SNAKE PIT VF5FS Tournament on PSN Idea

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by SNAKE BOSS, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    You are such a twat.

    You can't just choose to go from someone people abhor and despise to someone that people like and appreciate just by saying 'I am a face now'.

    Seriously, just fuck off. No one likes you; no one wants you here; everyone ignores you in everything other than to shun you and tell you how much of a giant penis you are.

    I swear to god, you're everything that's wrong with online gaming.
    Koenraku and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    That should be how characters in professional wrestling work, but in order for you to have a successful face turn, you need to have one of two things. The first is a steady period of change where you give up your evil ways and slowly start doing good and gaining the trust of others. You may be trying that, but you've shoved yourselves down people's throats for months as an idiot, so it will take a lot of time.

    Also, this poorly thought out tournament sounds less of a face idea and more of a "heel offering a handshake then kicking the face in the balls when he accepts", and you're not drawing in anyone. If you want people to trust you, you need to be the one that makes the first offering, like people here have said. Offer up money without asking people for it, and they will come and your slow path to redemption will begin.

    The better idea, however is the second way of turning face, which is to go and attack a bigger villain. Crowds love it when a lesser villain attacks a bigger villain, as it gives them someone to root for. That dastardly villain Shang and his sinister OFK stable need taking down a peg or two, and I think you, SNAKE BOSS, are just the man to do it. I'm sure everyone here will think you're a hero if you do that.
    Koenraku likes this.
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Now obviously YOU are the true evil here, Ash Kaiser :D
    R_Panda likes this.
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I'm hurt, Unicorn. No man in history with Kaiser in their name or title has EVER done anything evil, and I am just the same...

    SNAKE BOSS, don't listen to Unicorn. He's one of those villainous OFK fellows!
    Tocuh, Airegin and R_Panda like this.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Here in my country, we have one man named Oldrich Kaiser and he is evil entertainer for sure!
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    You are all wrong again genzen, if you meet me in person I am nothing like people think I am on here. I am actually a straight up and cool guy and I am trying to do something good here so you can shut your garbage mouth now.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I dont do anything evil or wrong even on here anymore because thats not my style. I am trying to put this tournament together for the community and vf overall in a good way. Also you heard what happened to south town arcade. Lets keep vf alive and going thats whats I am trying to do.
  8. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Your words say otherwise.

    Its pretty obvious that no one is interested. Just create public rooms and invite people, its the best way to get people to play.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I am not the bad guy, its just how I was welcomed here on this site was not so good and thats why I said what I said for defense. What I did in rank matches before was for a reason that its how much I love this game vf that I had to make it to the top 10 on leaderboards and did not matter on how. I did not think people would take it as they did and I did not know about this site. Maybe it all happened for a reason so that I find this site. I play fair now.
  10. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    This is solid gold.

    Absolute gold.
    ToyDingo, Tocuh, Feck and 3 others like this.
  11. Airegin

    Airegin Well-Known Member

    As a person that has loved professional wrestling their whole life, this post might just win the internet. I honestly laughed out loud.

    Listen to these posts Snake Boss. A lot of them are giving you honest, straight advice on how to change your image. Being a heel in wrestling is working the crowd for the benefit of filling venues and getting people to tune in every week. It's a time honored tradition that does nothing but engage people more in the spectacle of the event.

    You did nothing but play poorly and abuse the system for your own personal gain. I played you several times months ago, and you pulled every time after your 8 kg spam didn't net you a win. If you want to really "turn face", you're gonna have to put in a lot more work to change people's opinion of you.

    Remember, give respect to get respect.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Yea I dont dc for a while now and I am trying to do good here but people on here have to accept that in order for it to work.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    SNAKE BOSS, in being totally serious here, why don't you have someone stream ranking battles with you and other players? Guys like Hades have been claiming that you have been ducking them. What better way to raise appeal for the community, earn respect, and give back to the people on whom you've pulled and avoided than to give them an opportunity to take away your high ranks? It would work like this: Whoever loses a rank first loses the battle. It's simple, and you don't have to let anybody win. And while it's true that your connection is bad, these guys wanting to get Stormlord have been wanting to fight you, and they may be confident in their abilities to beat you anyway. Put your rank where your mouth is.
  14. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    He should have a stormlord deathmatch with Aoiyuka or Cha-mame
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Yeah, and I'm not kidding at all. What good reason is there not to have this happen on stream? Only if someone won't stream, have the time, or be willing to play in the lag, I guess.
  16. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    You shouldve known that not just in VF, but any fighting game, if you illegitimately rank yourself up, players will have no respect for you. Why? 1) because you ddnt earn it 2) your skills dont match the ultimate rank. Hades is on of the strongest players in Korea but even doesnt have it 3) People will be annoyed as fuck seeing you with the highest rank. 4) The red icon will show that your a rage quitter. and 5) Bad sportsmanship. In the future when you get another fighter dont do this again
  17. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    ......Its impossible 4 him EX. He would be wasting his time. Aoiyuka and Chameme ( When he's not trolling) really are "Stormlord's''. There nearly flawless in there gameplay and unpredictable. You would have to play completely flawless to win and even then its still not guaranteed.
  18. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    You are a face now LMFAO

  19. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Worst bloody idea I've ever heard of.
    Such a shit way to make people want to enter a tournament. Especially online.

    I'm gonna continue to promote offline play.
    I know that VFDC runs regular online tournaments which are free to sign up. So you coming in here talking about buying PSN cards to enter some shitty tournament online is never gonna attract anyone's attention.

    Where am I going to buy PSN cards from anyways?
    When do I get the time to do this?
    Has you ever playing VF in bad online conditions before? Even Tekken Tag2 is unplayable in Lag!

    I think everyone is in unanimous agreement here.
    Snake Boss is trying to scam people out of their money. And that's what it very much sounds like. You are not known, nobody will trust you, you are not a public figure in the community.
    ExzetyXat1 and Feck like this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Not scamming anyone, like I said anyone can enter for free its just there will be no prizes then and you can psn cards at bestbuy or other stores.

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