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Someone Tell Sega before it's too late.

Discussion in 'General' started by powerincarnate, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    The right attitude is to support this game like the Japanese. Forget about the voices, and just play the game non stop hardcore.

    It's stupid to expect any profit oriented company to cater to your potentially empty promises as a consumer. Just don't play it or don't buy it, you are just screwing yourself in the end by bitching about something that's not going to change.

    How about using your head on something that might actually happen? Like online updates, more customized characters looks for people who made it into the game, online replays, saving replays in PSP watchable format, things like that.

    How many of you people who complain about voices even know what the hell they are saying? At least some are in English, but you don't think that Japanese people think the voices of the Japanese characters are stupid too? Just forget about it like they do. No wonder VF doesn't sell well to the hardcore US players.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A few things:

    1. You just proved my point. VF players shouldn't care about this shit. And we don't, that's why we play. So why not add better presentation to the game to cater to the fighting game fans that DO care about this shit...

    More players, more tournaments, more chances for us to get better...

    And of course, more money for Sega.

    2. We expect things like ghosts and updates to the game via online. If you read the link I gave, I actually had a ton of ideas for things that actually improve gameplay (well, not the actual fighting, but more "on the side" gameplay).

    Plus, this thread isn't about discussing those things, it's more about presentation.

    3. We aren't complaining about the Japanese voices (just what they're saying, cause from the translations I read /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif ). What we are complaining about is the win/lose/start quotes (all characters) and the English voice actors...

    Honestly, are you telling me you actually like Lion's voice?

    And for a game that's supposed to be a "World" Martial arts tournament...wouldn't having all the characters actually speaking their native tongue truly represent this idea of a "World" tournament? It's not like all the Japanese players understand what the English speaking characters say anyways (or the English players understanding what the Japanese characters say), so why not have Lion speak french and El Blaze a Spanish/English voice? And if they, as you have previously said, make a compromise and include subtitles, wouldn't it make this change of native tongue speaking characters a smoother transition?

    And for everyone saying it's "too late", well, obviously, we're considering VF6 (or, possibly, VF5...revolution?)...
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    Sebo - it is that attitude why VF does not have more players. The more players a game has the greater the opportunity to improve your own game play. Saying you don't want to improve your own skill level?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Refering to my retracted statement?
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Can the game be better? Of course! Should Lau speak Chinese instead of Japanese? Yes I think so. Will these changes happen? Maybe, maybe not, but it's not likely going to come from you or I posting about it.

    Here's what we CAN do that will make a difference:

    - Learn this game so you're good enough to play it and explain it to other people

    - Get other people to learn and play the game with you

    - Organize frequent gatherings in your area to build and maintain interest

    - Post on this message board to support the above (i.e. learn the game, build a scene)
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:
    - Learn this game so you're good enough to play it and explain it to other people

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've learned that people get scared once you give them too detailed an explanation of VF system, so don't go too deep. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif That won't make most of the new people play... Making them pick Sarah and use her FL a lot, Jacky or Kage will.
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I agree with that. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif VFers should be able to explain the differences between Tekken and VF though, for example. Certainly enough to know the basic system, what a beginner should learn first, etc.

    Basically we need a Srider in every city!!
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I really can't beleive this thread is going on 7 pages...
  7. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    It's stupid to expect any profit oriented company to cater to your potentially empty promises as a consumer. Just don't play it or don't buy it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the end we (the consumer) and Sega want the same thing. We want the game to appeal to as many people as possible so we have more competition. If Sega made the game more slick looking, took away the gay voices and all that then more people would play it. If the game still had VF1 graphics WE would still play it but there are reasons why there are f*** all people playing this game and its not just because its 'too hard'. Its because it doesnt instantly reward them in the way that Tekken or Soul Calibur do. Anyone can smack the buttons on those games and go 'did you see that!' and if VF had a flashier style (same gameplay of course) then I'm sure they would stick at it and end up learning the game properly. Thats just my view, I'm, sure people wont agree. oh and also some of the sounds in VF5 suck ass. The thud when you hit the floor in Akira's stage is so annoying when they repeat the same exact sound 20 times in a round. Too late,f*** it.
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cuz said:

    I really can't beleive this thread is going on 7 pages...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really cant believe it's not butter!
    Thanks for contributing and making it even longer.

    Dandy J said "Wrong. Did you know that VF4 on PS2 outsold Tekken 5? Increased sales != a bigger competitive scene."
    This is true but it is an unfair comparison, VF4 has been out for almost 2 years before T5 came out.

