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Discussion in 'General' started by DurViener, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Well plume compared to other 2d fighters out there, SGs inputs are a lot easier. I can actually do the crazy combos and stuff because the buffer window in this game is a lot like that in VF. In that it's very generous. I do however come from a SF background, as that's the 1st game I took seriously, so I understand the mechanics behind those types of games.

    You dont' need to "get" 2D fighters btw, that's why we also have 3D fighters.

    SDS is right, it really does feel like a throw back, and that's kinda why I'm really having fun with the game right now. Fila kinda has something close to instant overhead with her low airdash MP spam. God I hate that so much.
  2. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    So does it have "DAT MARVEL HYPE"?
  3. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Kinda early to tell. As far as I know, there haven't been any SG tourneys (or at least Majors yet).

    Is it just be or are 360 motions very easy? I find myself doing Cerebella's 360 special when trying jHK > sMP > QCB LK+LP > cLK > cMP > cHP > DP LK+LP. It comes out instead of QCB LK+LP, which has worked out well enough online but its still unnerving to get something I'm not trying to do.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The 360 motions are easier because the game knows when your doing a 360 so as long as your not suuuuuper slow, it won't jump. I forgot the name but that was part of the things to make the game beginner friendly.

    This might make it overlap?

    The training mode has some cool features but sucks overall. Like, you can't even set the CPU to certain actions and no record functions. Like, WTF? I have a hard time matching my schedule with the FG players in my area and with the ones that are playing this, so you really need to meet up with someone if you want to test shit out, or be patient if your not familiar with these type of games and learn from your loses.
  5. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Sounds right, most games are trying to make themselves more beginner friendly.

    The hitbox stuff is amazing but I like MK in that you can set the dummy to block, crouch and other basic things, record stuff.

    I can get around that with a second controller but its harder to achieve by myself and I haven't had anyone over to test other stuff out.
  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I think, thus far, KOF XIII has the best training mode of fighters this gen. You can set it for specific situations that happen in the game on top of a record feature to work out patterns that give you trouble when you're on defense or if you want to see what works on offense.
  7. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'd actually give credit to KOF02UM in that department... There's a command function that allows you to literally make the cpu do anything you want, down to the last frame... No 10 second recording needed...

    But yeah, back to SG... The training mode could use a little sprucing, but for what its worth, I still like it... Not too many games show hitboxes without having to hack into the game itself... I'm pretty sure Mike Z is gonna hook the fans up with something good...

    Honestly this game is way better than MvC imo... The speed is just right, and there's diversity in the playstyles for the most part... My only beef gameplay wise is the hitboxes showing whenever you tag out...

    Have they released any frame data for this game yet???
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Alright so how do we beat the final moss Marlie? I want to unlock the alternate color palettes and I just can't beat her on hard or higher. Any tips folks?
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Alright i've not played much of this yet, only got the trial so go easy on me...

    I didn't like anything I saw in the trial, the whole game felt archaic to me. Probably less old school than <span style="text-decoration: line-through">SF2</span> SF4 but i'm starting to think I just don't get on with 2d fighters anymore.

    What's all this hype about the training mode too? It didn't feel like anything special, more informative and fun than SF4's and the like but that's really not saying much.
  10. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    I just got the game, and so far I enjoy it. Some of the design flaws are stupid, but as I only paid 1200 points for it I'm not complaining. Just need to get some live so I can play actual people.

    Gonna see how long I stick with Team Ms. Fortune and Peacock until I find something I like better.
  11. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    I think that a lot of the flaws come from either time or budget constraints.

    At any rate, I can get to Bloody Marie on the hardest difficulty I can, but she just destroys me on that second part, and sometimes the first. The second isn't too bad. njHK usually works fine on that part, and of course block when you need to (I play Cerebella).
  12. Mr_X

    Mr_X Well-Known Member

    Anyone on VFDC still playing?

    This may interest you http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/333003/x/2507536

    Crowdfunding for a DLC character.

    All info in there but a tl;dr

    -The character will be free for 3 months to everyone if this succeeds, whether or not you donate, after the 3 months if you missed the download, you gotta pay
    -The game did do well and they were working on the DLC character until their publisher Autumn got into a legal mess and had to layoff the Reverge Labs (now reformed as Lab Zero)
    -In less than 24 hours, $128K out of $150K needed has been reached
    -Money raised after will go to her story, stage and music for said stage
    -After that goal, a 2nd DLC character

    Check out the page for more information on the whys and whats

    Also, Skullgirls community forum if you're interested http://skullheart.com/forums/index.php?portal/

    Pre-emptive replies to $150K is a lot of money for a character


    UroboroSx likes this.
  13. UroboroSx

    UroboroSx Well-Known Member

    the 2nd dlc will be a male character named "Big Band" i found that on www.fightersgeneration.com :)

    Edit: in the indiegogo link is all the info about all characters my mistake, sorry. :oops:
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Thinking I might double dip for this on the PC, since I deleted off my 360 due to the lack of room and Final Showdown.

    Funny to read the responses a almost year later. Crazy that a year has already passed....
  15. UroboroSx

    UroboroSx Well-Known Member

    Update: first strech goal reached! Squigly will have a new stage and story mode!
  16. Mr_X

    Mr_X Well-Known Member

    They updated the Crowdfunding page with info on Big Band's story and concept

    Here's the concept

    UroboroSx likes this.
  17. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    I've actually thought about picking up the game again but last time I was on I couldnt find anyone to play with XP. I have it on ps3 right now
  18. Mr_X

    Mr_X Well-Known Member


    There's an online matchmaking section and the IRC link at the top irc.mizuumi.net #Skullgirls that people are in that you could get matches with
    BlueLink likes this.
  19. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Ah ok. I'll have to check that out. Thankies :3
  20. Mr_X

    Mr_X Well-Known Member

    BlueLink likes this.

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