'Story Mode' For VF5?

Discussion in 'Console' started by kevinrafale, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Kazego

    Kazego Active Member

    Didn't vanilla VF4 have subtitles?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">EGM and Gameplayers dropped the ball also, I used to play the arcade VF2 all through the summer of '95, both those magazines published movelists, but nobody mentioned Akira's reversals, or even listed them with the obscure Japanese nomenclalture.</div></div>
    Really? iirc I have one issue of Gameplayers that featured some FG movelists especially VF2, Akira and the other's reversals were listed there..
  2. llMICll

    llMICll Well-Known Member

    I realize that a story would be beneficial, but I don't think it's necessary for this series. This series should just focus on the characters themselves and leave it at that. However, the characters need better voice overs.

    Sega should do a better job at hiring international actors, meaning if you want to get somebody to play Jacky, then travel to America and hire a voice actor that best fits him, and not some random Joe Schmoe who lives in Japan and happens to speak English. I love this series since vf1, but it has an ongoing problem with cheezy, cheezy, dialogue, and content. The only characters that sound somewhat authentic are the Japanese ones, (Akira, Kage, etc.) and Lau. Everybody else needs a complete revamp.

    And what is vanilla vf4?
    That is all.
  3. Kazego

    Kazego Active Member

    Seeing Sega's track record of arcade titles like Dynamite Cop, House of the Dead and other games with english voice acting involved, I don't think they'll change anytime soon. Despite the "bad" english voice acting I kinda grew fond of them but they should come up with better entrance/win quotes though.

    Also... Vanilla -> original/first version of the game e.g. VF4(PS2), VF5(xbox360,PS3)
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    ^ Those games are like 15 years old, SEGA might have had a history of bad voice acting back then but their recent games have pretty decent voice acting.

    VF5's voice acting on the English speaking characters is a bit off but that's the only recent SEGA game I can think off where the voice acting is bad, even then i'm sure there's a reason they kept it in there, same with the old school sound effects ...maybe it's for nostalgias sake or to appease to the older fans.
  5. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    I don't care how many years you've been playing Virtua Fighter... you can't possibly like Lion and Jacky's VAs.

    Who else... Oh, El Blaze. Oh god. But then he's a pro wrestler (ok, Lucha Libre). From Mexico. So it's in-character that he sounds that corny.
  6. Kazego

    Kazego Active Member

    I happen to have a high tolerance to "bad" voice acting especially in certain anime dubs.. but yeah not everyone can stand to their voices my friends said that they would rather hear Paul scream "URAAHHH!!" than Jacky's "YEEEAAHHH!" all day.

    That's true especially games like Valkyria Chronicles & others I can't remember at the moment, though I can't help but generalize on the arcade games that delivered such voice acting before.

    On-topic.. I agree with some of the user's ideas on Story mode, as long as its a separate mode from arcade and provides enough character interactions/rivalries etc. I'm fine with it.
  7. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Kazego wrote -

    Really? iirc I have one issue of Gameplayers that featured some FG movelists especially VF2, Akira and the other's reversals were listed there..

    You obviously dont recall, they werent listed in gameplayers. In fact none of the characters complete movelists were listed. Anyway you completely missed my point, if the movelists were in english it might actually motivate newcomers to learn a character and become proficient . This might make the game more accessible to the public as well as cgi cinema story mode.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Jacky is ok, Lion isn't.
  9. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Fixed that for you.
  10. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Lions voice acting is weaksauce and I'm a Lion player :|
  11. Kazego

    Kazego Active Member

    I guess digging through memories is not enough, here's a 1996 GP scan to show what I meant.

    The only thing I pointed out in your post is that GP included reversals/counters in their VF2 movelist, nothing else.

    Here's their older 1995 VF2 movelist:
    Though about the english movelists you mentioned, you got a point there. Looking back seeing how GP listed one of Akira's moves as "Dashing Bodycheck" or Kage's "Flying Corkscrew Kick" for the first time got me curious seeing the moves in action & wanting to play the game despite the local arcade here never brought VF2 and beyond.
  12. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about?! Lion has some of the greatest quotes ever!

    "What a knucklehead."
  13. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    I said AKIRA's REVERSALS were NEVER MENTIONED IN GAMEPLAYERS OR EGM!! Not Wolf , not fucking Pai (we all know she had her reversals from VF1) and not Kage. AKIRA Yuki. Reread my original post. Is english your second language? God your thick headed. Thanks for scanning that page, you just proved me right. Can you shut up now? I didnt say anything about Wolf . Wolf's movelist is in ENGLISH in Sega's manual, so OBVIOUSLY I wasnt complaining about that.

    The page from 1995 is what I'm talking about titled Virtua Victory. I used that to play VF2 in the Arcades in 95. As for the 1996 scan I already had the game for months by that time, with my own manual, so that moveslist wouldn't do me much freaking good by then, would it, numbnuts? Back then the magazines took 4 months to get printed, by the time GP printed that article, I already discovered Akira had reversals on my own. Way to miss the point though.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Wait... Can you not see this image from Kazego?


    Akira's reversals are in that list.
  15. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Yeah , Cartm... I mean Plague. Can you not see it's from 1996???? VF2 came out in 1994. AND it was OVER A MONTH after VF2 was already released on the Saturn (Dec 1, 1995 ). By then I had the game at home, and discovered his reversals on my own. A little worthless by then dontcha think? I could have used that info , oh, about a year and a half earlier when I was playing VF2 in the Arcades. My original post was refering to the 1995 scan, and as you can SEE, it doesnt list the comeplete movelist for anybody . And I guess missing the point is contagious : SEGA needs to do better job at localisation , with subtitles and movelist tranlations if they want VF to sell better.
  16. Kazego

    Kazego Active Member

    ^ All I pointed out in the history of game players that they have a reversal listed, that's all. But I do apologize for missing out that tiny detail you posted, thank you for your kind sensitivity.
  17. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Kazego, Richkwondo doesn't do sensitivity.
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I've read a lot of video game magazines in my time and i've never seen moves lists for any fighting games, maybe a brief example of a characters combo's but nothing more. The journalists that work on these magazines don't even have time to review fighting games so it makes no sense that they'd bother to publish a move list.

    Wouldn't something like that be found in those horrible monthly cheat/walkthrough magazines anyway? ... or the games manual mehbe.
  20. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    PLague's post had me in tears. [​IMG]

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