Side-step is advanced technique

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by dynamic-league, Dec 2, 2001.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    i use that combo too robyrt, it appears with heavy damage, and it's easily pulled off too..

    since your not to sure about your DLC, i suggest though that you might want to try the new fujin 3 hit combo as it is way easlily pulled off and still looks cool..

    i was trying this out too and found that it is more of a stun - move rather than a heavy knock down, but works well in combinations, also, akira's d/f+P+K+G, f+P+K+G is incredibly helpful and powerful, it helped me beat a lion player at the casino,...

    just play around and do whatever suits you, though i assume with your knowledge, you are no begginer...., so i'm sure you already have your techniques (^_^)
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member


    how many of you were at the goodge street casino: tuesday 4 dec at around 300pm??

    i saw quite a few people got wooped by the owner, i think he was using lion, and taking on everyone..

    heh heh, he did'nt manage to beat my akira though, i lost the first match pretty bad with wolf, but was playing confident on the second try with akira.... this was when i unleashed the evil guard break>>DLC combo (^_^)

    i had quite at time using the new fujin 3 hit combo, but i was quite dissapointed i couldnt finish the match with the SPoD, that would have been cool (^_^) oh well......
  3. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    You don't mean people were losing to derrick???
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    yeah, they were...

    it was quite funny watching actually.. (^_^) ahhh the lion techniques,,
    he deliberatly puts you off your game with taunting, but it was okay for me because it tested my concerntration...

    i cant wait to master some of akira's chain throws..... oooo, the pain!!
  5. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    what Lion tactics do you consider "taunts"? thx. send message when you will next visit NYC so we can gather NYC best for arcade VF4.
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    no, No, NO...

    i dont mean "moves" i mean he litteraly taunting with words during matches and shouting out silly things to put you off,... it was quite funny actually, he won alot of matches that way LOL!

    heh heh, who needs character techniques?...(^_^)

    oh, and whats "NYC" stand for?
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Oh... you were talking about Derrick's commentary...
  8. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    NYC = New York City
  9. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    HHmmm. =*;*= oh, well. *shrug* . I just returned from
    I arrived a little after noon hour and found someone playing Lei against CPU. I challenged after watching two rounds. A few minutes into round four a crowd began to develop and tokens came raing on Challenge Line ( clear lexan strip above buttons). NYC = New York City. I found that all were total Tekken harcore players that hated VF4 until recently, so they say. yesterday they would peek and walk away. it was very good to have non-stop human opponents challenge one after the other. Ni one spoke. Not even when addressed directly by me when we were waiting our turn. I always ask if: You ever check out: VFDC? and the response was always the same. sheesh, with clenched teeth or head skake. After 8 wins in a row I was too tired to continue on empty stomach. besides i do not want to lose my job. ;) so I headed back to office. No tech rollers to punish. all were basic in your face rising attacks... after the third win in a row for Lion it was not a good okizemi time for me. ;P
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    new york city!!??

    i dont have the money to travel to america! yikes!!
    hey big dipper, congrats on all your wins... who did you use?

    errr... i think i'll stick to the basic casino, kindda like home teritory as such... (^_^) besides, i think i've got a rep now.... but i look forward to getting my butt wooped by any better challengers..

    the best trick against derrick is "tech rolling", he ALWAYS tries to stomp on you as you hit the ground so use the time to side-grab or use a powerful knock down, ..... worked for me.
  11. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Why are you still talking about Derrick of all people? The best trick against Derrick is common sense.
  12. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    in all fairness to VF4 community here in the colonies. The best of NYC was not there. *cough* even the second best and third best were not present. *smirk* ...Mostly Tekken aficionados who were drawn to challenge the gray haired old man. Lion, Aoi. I will review my teachers notes on Wolf and bring him next week. Against door knobs like Sarah ( no pun intended), Kage, Shun, etc. Lion's new P,P,b+P replaces VF3 P,P,f+P+E for a spinning evade slap/swipe punch that disrupts nicely when used to close gap of high kickers and fast punchers. that often gives a u/f+K finish. The picture to the left of your posts? What is this box? Cheers.
  13. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    i see....

    the box at the side of my post, believe it or not is the psx2 vf4 joystick...

    the proportion is off though...
  14. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    when mrs. santa asked what jiji wanted for xmas he mentioned two arcade sticks for ps2 , Tekken ( to keep him occupied until 3/01 launch of Us VF4) and sake. i know I will get pajamas and socks.
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Damn, dunno bout the rest of you, but I Thought the sticks looked horrible..bad button placement.
  16. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    santa gave mrs santa an ad w/ pictures at bestbuy and the sticks are different that santa will get than pictured. Nice ergonomic roll in base with two rows of six each and nice stick. BTW- the buttons at are purrrfect. gg
  17. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    how can you say that!!? its THE perfect way to play any vf game. this layout is the same as using the A, X and Y buttons on the agetec stick. the same one evryone been using for years.


    Im willing to bet you've been playing with this setup the whole time but didnt realize it, if this is not the way you played vf3tb, then how do you play it? A,B,C,Z ? that's wack.
  18. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    oh noo!!

    it seems like shadowdean plays on the cabinet with the chock-a-block layout oooo, nasty!!

    you'll get authritus with that! LOL
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    it's fine if you use your thumb for guard, but if you use the first three fingers (a habit I haven't been able to break since the NES) then it sucks. Your wrist must tilt and then you're in agony, unable to walk or eat and barely able to breathe afterwards. It's a nightmare and leaves you with seizures and permanent paralysis.
  20. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

    I've beaten Derrick once. Need more practice with Lei-Fei...

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