Side Turn Meaties

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Tricky, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. PKGJimmy

    PKGJimmy Active Member

    Yes, after 43P+K sidehit, cancel to 214PP214K+G is guanrateed.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    you mean on meaty? 214PP on a normal sidehit is duckable.
  3. PKGJimmy

    PKGJimmy Active Member

    I know 3P(normal sidehit)214P is not able to block but duckable.
    But 43P+K sidehit (or 3P counter sidehit) is different story.
  4. PKGJimmy

    PKGJimmy Active Member

    Its not Sarah only. You can check out the video I made on last October.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Hm okay that's good to know. It's strange because one of my mixups off of 6P+G6 is between P+K and 43P+K. If someone gets hit by the 43P+K it's a sidehit and I'm pretty sure I've seen people duck it, but I might be thinking of when folks block the 43P+K which makes total sense. So sidehit 214PP combos into 214K+G it sounds like. That's nice!
  6. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    @PKGJimmy: I was talking about Tricky's original setup, and I agreed that it was not Sarah only.

    @Tricky: Just tested it. Do OM > 43P+K > 214PP and it combos, but the 214K+G doesn't seem to combo after. Of course, you can do OM > 43P+K > 214PK for max damage if you want.
    Tricky likes this.
  7. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    New setup: Anytime you 236KKK someone, they land in position for sideturned meaty.

    Potential combo alterations:
    9K > 6P+KP > 236KKK (74 damage, typical 9K combo is 82) Works up to Vanessa in both stances. Works up to Jean in open stance. Otherwise, I can only get 9K > PP > 236KKK. Following up immediately with 43P+K seems perfectly timed to side-meaty them.

    9P > PP > 236KKK (61 damage, typical 9P combo is 67) Works up to Aoi both Stances, not sure who it works on in open, but at least Lion.

    And of course, 43P+K > 236KKK that you showed in your monkey tricks video Tricky.
    Tricky likes this.
  8. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Tested with, Set CPU ON Counter Hit
    Side Roll/back
    Rising Speed fastest
    Fall recovery Side roll/back (exact)

    Ok from starting distance do [8],[P][+][K][+][G] to get on side, then [3][K], [2][1][4][P][P]~[2][1][4][P][P]~[2][1][4][P][+][K][K]
    This should give you
    +12 side hit meaty.

    This works on AKIRA (+11 to +12) PAi (only +11), JACKY (+11 to +12), WOLF and JEFFRY (loose timing you can just throw it out there with no delay and it'll hit +12).

    Does not work on TAKA, EILEEN, AOI, SHUN, EL BLAZE

    You must delay the [K] just a little for it to work on KAGE, JEAN, SARAH, LAU, VANESSA, BRAD, LION (+11 to +12), GOH (only +11), LEi FEi (only +8 to +11).

    -This meaty is exclusive to the 2 Octagon Stages as far as I can tell.
    Side note, "I really tried to squeeze +13 out of this scenario but I couldn't, because that would mean [4][P][P][K] could connect and that might be a little overkill, because it would lead to a wall splat via Octagon Stages". ?

    Side note, Using the combo above you can substitute the [K] for [P] instead if you want that meaty crumple lead into another combo since the [P] is also a mid, now I don't know if same exact timing rules apply with each character, but theoretically it should work.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Pit, why does this meaty need the octagon, I don't see any notes about walls being used. Which part of that combo does your opponent body hit the wall or get affected by the wall (combo wise as they aren't going to move as far from ur body when laying near a wall).

    Also You forgot to mention the 3K from sideturn is a CH. I'm assuming you just forgot to list in the "CPU SETTINGS" that you have CH turned on.

    Tho if you didn't have CH on, you actually don't know if these are meaties or just wheaties.
    HomebredTripod and EvenPit like this.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    btw max damage for a sidehit 43P+K is 43P+K > 236KKK.

