Sign the VF4:FT - Online edition petition

Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

By Strider786 on Sep 10, 2014 at 3:32 PM
  1. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    This is a petition for Requesting Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to be released first on either/both PS3 or XBOX360 and secondarily PS4/PC/XBOXONE, optimised for the chosen platform, with full functioning online features (room, player and ranked matches, like FS) and including the tutorial and training mode from VF4:EVO.


    !!!!!!!SIGN HERE!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014


Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

    1. Sebo
      Dear Sega,
      Release the best VF game ever. You most likely won't as it won't be economically feasible, and let's face it, you're in a slump due to all the shitty business practices and shit games you've been releasing. So you know what, fuck you.

      How does Sega's ass taste?

      Sorry, but this is so reminiscent of an abusive relationship (why else do I even visit? lol).

      Sega will stop treating their precious fans like shit, and come early from work not smelling of whisky and titty dancers! A history of shitty ports, failure to attempt to port the best games, "ps3 console exclusive" sike! let's give the newer version to the 360, and sparse updates. Don't worry, next time we'll be lucky!
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    2. DigitlSamurai
      Just my two cents, but...

      1. It really should AT LEAST be on 360 and PS3; those are the consoles most people have, meaning it would sell the best there, making Sega more likely to eventually make VF6. Also, releasing it for only one of the two would only serve to split the community.

      2. For the petition to get a decent number of signatures, it (obviously) needs to be shared outside of just VFDC. If it's O.K, I'd like to make a Youtube video telling people about it.
      Strider786 likes this.
    3. Strider786
      PLEASE do :) But not right now, it'll make more sense to put one together once I finish the letter. Thanks man.
    4. YOMI
      You do realize that this is 100% never going to happen because:

      1) Online petitions are stupid and make no differance.
      2) Sega doesn't care about VF and VF has never been much of a major franchise that sells 3 billion copies to warrant churning out half-assed re-releases or ports.
      3) Online petitions are stupid and make no differance.

      And seriously, the thing I find the most laughable about this whole thing is that this site and all of it's residents begged and pleaded Sega to release VF5R and FS for consoles for years with silly online petitions and whatnot, and now that FS is here they would suddenly rather play vanilla, 4 or even 3. Is there any pleasing you people?
      Devdan and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    5. YOMI
      Pls you covering your ears with your hands and going LALALALALA isn't going to change the facts thnx.
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    6. Kamais_Ookin
      Forgive him, he is still a child.
    7. DigitlSamurai
      To clarify, it's only going to be on-screen text.
    8. cruzlink2
      Where do I sign this petition?. I would sign this even though I already have had the fortune to play FT and actually have a FT setup. I want these FS babies to experience real VF without having to use a shitty emulator or traveling down to NYC ;).
      Strider786, Ellis and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    9. Strider786
      It ain't finished just yet. Stay tuned!
      Stl_Tim likes this.
    10. YOMI
      My only solace is that he will grow to know despair.
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    11. Stl_Tim
      We understand your cynicism, thanks.
      Moving along.
      Strider786 likes this.
    12. Strider786
      So, I know I said I would be adding to this everyday... but I haven't been, I apologize everyone once again :( .

      Now I've made A few tweaks here and there this weekend but overall its the same letter. Short and snappy, I don't think It'll make much sense to make it any longer than it has to be with anymore fluffy pleas and complements.

      So I'm going to see if I can get any of the English teachers at college to give it a once over, seeing as I'm pretty much happy with the way it is. Now is there anything else you guys want me to add? Because after I get it checked out with someone I'm going to be posting up the actual petition so we can (finally) get this thing rolling. I'm arranging an appointment with someone right now so expect this to be up real soon.
    13. Sudden_Death
    14. SUGATA
      Sega! Please release VF4FT Online edition on PS3/PS4. VF4FT is imo the most iconic and legendary fighting game.
      And even for now it has some unique features like really full detailed breaken walls, classic multi throw escape system - we just need the nial version (Final Tuned) and online possibilities!
      Strider786 likes this.
    15. Strider786
    16. Shinobi
      Ok, done ;)
      Strider786 likes this.
    17. Modelah
    18. DigitlSamurai
      I will. Also want to reiterate that it will only be text on a blank background.
      Stl_Tim likes this.
    19. Strider786
    20. Stl_Tim
      Amazing job everyone! No excuses, so please take the time and sign!

      Show your support and love and make an old angry man happy.

      I'm done eating jack in the box fs and want some real ft filet.
      Strider786 likes this.

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