Some Eileen Questions

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Genzen, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Me again!

    Having trouble with: 236P+K, 3K (you're looking for the stagger combo) > 3P, 236P+KK > 66K > 4P+K, 214K+G

    The 3P just isn't landing - my opponent (just practising on Kage since he's kinda average) is just getting knocked too far away by the stagger kick and the 3P just whiffs. I've tried with loads of different timings and it just... isn't working.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    it won't work off that stagger. It's needs to be one of the harder ones like 46P+K on block or 1P+KP with the 2nd hit as a Counter hit, or the 3K stagger on backdash.
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Oh, right then. What do I do with the 236P+K, 3K then?
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    PK? If they're good at struggling you've done nothing but given yourself an opportunity to throw them. Which in turn means your opponent is going to want to attack after the stagger which leaves them open to counter hits. That's kinda the basic stuff.

    I don't get too many people who can't struggle this so I haven't explored the options if someone is really slow.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Just went to dojo to test things out. after zenk 3K you can hit them with 3P. The problem you're having might be that you don't have the CPU set to try to stagger recovery at all. In that case you'll need to use the more dmging 43P+K.
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Okay, so nothing's guaranteed on that one then. Alright, thanks again for your help - it's really appreciated and extremely useful to have such a knowledgeable person who's always to quick to help. You really are an exceptional member of the community, at least in my opinion. Definitely the 'go to' guy for Eileen, that's for sure!
  7. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    You've been getting some good mileage out a lot of this stuff Gen. I've been picking through some of the setups in here that I like. Some of the basic BnB combos are great, with surprisingly good damage. To bad Tricky wasn't on the PSN to show us wassup first hand [​IMG]
  8. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Hey I thought I'd add something to this. As noted, 236P+K, 3K stagger might not be best for going into this combo. But after, say, 46P+K stagger (if they guard) you can throw in 214PP like this:

    46P+K (stagger), 3P, 214PP 236P+KK > 66K > 4P+K, 214K+G
    (credit to MarlyJay)

    Might not work against some of the heavy guys like Taka but the same should go for the combo without 214PP also I guess?
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Hmm, that could be useful, DD. I don't really ever use 46P+K though - it seems really slow and I never really know how to apply it. The only use I can see is to bear reversals/sabakis that are also really slow, and maybe when they're rising (since the speed doesn't matter then). I'm not very good at timing my attacks to pressure rising opponents though, so I tend just to wait 'till they're almost up, then try a more traditional attack (6P+K, or throw, or something).

    On an unrelated note, my brother showed me how to do the evade>crouch-dash>guard>throw-escape thing, as well as how fuzzy guard works.

    Doesn't seem like there are too many times where Eileen can fuzzy on block (are there any good attacks she has that are -4 on block?), and I'm not very good at reacting when I get hit to use something like this. The evading thing seems useful though - I just need to get used to using it instead of always using abare tactics or cancelling to Zenk every time.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You can fit the 214PP into a lot of combos on lighters characters to squeeze extra damage in there. I find putting the 214PP into wall combos can be really sweet after a large wall splat.

    @Genzen: I'm going to refer you to the first post in this thread where I listed out her frame advantage on different moves.

    Just look at all the moves that leave her at -5 and below and you can fuzzy after that. Eileen has plenty of moves that she can fuzzy on block like 6P, 4P+K, 4P, 3P, 4K+G, it's a long list.
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    That's a useful list.

    Is fuzzy doable at -5? I thought it was only -4, but I may have miss-heard. I don't actually use many of the -4 or below moves (just 46P to beat highs, and 6P), but I do use PP6P a lot since it's a good way to pressure a crouching reaction from a guarded P-string.

    I just wish I were better at hit-checking; I usually just choose a follow-up regardless of hit-type, or if I try to hit-check, I do everything way too late. I guess it's just practice (internet lag probably doesn't help), but it usually just feels like attack-berserking people works much better, but that could just be because I play so many bad players and not many good ones to punish me. 99% of the chaff in ranked mode is horrible, so I only really get good games when I can play in rooms with some of the players I've met (Nomas, Raze, Numbers et al).
  12. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Tricky's list is a good reference for "fuzzyable" moves. I wish to point out though, that her 19 frame 46K+G on block is -5. I feel like, if you want to keep some important moves in your head that you'll want to fuzzy after, 46K+G should be kept in mind. It also looks like a move that would result in a lot more disadvantage for Eileen on block (she's got her leg above her head). So, I'm inclined to think that people are disposed to quickly punish you for it.

    Also, on a complete sidenote. 46K+G always reminded me of that scene from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon when they are fighting over the comb in the desert and Jen does that backwards kick to kick him off her back when she's on the ground. Anyone else thought of this? Would be cool if you could tech Aoi's down throws like that lol.
  13. Hajin

    Hajin Active Member

    Might be a stupid question but it's driving me nuts.
    Is there a delay we have to respect between each 214K. I've been using that move a lot to cancel my attacks and sometimes it doesn't even come out.

    So I tried to do a hundred in a row but only one out of two comes out. Is there something horribly wrong with my fingers or the game just doesn't want us to spam that little piece of heaven?

    Edit : I was trying 3P~214K in practice. Only one out of two !
  14. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Do you mean the move doesn't come out at all, or that it misses you opponent?
  15. Hajin

    Hajin Active Member

    Doesn't come out ! Try doing 3P~214K a bunch of times in a row. My guess is that you can't cancel moves if they don't touch the opponent. But it makes practicing harder ...

    Since I'm talking about 214K I might as well take it further.
    What do you guys do with it?
    On MC I have 66K, 1P,K for 68 damage.
    On normal hit if the dude doesn't shake it fast I can land 66P to combo.
    Or I try to set up a nice 46P+K to combo (3P~214P,P~236P+K,K, etc.) if, again, the opponent doesn't shake it fast enough.
    That, or 236P+K mix/236P to come back at his face if he shakes like a BAWSS.

    What are your stuff after 214K ?
  16. Viq

    Viq Member

    @Marly and Tricky:

    I listened to the podcast you guys were on not too long ago. It was a good listen, and pretty informative. One question I have is why no love for 9P vs. wakeup low kick? As you guys pointed out, Eileen's oki game is strong, but I was just a little surprised to see 9P wasn't mentioned. It gets over lows so early in it's animation that you can wait and react to the low kick, and it's a free combo. Just curious if there's something I'm missing that makes it not that viable.
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Because the best options are the ones that beat BOTH rising attacks so you don't have to guess or react, just get the timing right. 9P can't beat a mid rising attack.
  18. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Actually 9K can beat the rising attack, you just have to time it right, just like 3K can beat rising attacks. I prefer using 3K because it's easier to use imo and less risky if you guessed wrong or messed up your timing. 9K in the rising attack case isn't actually going over the low, it's just crushing the attack because the active frames of the kick are at the same time as the rising kicks, and your attack does more damage.
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Most people I play can block 214K on reaction so I really don't use the attack at all. You need to have put a lot of mental pressure on your opponent before that kinda move can land in my experience. Also it's not too hard to struggle out of, but I'd just use a stagger combo if they can't get out of it. On CH I do something simple like 2P, 6P+KPP
  20. Hajin

    Hajin Active Member

    Ow ... ok. *sadface*
    Didn't realize that move could be blocked on reaction. That's ... bad news.

    Unrelated : Do you have any tips against a zoning opponent?

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