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So about that Super Street Fighter IV, eh?

Discussion in 'General' started by Zero-chan, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    VGChartz is notoriously unreliable. According to them Tekken 6 has sold almost 2 million copies between both consoles. Why would retailers lower the price of Tekken 6 (and the bundles) to 50% when they've sold on average 4/5 of the units they've received? The reality is that Tekken 6 was barely able to push 1 million copies between both consoles before the calendar changed to 2010.

    1.5 million copies unsold of 2.5 million shipped. 50% off everywhere. That is the situation of Tekken 6 on consoles. We can laugh at Tekken, I know I have, but really this gives Sega and AM2 more reason to not port VF5R.
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    look at my EDIT, but yeah, your right. Thats why I said, "Not the most accurate" I just wanted to give the previous poster a idea. BTW, always solid posting by your part.
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I bought Tekken 6 at the low, low price of £25 brand new for the 360.

    I personally know about six others that did the same.

    Funny thing, the guy who sold it to me told me that the game costs £45 preowned.
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Does anyone else think that car is absolutely hideous?
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Tekken 6 sold roughly a million copies in the last 2 - 3 months and you guys think that's poor?! I like how every discussion about fighting games turns into a "lets spew our shitty opinions about sales and marketing all over this thread" situation.

    1 million copies is pretty damn good, fighting games are still a niche genre it's always been the same. MK and SF2 were popular for about a week in the 90's and we talk about that now like it was the golden days of fighting games.

    I recently went into town and bought a good few big selling games at budget prices, Arkham Asylum, Prototype less than £20 each. My bro picked up Tekken 6 at the same time, it was the most expensive out of the games we bought at about £24. I also seen Dragon Age, Smackdown 2010, Beatles Rock Band, Forza 3 and more that I can't be arsed to list for £20ish each, Gears 2 and RE5 for £12... all these games did well sales wise.

    When games have hit their peak in sales, it's common to put the price down.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Maybe because we don't have very reliable figures on how many of these games have actually been sold. The number shipped to dealers is something different..
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Do we have reliable figures for any recent fighting game? I know SF4 shipped 2 million copies, can't find anything about how much it actually sold. Even so i'm sure it sold well regardless of the fact that you can pick the Collectors Edition for little more than £10.
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    FUCK ALL OF YOU WITH YOUR SALES, VF VS TEKKEN, AND "3S IS BETTER THAN SF4" (at least the latter is somehow related to the thread).

    Fuck you for your grudges against Sega, fuck you for loving or hating Tekken 6.
    Fuck your for saying that you know things better 'cause "you've been here longer".
    Fuck you for hoping 5R gets to consoles one day and hating on it and losing hope the other, get real, we have VF5 FFS!
    Fuck you for ruining every goddamn fighting game thread (as in general, non-character specific or move specific thread) with this talk!
    Fuck you for acting like fucking wisemen instead of just playing the game and fucking enjoying it.
    Fuck you for the fact that my stomach hurts every time I eat a spaghetti (probably an allergy).
    And fuck you.... just because I'm out of lemon and I wanted a tea with lemon.
    Fuck you!
    Take your retarded shit elsewhere please!

    Now, back to the topic.
    I don't really think Gouken's Shinshoryu is even close to being an overpowered or invincible Ultra. It might seem so only because he can do it after b+throw. Ryu has no THAT easy setup.
    Furthermore, I think the trailer indicates the players will have to choose ONE of the Ultras for the match, a'la 3S with supers. Therefore Ryu would only have a Shinshoryu OR Metsu Hadouken.
    Thirdly... don't you think you're overreacting a bit? Jumping over Ryu's ultra in a non-guaranteed sitations is on a child level of play. The game's easy in that regard.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Ford Mondeo!
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    If Ryu has his ultra in SFIV, you can't jump at him already.
  11. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    When you're facing a good hadou-style Ryu, even if your character has some sort of anti fireball attack (evasive or safe nullifier), you're still not dictating the match.

    It would be nice to have one Ultra for the MATCH (although I highly doubt that - don't forget that the screenshots showed a divider in the Ultra meter. My guess is that's possible to store 2 ultra's now.)

    However, even if you only have one Ultra for the match, ShinShoryu is going to beat EVERY move in that game. I will bet my left butt cheek on it.

    (Besides, Ryu's fireball trap >>>>> Gouken's fireball trap. No comparison.)
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I missed the part where Ryu's Shinshoryuken was exactly the same as Gouken's.
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Yah if ur not in his face u don't wanna be too far so ur getting blasted but mid ranged enough so if u jump ur not gonna get srkd
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter


    Anyway, the SFIV / SSFIV graphics fits very well with the series. I don't think it is poor, just a different style.
  15. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I thought we were talking about Ultras. Whether Ryu's Shinshory will beat ANY moves or not we don't know. We will quite soon though. And even if it did, that's hardly anything unusual. We could argue about different things, but we can agree (I think) that most ultras beat attacks (yeah yeah, not all). Bait and opponent to sweep you and do your ultra, BAM! You win.
    Like I said, it's not the same for every character, but I can't imagine how Shinshoryu is superior in that regard...

    And Ultra bar is divided in SF4 too. Your Ultra can be level1, or 2 after all.

    I would prefer the characters to have both Ultras available at one moment, but we have yet to see what Capcom made of this.

    Thank You, finally someone agreeing with me [​IMG]
  16. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I was talking more in an overall sense. I mean, did they really need to give Ryu an anti-air Ultra that will most likely give him invincibility on wake up?
  17. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    No one is saying that Tekken 6 sales were poor. 1 million copies is great. However, probably a third of those copies were sold at 50% retail, and there are still 1.5 million copies sitting on shelves that will never get sold. When you factor in the expectations for Tekken then you have a failure.

    Take Demon's Souls. The game was not expected to be a high seller at all. It was projected for modest sales. But it ended up being sold out at many retailers and beat Tekken 6 in the NPD charts. By the way Demon's Souls is the best PS3 game of last year.

    So if a game sold 1 million copies of 1.5 million shipped at full price during the first few months it was out then it would be called a great success. But we know that Tekken 6 hasn't sold even half of its shipped copies, and any more copies that will be sold in the future will be sold at 50% or less than retail value.
    *Yawn* More trolling. SFII and it's various iterations sold millions and millions of copies over years. Movies, animes, huge toy lines, you name it. And Mortal Kombat had the same success, multiple games, feature film, animated TV show, tons of toys. You are probably too young to remember but CE and HF rocked arcades. My local arcades growing up had tons of Alpha machines, HF, XvsSF, and tons of other fighting games. There were weekly tournaments that were populated for years.
    You are the biggest idiot. There are enough people who work at Capcom, like Seth, who have posted all of the SFIV sales information on SRK countless times. You read that SFIV shipped 2 million copies? You sure you had your glasses on? Then how did SFIV manage to sell over 3 million across all three platforms if it only shipped 2 million?
  18. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Annnnnnnyways. I'm excited. But I'm a sucker for studying game mechanics.
  19. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Save some of that energy.

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