SNAKE BOSS got pwned very badly

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by kingo, Feb 5, 2013.


    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    You are a funny guy lol.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    yea yea no one believes u either cause ur the lier stupid kid.
  3. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    Still didn't answer the question.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Yes I have.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    You probably suspect I will say something like this Myke, but it needs to be stated here and in this particular thread...

    I am still waiting when all this rules and such will start to apply on SB as well.
    Genzen and BlackGeneral like this.
  6. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    You people dnt get it. The reason y its not applying to SB is because everyone else always starts it, not him. Look at the name of this thread. Who was it started by? Kingo. SB was gone 4 a long time but then Kingo made this thread. Then the flame wars started happening AGAIN.
    Dont get me wrong, im not saying SB isnt a troll. But when everyone stop feeding him, he went away. Lets do that again. No matter how funny it is to troll back, lets leave him be.
    Genzen, Myke, ExzetyXat1 and 2 others like this.
  7. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Touchmyballs got kicked out because he made a whole thread, insulting the mods and talking trash etc etc. SB hardly starts threads like this, its usually someone else. Thats what mike and the others are looking 4 him to do.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
  9. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Guys, great news !!
    I streamed the 4 matches showing how that fraud got Pwned badly ( like the title of the thread suggests ), and I even got the proof that he exited the game before losing ( resulting in DC ) since he was in my friends list for a short time. Yeah I got you, you fraud, now let's see how you can deny what your eyes and everyone's eyes see....

    PWNED !!!!!

    Videos coming soon !!
    complexz likes this.
  10. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    You know he's still going to do it, even in light of the obvious. He'll just say it was his cousin's brother's mother's neighbor's uncle's distant relative's little sister or something. Then he'll still say he beat you, because getting knocked down to the point he can't get up or rung out doesn't count as a loss to him. Oh yeah, wasn't it already mentioned he's a horrible, horrible little troll (sorry Kamais lol)?

    P.S. His connections AWESOME!!!!
    Genzen likes this.
  11. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    I have to say that my connection with him is pretty good, I could whoop his ass with my usual combos with no problem. Excepted the last round when he went to the PSN menu to exit the game before I could finish him off.
    Oh, I forgot to say that one time, he DC too late and I got my points anyway ! youhouuuu
  12. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I had a pretty good connection myself with SNAGGLEPUSS until recently, where I had my inputs coming out a tad slower than usual. Unfortunately, as I am a lowly Avenger he doesn't have to worry about getting demoted against me; hence the trolling on his part. My best friend's 7 year old daughter who has no VF experience whatsoever could beat BBS. I'll vouch for you just based on our fights in Vanilla VF5 before I believe any of the BBS that SNAKE BOSS is spewing out on a daily basis.
  13. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Si, No me gusta blanco. Mi negro

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    That banana is still waiting for u.
  15. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Carolinapanther, do you want me to capture the replay you uploaded on the PSN, beating this fraud's ass ? So that everytime he says something about you, you just have to link the YT video in response hahaha
    CarolinaPanther likes this.
  16. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Works for me, even though the names don't show up on the muthuf-----
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I don't know how many more times we need to go through with this, but the fascination with SB really needs to end.

    Some people are so intent on "exposing" him that they're not seeing the damage and disruption they're causing in the process.

    Some people also think that I, and the mods, are protecting him for some secret reason. This is absurd. By all accounts, I think he's a loser for the way he behaves and then tries to cover up his behaviour with lies. But I don't go beyond that thought. I move on with the million other things that are worth my time.

    I know I'm repeating myself here, but I guess I'll say it again. Until SB threatens someone, uses vulgar language, and/or starts personally attacking people (the reasons why the likes of Godoku, Shang, KO, etc, have been banned), then there's no case to have him banned from this site. If you think he's done any of the above, use the Report feature to flag it. If you think he's being "clever" by confining alleged threats, vulgarities, or personal attacks to the ShoutBox, save a log and PM the mods.

    But please, stop creating threads about him. Stop giving him the attention he desires. Stop insulting him just because you don't like the way he plays.

    Then let's see what happens.
    ToyDingo, Tocuh, MakiLeSushi and 2 others like this.
  18. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I am all too guilty of being distracted by snakeboss and I apologize, but with all due respect I think a vast majority of the time people are not trolling snakeboss as zekiel describes, When snake boss lies, he is called a liar, it's not a nice thing to call someone, I admit, but it's based on evidence. Snake boss will then respond with insults NOT based on anything but anger to retaliate.

    I don't think it's a just defense for people to claim snakeboss is being attacked first, snakeboss is being called out on his own wrong doings that are demonstrable and the evidence is overwhelming. He is not justified in calling his accusers names in retaliation.

    But I digress, I will once again put him on ignore, I just wanted to make that point... feel free to correct me if I am off base.
    Zekiel, Genzen and BlackGeneral like this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    i am not a loser, you are. That was in defense and all you people are acting childish now, I was just playing around with all of you for fun and not in a bad way because I see everyone here does that so I wanted to make my time here fun for me and for all, that is all.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    You are off base.

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