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SSF4 Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Cozby, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    I think this game appears simple on the surface but there's a lot more to it than some players might utilize or even notice. There's some really good mind games and conditioning of your opponent. I think the game system is solid enough that it's a balanced and fair game. I would be bored as hell using the same shotos that have been in SF for the twenty years but I don't. You gotta do what makes the game fun for you.

    SDS, you definitely know a lot about SF games but why be hyper critical of those that enjoy the game? You seem to be upset about the game in general for some reason and are basically saying, "I don't like SSFIV cause I'm too good at it."

    I know you are very good at the game but why does that preclude you from playing. Jump in ranked match and set the search for 'same skill' and try to go to the top. They will also release tournament mode real soon so maybe that mode will be more fun for you. For me, I still don't have good enough execution to be truly good so I feel like I'm still learning and practicing every game, that process of trying to improve is something I really enjoy.

    If I was you, I'd just keep pushing myself and really try to rank up to a high, high level. I mean if you're good and win, why not take it all the way to the top or at least shoot for that 20,000 BP level and just see if you can get there. This is in no way an attack on you and you don't have to play it if there's something else you'd rather play/do. Have fun.


    I don't think it's that throws are too good necessary but there are some really good throw set-ups between jump in throw, empty jump throw and tick throws. If anything, I'd call it Jab Fighter IV.

    Jabbing the shit out of your opponent works pretty well in this game so you don't have much time to decide if you need to break an incoming throw or block the next mashed jab. I was getting so destroyed by throws and finally got into my head that you have to tech any time they're in range to throw. For a lot of characters, throw is literally their fastest attack.

    Once you really start to catch on to the throw setups , breaking the actual throws themselves becomes SO much easier. If you see Ryu or Akuma neutral jump MK on your wake up, just be ready to break a throw; a shitload of people use that particular set up. If you miss a cross-up going too far over them, be ready to break that likely impending throw; another very, very common throw break situation. For me, it seems like learning when they are likely to throw is the key to breaking them. But hey, it's a 3 frame attack (2 frames for SPD/Tomahawk Buster!), it's fast enough that everyone is gonna get hit at some point in a match.
  2. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    The new SF4 games are the most non Streetfighter like games of the series , and many who are SF fanatics won't go near the game! It just play's so different from any other SF title ever created! I thought the old throw system in SF games was better where you had to walk into your opponent and press a button to throw them making them harder to achieve! I think the game cares about its looks slightly more than how it plays. They could of kept the game 2D like Blazblue but still having it looking amazing and concentrating more on the dynamics of the fighting system at the same time. Ever felt like when you jump in SF4 its like how it would be if you were in a space suit and jumping in space??
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Nah im not to good at it... Even if i was somebody will find some kind of exploit to abuse the higher up you go. Im not hyper critical of anything towards people. I never said anybody was this that or the third because they like SSf4. What im trying to say is the higher up you go the more of same tatics presents itself. I played a few rank matches but my skill BP is kinda low so i won't run into the upper tier unless i sit through a few games. As i got older and the internet made the world a smaller place. Far to many people mimic one another and SSF4 seems to be on a straight path Gameplay wise. People just seem to take the shortcuts to becoming good in this game unlike VF. Maybe thats why i like VF more than ever. You can use different things to get yourself out of situations.

    This is The Main reason why i don't have high interest in playing this game. Making throws a command basically killed it for me sorry. Please don't get it twisted i can still play the game but i have to talked into it.
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Ok, I hear you on all of that SDS. That definitely makes sense to me. You gotta do what is fun for you, people have different tastes and tastes also change as you get older. The game is definitely way different than it used to be, that is very, very true.

    @ Darth --> to be fair, the throws were similar in the SF3 series. You had the command throw (LP+LK), not the option select. I'm going to disagree that that the throws are better now than they used to be, cause to me, they aren't. The addition of a throw-whiff animation actually makes them weaker than they were in the olden days cause the cost for missing a throw is higher when you used to get an attack in the pre-SF3 Street Fighters...

    It's the jabs and ticks that seem to have gotten better which makes the throws seem better. Getting thrown should be MORE dangerous than eating the tick(s), but with all the linking attacks and combos, getting hit with the tick can end up being worse than eating the throw. So now you are left with a situation where eating the throw and just trying to late-tech out of it is the safer option, especially if the character you're using doesn't have an uppercut.

    So in a way throws are better, but it's not because of the throws themselves, it's because the tick-throws are so hard to stop. The only other thing that makes the throws better (starting in SF3) is the fact that you can kara-throw with buttons where you couldn't with the option select. So not only can Ken jab/short you to death and uppercut you out of gaps in your strings, he can also tick and then teleport forward and throw you from a MUCH longer range than he would be able to otherwise...

    So much of what SF has become developed from a bunch of design flaws/things that were over looked, including two-in-ones and kara-throws. Neither of those things were even intentional additions made by developers, but just things people found out to break the system. The fans seem to have done more for the game system than the devels...
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Yes but online the throw becomes harder to late tech. Well i should've see this because almost all Capcom games are poke fest.
  6. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Jabs aren't better in this game... It's a problem with the option selects being too powerful in sf4.

    I could go on and on about what the problems are, but to condense it all and try to keep it in laymans terms.. the option selects are far too easy to perform and difficult to punish.

