Sign the VF4:FT - Online edition petition

Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

By Strider786 on Sep 10, 2014 at 3:32 PM
  1. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    This is a petition for Requesting Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to be released first on either/both PS3 or XBOX360 and secondarily PS4/PC/XBOXONE, optimised for the chosen platform, with full functioning online features (room, player and ranked matches, like FS) and including the tutorial and training mode from VF4:EVO.


    !!!!!!!SIGN HERE!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014


Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

    1. Jide
      The problem is with this port is that I couldn't see AM2 allowing anyone to port the game to the current consoles. Which is a shame because I'm sure there is a ton of small developers who would love to. So in the harshest terms if Am2 won't do it we will never see it.. :(

      I would love to be wrong though
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    2. Pai~Chun
      Need to rustle up those old boys in London, Jide ;) Should be seeing at least ten unique names on here just from that area alone. I can't see SEGA moving until they can see real demand. Let the groundswell begin!
    3. MarlyJay
      Or even better, why don't you start something up where you are. We'll come up to you if you can pull it off.
      Ellis, Kamais_Ookin and Sozos like this.
    4. Pai~Chun
      Closest guy to me across the whole of East Anglia is Odelay, and he seems to prefer playing on PSN wireless when he's not jamming away on SCV.
      I know London had plenty of players for VF4, and even Vanilla 5. I've seen the pictures on IRC years back, and looked at the threads still on here. Those guys can't all have left the country (I know it happens though, with being such a mixed environment down there).
      Ideally, like Tekken on PSN, there would be an array of VF games players of various generations could choose from. In turn, that may encourage some older players to try the modern versions more.
      Heck, I just plucked VF2 off there in the sale for less than a can of Kestrel!! ;)
    5. MarlyJay
      Travel then. There was no online in VF4 days and people travelled. Now it's final showdown and people still travel. There are always 2 solutions that work ; create a scene of your own or travel to someone else's. Talking about someone else's scene and peering in from the outside in is just a waste of time in my opinion.
      Ellis, Kamais_Ookin and BLACKSTAR like this.
    6. Pai~Chun
      Not really, because thanks to online, finally after years watching from afar in the wings, now I get to play you guys on console, sitting right here :) But that's a digression and separate debate (aka can of worms) anyhow. Super veterans like Jide must still know loads of players who could post on here with unique accounts asking for some older ports. I've expressed my genuine interest to pay and play: who's next?
    7. Stl_Tim
      Back to our show.
      Strider786 likes this.
    8. Strider786
      So I've finally gotten back into the sway of things at college and gotten into a good routine so I will be able to find time to get things like this done. I appoligise to everyone for the wait especially Tim.

      Now, Just to clarify, these are the requests I'm including:
      • VF4:FT optimised port for PS3 and Xbox360
      • With fully functioning online features (ranked matches, player matches and room matches. In otherwords, how FS is like)
      Now I'm thinking it'll be more reasonable to ask for it to be ported to Xbox360 only, seeing as it is the better network in the west, what do you guys think?
      Stl_Tim likes this.
    9. Kamais_Ookin
      Final tuned for PC plz thanks.
      Ellis, Jide, Strider786 and 1 other person like this.
    10. Strider786
      A PC port would probably be better than an xbox port... I'm gonna roll with that idea.
      Ellis likes this.
    11. SNAKE BOSS
      Also ask for a ps4 and maybe an xbox1 versions because those are the new consoles now especially the ps4.
    12. Strider786
      The reason why I only want to ask for the PC port is because, simply, its less effort for Sega. And if its less effort, they're more likely to toss us a bone. Plus with PC you can get more solid connections than both XBL and PSN as far as I'm aware.
      Ellis likes this.
    13. Pai~Chun
      No love for Wii U? It already has Bayo 2, a former SEGA licence...

      I think increasingly now, we will be seeing Japanese games on Japanese consoles.
      Virtua Fighter is a Japanese game.

      The home computer platform, is generally wide open for modification (cheating), often has terrible connections for fighters (SFIV), and excludes those who can't afford £2K or whatever putting a high end graphical rig together. A PC only version would be a backward and divisive step in my view, so... that's probably what they'll go and do *sardonic chuckle*
      Strider786 likes this.
    14. Strider786
      Now I dunno, PC or PS3/4... what does everyone else think of this?
    15. Pai~Chun
      Ideally, all major online gaming platforms. If it was Sonic, hell they'd port it to Vita, Macbook Air, and probably still do a physical Dreamcast commemorative GD-R. Personally, I'd be looking to download it on Xbox 360, for around a tenner, just like Third Strike. Realistically though, I think SEGA and many other JP SoftCos will be looking at PS4 now to shunt new software out (which could include older NAOMI or Model3 ports).
    16. Strider786
      Ok so far I've got to this point with the draft. IT IS NOT COMPLETE, but please give some feedback to help me along.
      Yes its mostly a copypasta from @oneida 's post atm (thanks a lot btw :) )

      I'll be adding to this pretty much daily with you guy's feedback and my own stuff until we agree this is complete so... stay (final) tuned? :D ... I'm sorry.


      Dear SEGA,

      Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned is the final chapter in one of the most well regarded series in VF and has gone unplayed by most of the world, including the majority of the VF fanbase outside of Japan. We would like for this gem to be ported to a platform other than arcades, and outside of Japan.

      What we’re asking for Is a fully optimized PS3/4 port, unlike the PS3 VF4:EVO port that utilized the PS3’s weak emulation software, and for it to include a fully functioning online feature with ranked, player and room matches just like Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown.

      Bringing Final Tuned to consoles not only allows fans to experience for the first time what some consider the peak of Virtua Fighter, but would also allow the series to remain in the public eye while we all wait for VF6.

      It has been nearly two years since the last VF console release - VF2 Online - port VF4FT so that a general audience can be more aware of what makes Virtua Fighter unique and worthwhile, while allowing series veterans to have closure on the 4 series.

      Thank you for your time,

      Your Western fanbase.
    17. SNAKE BOSS
      So far its good but I think you meant to say vf4evo instead of vf4ft port after the vf2 online part so change that to evo. Also let them know its the 10th anniversary of vf4ft because it came out in 2004 in arcades. Everything else looks good.
      Strider786 likes this.
    18. SNAKE BOSS
      I think ps3 and ps4 and even xbox would be better then for pc because sega has not released a vf game on pc since the 1990s.
      Strider786 likes this.
    19. Stl_Tim
      No, it's for ft not evo.
    20. SNAKE BOSS
      Lol that is what I was telling him.

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