confusing with regards to stance, so if anyone can clarify stuff that would be good.
    1.5 more to go.
  7. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, the section on [2][3][6][P] combos seemed to get a bit confusing with regards to stance, so if anyone can clarify stuff that would be good.

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    From what I have discerned of FT Shun it looks correct, although I have a hunch that combo 3 is meant to an open stance combo. My guess is that combo 3 actually works in both stances, as even though combo 2 is higher damage it only works in closed stance, so combo 3 becomes the main choice for open stance. The rest of it seems logical. That first combo is a strange one though! Gotta test that out.
  8. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Combo 17 is for Jeffrey and combo 18 is for Wolf.

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    Shouldn't this be the other way around? I'm only basing this on, my possibly flawed knowledge that, Jeff is heavier than Wolf.
  9. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Actually these combos are correct. They also work in Evo so you can test them out. I think they hit because of the size/shape of Jeff and Wolf rather than weight, as if you try it on other characters the [6]+[P] whiffs over their head. The whack thing about it is that you can get more damage against the heavyweights than you can get against any of the other characters!
  10. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Yeah the Jeff one's weird, as Drunkencat said it has more to do with shape of character than weight /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif (more of Jeffry to hit!)

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