Sign the VF4:FT - Online edition petition

Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

By Strider786 on Sep 10, 2014 at 3:32 PM
  1. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    This is a petition for Requesting Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to be released first on either/both PS3 or XBOX360 and secondarily PS4/PC/XBOXONE, optimised for the chosen platform, with full functioning online features (room, player and ranked matches, like FS) and including the tutorial and training mode from VF4:EVO.


    !!!!!!!SIGN HERE!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014


Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

    1. ShinjukuATM
      sega is far away from over...the stock is actually pretty fine...but there is no way they will be stupid enough to re-release vf4ft...
    2. Strider786
      @dreamcast_fan I really cant argue with that. Great clear points, unlike everything else in opposition to this on this thread, which was all "sega dont care" "this is disgust" "online petitions are stupid" "this has no chance" "you will know despair".

      Let me clear this up real quick (this isn't particularly directed at you DC_fan). I know full well how little of a chance this has at happening. I know full well sega's position regards to VF. I know full well most people aren't interested in VF4. I knew all this from the beginning, I'm not some dumbass dreamer who just threw this together on a whim, I know what I'm doing.

      If it wasn't clear, I made this because 1- Myself and other people want to play FT, online and in a optimised state. 2- letting sega know there's still demand for VF would do nothing but good. If I don't ask for this, then I doubt i (and a lot of others) will ever get to play FT except if I go down to NYG one of these years.

      What I don't understand why people want to moan at this. Its a long shot, but what exactly does your miserable ass have to lose? and what good will moaning about how dumb you think this is do? I don't understand.
      Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
      GodFistEmissary likes this.
      I'm all for signing up to support for FT. Even if its a long shot, people forget that FINAL SHOWDOWN was a long-shot itself! Just like VF5:R, we Westerners were NOT supposed to get this game, until our voices were heard for the 500+ page VF5:R petition sent to SEGA Japan headquarters, courtesy of the great Kamaage himself!

      Bring Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to the West, SEGA!!!! On Steam! On PC retail! On current gen AND next gen consoles! And BRING US VF6 too!
      DigitlSamurai and Strider786 like this.
      Also Haters GTFO! Go naysay somewhere else! We need support, not debbie downers
    5. Jacky22
      Step1: Port VF5Vanilla/R/FS to PS4/Bone, Retail-Disc with missing content from the Arcade- version+Kumite+Evostyle-Tutorial. Shitty PuyoPuyo gets ported to NextGen, why not VF???

      Bonus: VF4FT on Consoles/PC

      One lesson I learned: Never say never !
    6. Rodnutz

      Now this is the type of post this thread and all threads need. Constructive criticism that while it may sound harsh it holds a lot of merit because it contains facts or great points that anyone can follow or accept.
    7. Unicorn
      And that is why whole western word now shit to pants because of Putin, right? :D :D

      It actually broke 10k pretty fast
      Using somethign you do not know as "argument"? :( Oh my...
      Actually, about your aguments - VF5FS did unexpectedly well for Sega. It met Japan target sales within 1st week (that is actually awesome) and in Europe/America, it sold over 300.000 copies within first 2 weeks (that is fucking awesome for digital release).
      Please, do not pull arguments out of your ass :(

      I am not trying to say this petition will succeed. TBH I will be more that surprised if it will. What I see as potential in this action and actions like this is that it may remind SEGA that there are people who still cares about VF.
      To give you IRL example - old good MK Trilogy was never released in my country. I kept asking for it in shops for months and make my friends to do so as well... And what you think? They get the message. They understand there are people who wanna buy this game - and imported it. And this is what I hope such petitions may do for VF.
      MarlyJay and Strider786 like this.
    8. Sebo
      Eh, gross oversimplification. There are far more things that hold this community back, more than "grumpy old guys."
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    9. Myke
      ... said the "grumpy old guy" ;)

      In all seriousness, I think Rod's "oversimplification" was accurate and appropriate if you consider the original intent of this thread was not to be a review about all the things that "hold this community back".

      Strider has tried his hardest to kindly ask people not to shit in the thread. But guess what has gone and happened anyway?

      If you don't like it, move on. The message couldn't be more simpler. But, like moths to a flame, the haters can't resist but stop by and take a dump.

      My personal views of the petition:

      If AM2 had limited resources and budget, would I rather they stop whatever exciting new projects they may be working on right now, to port an old title that I personally have no interest in playing any more? Of course not.

      Do I realistically expect that an online petition, out of the blue, is going to alter SEGA's business development plan? A plan that's probably already been developed, reviewed and approved, and is more or less set in stone for the next 12-18 months? Of course not.

      Do I think supporting an online petition, is going to harm SEGA's business? Are they so fragile that this petition will completely set them off course, into an uncontrollable spin? Of course not.

      Do I think supporting an online petition is going to cost me anything? Is it going to harm my reputation? Is it going to detract from my current level of enjoyment from Final Showdown? Of course not.

      But, is there a possibility that an online petition has the potential to send a message? A message that lets them know that interest in the VF franchise doesn't solely lie in the latest title, but with older titles as well, and particularly with those never released to home platforms? Fuck yeah.

      Whether the message is delivered with a mighty roar or a meek whisper, the fact still remains that an opportunity is presented before you to collectively help send that message.

      So once again, if you support this idea and want lend your voice to the message then welcome aboard. If not, then kindly avoid this thread.
    10. Sebo
      Fair point!
      Signed it anyway.
    11. Rodnutz
      I hate to drag this on but this thread is a perfect example of why we as a community can never go anywhere. The biggest problem that VFDC has faced over the years is THREAD DERAILMENT.

      In all the years I have been coming and posting here I can probably count on one hand the amount of times a thread has stayed on course. Thankful one of those threads was started by me and that was when I did the short lived newsletter that thanks to many people who pitched in became a nice e-magazine.