    236KKK is always her max dmg thing. You can also land it after 4P+K from sidehit.
  11. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Oh yeah i just assumed that everything in this thread was CH but I did edit it for peeps you might get confused.
    About the wall thingy any other stage, after the second [2][1][4][P] that [P] actually pushes your opponent too far away for the [2][1][4] [P][+][K][K] (or [P]) to connect you will be out of range. A good example why this wont work on Eileen is because her body actually connects with the wall and she'll fall back turned up against the wall interrupting the tec roll due to the [P] i mentioned above. And a good example why this works on lets say, Wolf is because the wall prevents him from being pushed too far away from you so when he tecs he's close enough to get hit. I think too its important that they tec BACK assuming you are on the 1p side but ill test that too a little later cause i'm not 100% sure. So for characters that hit the wall (EILEEN, AOI, SHUN, EL BLAZE) after that [P] you know it will not work (from starting position) ( and if you're not at starting position they will be pushed too far away after that [P] which is why that Octagon wall is needed ((at starting position))).
    So for the characters that it works on they will i guess get "affected" by the wall and for those who "hit" the wall you'll know it's a no go for them.

    EDIT: the same rules apply no matter which way they tec front or back (must be exact tec btw)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
  12. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    *Use the same CPU settings as before.
    I've also had some time with the lightweight characters above that wasn't supported on the Octagon stage. Basically all the same rules apply as before but will be on the Taco stages. Start with the same procedure [8] [P][+][K][+][G] to get to the side then [3][K] [2][1][4][P][P]~[2][1][4][P][P]~[2][1][4][P][+][K][K]

    +11 side meaty on
    You can also end the string with the low sweep [2][K] or the [P] for the crumple which neither can be avoided.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    nice @EvenPit can you list the dmg your altered combos do so I can get a sense of how much dmg you are or are not sacrificing for the mixup.

  14. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    yup ill start with the heavyweights you can do some nasty stuff to them for a change especially. Just one question though about the CPU if you set it to fastest stagger recovery and you are still able to get a NH move in after the stagger does that mean it cannot be broken? or is that just a CPU thing?
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think I understand your question but I'm not totally sure what you mean. What your'e describing might actually be something more like the techroll meaties, but applied to staggers. Like if you attack you will get a NH after a tech roll if done properly, and if u block you'll block. Maybe staggers are the same, OR maybe I don't understand your situation

    Can you walk me through the steps of how you're getting what you're getting?
  16. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    OK for like the situation I explained in my first post I'll use Wolf in this example. Now remember the CPU is on CH and Fastest stagger recovery. So on the octagon stage I do the same steps to get the +12 side hit meaty and that means P K is guarantee, but I just do the P which causes a stagger side-turned. Now if I would have just done the P K the hit counter would have read 3 hits total ( the 214K , P, and the K ) OK so after just the P I did 9K which causes the wall splat and the 9K hit on Normal hit and the hit counter reads 3 hit still the (214K, P, and 9K) I was just wandering if that stagger could be broken so you can block the 9K because if the CPU would have broken it the 9K would have landed on CH and the hit counter would have reset after P but it did not so does that mean free 9K?!?
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    a wall stagger created from a side hit is the hardest stagger to get out of in the game and it's also always going to give you free damage. I do not know the exact amount of frames you can use, but you're not getting a CH cuz in this case the stagger state creates NH's not CH's. What you can do is see how may exe frames it takes after that stagger starts for you to be able to get a CH then you'll know how many frames you get off at side hit P wall stagger.... actually intresting to know if the frames are different if you created it based on side hit 2P vs side hit wall P.
  18. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Nope The 2p does not do anything is still +6 from the side. I did manage to get [2][3][6][K][+][G] to hit Normal Hit after the [P] stagger so somewhere around +25 advantage in that situation so you can basically do anything you want.

    I calculated and if everything goes right all the way up until the [P] stagger you can get 184 dmg off of everybody except Taka, Eileen, Shun, and El Blaze
    . _IMAG0027.jpg.jpg
    The combo I used after the [P] stagger was [9][K], [2][3][6][P][+][K][K], [9][P][+][K][+][G][P][P], [6][6][K], [2][1][4][P][K] And for the lighter characters I'm sure you can alter this combo to get more damage.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2014
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    that's not a mixup that's murder
    HomebredTripod and EvenPit like this.
  20. HomebredTripod

    HomebredTripod Well-Known Member

    is that a wall combo actually :O I would actually like to see a video of this

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