    I reitarate: VF (an excellent fighting game) is selling less in the states than Tekken, SC, MK, and DOA.
    Even though these other fighters are broken (when compared to VF's perfect game mechanics).
    If VF is a better fighter, why is it losing in sales to the likes of DOA? (!!!) Because DOA has more eye candy and thus draws in a huger crowd.
    I have played DOA and I will never play it again because I know how good VF is. But if I was a new-jack to the fighting game scene and I had to choose what arcade I'm going to put my money in, while looking at DOA and VF side by side and not knowing how good VF is, I would choose DOA because it looks better/more fun. I'm just being honest.

    It would be great if VF could draw in the U.S. crowd that these other lesser fighters draw in by altering VF's looks, not the gameplay. Once they'e drawn in by the eye candy, they'll be hooked on the gameplay.

    We all know that VF caters to a Japanese audience but that doesnt mean that they cant release a U.S.-friendlier version in the states. It might not be doable for VF5 but it is definitely doable for VF6.

    Anyway didn't you guys read Fishie's post? Sega doesnt need any more money. "Case closed"
    Fishie has spoken!!!
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    again, its like the ugly brainy chick. Sure she may be smart, great, all of that - but your gunna have a heck of a time getting past her appearance.
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    again, its like the ugly brainy chick. Sure she may be smart, great, all of that - but your gunna have a heck of a time getting past her appearance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Terrible analogy.

    VF5 looks fucking great. The issue everyone is bringing up is the voices.

    So VF is an intelligent female, who is really hot (with glasses) but s-s-s-s-s-stutters.

    However, you'd rather read her essays (well written), and is great in bed so you can over look it.

  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You guys all assume changing voices is going to draw in more players......

    What do you guys do for a living?

    Have you considered the fact that VF is a franchise? Characters are recognizable because they are consistent throughout the series. If they changed the voices, the game would not be consistent with the older games. It's just not going to happen, VF would not be the same without the same voices, sound effects, etc. It just wouldn't be VF anymore.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Now that's a little silly. You've been to AI. At peak hours you can't really hear the FT machine at all. It's still VF, though.
  14. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    VF's problem is nothing in game I reckon. The problem VF has is with its image. In the East its one of the de facto fighting games. In the West VF is the 'hard to play' one. Couple this to a smaller fighting game community and only a few players are left. And there's nothing less attractive than picking up a game that apparently hardly anyone plays.

    I will bet you a lot of people picked another game over VF before they even saw it. And once you get into a fighting game's particular mechanics its hard to detract yourself and pick up something else.

    Just a thought.
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I agree... it's sad but most players in the US are simply too lazy to go out and find competition. The reason why Tekken dominated the US scene was due to the strong arcade presence. With the current state of arcades in the US, and the hype surrounding PS3 launch, I think VF5 has a very good chance to becoming the dominant fighting game if Sega can take advantage of the momentum and build that exact image you just described.

    They need people to understand that it's a fresh game, people can pick it up, and that people are playing it. Once that's done, I think alot of new people will jump on the wagon.
  16. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Glad people agree with what I was saying. Sebo- yeah VF5 does look fucking great in terms of textures, polygon count and pixel count etc but its just standard looking moves like elbows, jabs, sidekicks etc. The overall feel is still more boring to the casual gamer than the likes of Soul calibur where virtually every move has some violent sweeping glowing strike which sends the opponent spinning. Also the sounds of the voices are unlikely to be changed because of continuity but why have they chosen to revert to VF1-like sounds such as some of the new elbow sounds and when you both attempt a throw at the same time. After a few months with the game I think this will start to grate.
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You can't please everybody.... I think alot of the vets actually think it's beyond awesome that they went back to the older sounds.
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    I agree... it's sad but most players in the US are simply too lazy to go out and find competition.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its hard to find competition when almost NONE exists. Sorry, traveling interstate just to find someone to play against is not viable for most people who can't have their life revolve around a video game.
  19. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yeah I know, I never said it's a bad thing. I hate traveling to play. I hate the fact that I have to spend so much effort to find players, but VF is like one of the few things that is exciting to me.

    The players are there, but 1) They are probably not very hardcore, 2) They are just as lazy as you are in finding competition, 3) They probably live half a state away.

    So yeah, I'm in your boat too. I highly doubt changing the voices and presentation will really foster a growth in player base. The number of players grows when the game first comes out. It's just up to you to build a scene if you want it. Otherwise it will just die like how Tekken is dying. The only reason it has a scene is cause of the arcade and the quick home release. The flame dies quickly unless someone feeds it.
  20. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    In the end, I think we can all agree...

    Sega needs to go crazy on the marketing.

    I'm thinking a series of commercials, billboards, etc...

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