      If it wasn't for all the POSITIVE support and constructive criticism it never would have developed into the awesomeness that it was. I honestly wish it never died.

      The point I'm trying to make is if everyone pitched in more positively we could be an incredible community that's so attractive more people would probably join or overall stick around longer after joining.

      For those of you who need a reminder of just how awesome it can be to be a part of the VF community the links are below.

      Issue 1 1.pdf?dl=0

      Issue 2 2.pdf?dl=0

      Issue 3 2.pdf?dl=0

      Big big big big biggggggg thanks again to @akai @BLACKSTAR @Seidon @Chief_Flash @blossy1000 @MarlyJay Shun_IS_Drunk(can't find VFDC name :( ) and everyone else who contributed in any way.

      Hoping to revive this someday if it's at all possible.
      MarlyJay, Shag and Myke like this.
    12. CJA
      Signed. I support anything VF in America
    13. Sebo
      *types something in support of the idea of FT being released*
      Eh, once again, ball dropped. That would be the equivalent of saying the Roman Empire fell because of conversations held in the public forum weren't super tidy. "Publius! We're talking about the Rhine river, stop bringing up cats!"

      I think the fact that it is the "Virtua Fighter" community is more of a sign of the inherit flaws of this community. Fighting games are a niche within the gaming community. Virtua Fighter, while for the most part is an excellent series, never has been popular, and can never be popular unless there is a massive reinvention of the series (and that will no doubt alienate those whose want this game to get deeper with every iteration).

      Games like Smash will always have an audience because of brand name recognition, massive fanboy/girl appeal, accessibility. Tekken, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, even Soul Calibur have some or all of those key ingredients.

      Virtua Fighter has really good things going for it and a deep system, but it is unknown by an important demographic: younger people. I teach English in Japan (going on my 2nd year, on top of one year of university here) and I've had now over 2,000 students in multiple schools (even kids who don't like the genre know these games exist). Mention Tekken, Street Fighter, Smash, whatever, you'll get a response. Mention Virtua Fighter... I literally have gotten zero reactions. There is no brand recognition for this series, even within Japan among the younger players of fighting games. Here VF is seen as a game relegated to old creepy dudes (read the source to Modela's Learning Jean thread).

      And if you mention "hey, you should try VF!", if it isn't "WTF is VF" and you sit down and play with them. you'll get a predictable response: "it's too hard." Now we've been playing this game for almost a decade (I know you and many other players for much longer than that), we've learned all the features as they've been added to the series, and things have (for the most part) changed to be more logical and uniform but VF is a mountain of information. And it takes a certain kind of dedication to even want to come to the base, much less attempt to summit it. And I cannot remember the number of friends that I've tried to teach this game to, but there is so much information, too much to get into just to have a simple match, many just have given up. Many just suggest we try a different game, and I can't blame them, a lot of us already hold full time jobs, full time artistic pursuits (one guy has released albums, several compose, others are writers, I started a comic), and not everyone likes or wants any part in the competitive aspect of the community. I've found less than 2 hours is needed to teach the majority of all the need information to play Soul Calibur 2 (and a few session total to get a grasp of it), whereas with VF5FS (for example):

      Movelist/Stances of Character
      Basic frames
      Getting off the ground
      Character Weights
      Character sizes and hitboxes
      Stances in combos
      Throw Escapes (I will say the changes with yutori is the step in the right direction, just not executed very well)
      All the kinds of crumples, bounds, wall hits
      Dealing with Evades
      Sideturned (the meta game involved)

      And yeah, I mentored many players, but let's face it, it's daunting. I remember teaching a Vanessa player who was really putting the work into learning the game. After months of hard-work and plateauing, he vanished from gatherings. Insert player of a different character, same story. Some people who I played with back in 2007 when 5 first dropped are still around in my life outside of FGs, but same story: VF is too much of an investment. Every new game we get fresh blood, but within months most go away and all we're left with are the old heads who've been around forever. People you feel like you're slightly related to (or even married too), and after a while sometimes those relationships are worth letting go if you're not a competitive type. VF is for the hardcore, and a lot of players have a "not hardcore? gtfo attitude."

      TL;DR summary/conclusion

      VF isn't well known, spreading awareness is the best choice, and that has happened... but now where is everyone again?
      Many people do quit because this game is a bloated mass of information.

      There are other facets to why this community expands slightly but contracts to the same small number of people, but the above reasons are probably the biggest reasons. (others being: aside from lack of brand recognition, very limited support from Sega, an attitude that discourages younger players from trying to help, etc...)
      Shag, Strider786 and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    14. Modelah
    15. Sebo
    16. Kruza

      Hey Rod,

      Shun is Drunk is samtheseed on VFDC.

      Rodnutz likes this.
    17. KADAJ757
      I signed the petition 2 days ago. Played it at NYG and loved it. Wouldn't mind having it for my XBOX 360 and my XBOX One
    18. GodFistEmissary
      I'd like this a lot actually. Seeing the alpha build of Tekken 7 really disappointed me. I like the old-school style of 3D Fighters which made you work on core fundamentals and no silly Ultras or Supers to turn the tide of battle. I'd like to play something of the 3D that really puts my fundamentals and brain to the test.
    19. Stl_Tim
      I'm so happy that you wrote that. It's good to see our audience is in a lot of places we would never look.
      Please spread the word for signatures and help our dreams.
      Thank you
      GodFistEmissary likes this.
    20. GodFistEmissary
      I agree. I was too young to understand the mechanics of VF and would really like to enjoy this version and see how fun this game is. If I enjoy anything, it's old-school fighting games. I really wanna see my favorite fighting franchise release another gem that the fans who appreciate this stuff can enjoy!
      Strider786 likes this.

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