    If I know someone is mashing jab when I'm doing a tick throw, it's very difficult and sometimes impossible to punish depending on who I'm using. In a game like third strike you could just do a tick, then walk up and parry low to punish anyone mashing and get a free combo.

    Another option select has to do with offensive pressure. Knocking someone down then jumping in their face and performing an option select really forces defense with some characters. An example can be given in the ryu vs bison match up. Once ryu knocks or throws bison down, he can jump in his face all day with a well timed safe jump and if bison does any type of reversal he gets hit in the mouth with a hurricane kick or dp.... Remember that this is all safe with ryu too because if the jump kick gets blocked the move he did in between doesn't come out and he can continue offense..

    Combine the powerful option selects with huge reversal windows and auto correct reversals.. it just simplifies the game way too much and deters proficient play styles that were dominant in the older series.

    To be honest, sometimes I don't even try to cross up people in sf4 because auto correct dp is so powerful.

    Basically to sum it up, randomness in sf4 is very dangerous and probably more so than in any other iteration of the series.

    Just wanted to note that I'm proficient in this game and I can definitely hang with many of the top players. I'm not writing that for gloating purposes but rather to tell you that the issues I brought up in this post are legitimate and something that many players I know have mentioned.
  7. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Actually throws were a lot easier to pull of in the SF2 series. Throws were 0 frame and generally had more range. The one advantage in SF4 that irks me is that characters are not invincible from throws while getting up from the ground.

    That command for throws was introduced in 3S, they were "standard" in the previous games in the series". Multi-button inputs for throws in SF were introduced in A3 by hitting 2 punches or 2 kicks.
  8. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Glory broke it down perfectly. I've never encounter a fighting game were I'm afraid of attacking at my opponent at times. Is like I can never build a flow with this game. Air throws are to fucking strong. Random Lv1 FA Counter Hit is fucking BS. To many double hits still. Doing two fireball motions still give you a EX DP command at times. Auto correct is fucking bullshit(Went for a cross-up against Bison on the corner, and he did a EX Knee press that happen to do a complete 180 and hit me)A lot of folks in my friend-list stop playing this and went back to Tekken or VF5. Me, I'm going to start playing DOA4. Never got a chance to actually mess with it.
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Th game is weaksauce.. everybody has a cross up so those who like to jusmp can still do so. You almsot always know when it coming but can't do nothing about it depending on character.
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    And they made crossups more balanced, like Cammys j.lk now crossups reliably, OMG! On the other hand, theres the autocorrecting specials so... Shouldnt it be even?
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    It does seem like there's a lot more guessing than I remember in previous SF games. You have to guess a lot on offense and worry about a few easy, mashable, universal defensive moves that beat basically anything you can do on offense, other than blocking to bait that move out at the right time and punish.

    I feel like a lot of these problems seem to relate back to the SRK shortcut of 33+P. 33+P, with a huge reversal window, is just too easy of an input for a move that good, it's a bad game design decision IMO. It's like giving certain characters an easy, mash move that beats almost everything. Plus, that shortcut motion allows you to continue to duck/block low and still mash it out, blowing up even a one or two frame gap in pokes, without having to have really good timing... If they don't take out that mashable DP in future iterations, they are fucking up...

    Even with the laundry list of issues, I still enjoy playing the game though.
  12. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    pretty much everyone had a crossup in ST too. That's not really an issue. Crossups suck anyways because of the lack of blockstun and autocorect reversals.
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Actually its an urban legend that you'd get SRK with 33P. There needs to be one other direction in there somewhere, like 323P or 363P. Its just what happens in practise when you TRY to hit 33P. If you'd do it clean however youd get crouch P instead.

    Aand youre right in that its not very nice game design to have invincible startup move to beat everything and that you can mash between linkcombo attempts. Its as if Capcom tried to discourage learning of link combos.
  14. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Gernburgs said bait and he's right. Everyone's patience and timing is at test and you can't rush. Fucking honda.

    I'm only worried about DP when Ryu gets meter cuz that shit is too good. I'll let him throw me all day. I think im gonna go back to U1 with Ken and just play with DP cuz i can't combo U2 consistently.

    With what Glory said some characters can have an extremely hard time getting up in certain matchups, particularly chun, boxer, bison, and a bunch of lesser tier charactres. Oki is really important and you can dominate with it.
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    GGs to Seidon, Marlyjay, monkeypunchUK kingaffro and everybody else who was in seidons endless match. Endless match is the best online lobby in a fighting game so far devised.
    We need to try out that team match mode sometimes.
  16. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    I agree with shinobifist SF was never a game where you had to sit back and think of how you are going to approach your enemy! With SF you should be able to jump right in there and not have to worry too much about one false move!
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    Yeah, I'll be up for that when I fix my button.
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    I wanted to say this without coming off as a sorry person but the mind games are cheap and frustrating because certain characters have the tools to just stop it but not only that but add to it with combo-able moves that other character can only dream of. When im in my groove playing Sf4 especially with Guile i become patient and almost rarely jump. I had too many people complain about this because they find themselves rushing me and losing chunks of heath cry about me turtling lol!! Anywho i have no hori stick at the moment so i can play against some of you. Shit even if i did i probably won't. The hunger will resurface itself one day.

    At that point the series turn to shit with ST honestly.
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: SSF4 Good Games Thread/SSFIV Discussion Thread

    The original SF IV
    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mek2GLhIk_c"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mek2GLhIk_c" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
  20. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

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