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Street Fighter 4 Gameplay Vid

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think that mechanic is either going to make or break the game. I hope it gives another tool. Can you be thrown when going for a backdash? Can you use backdash like people use reversals on wakeup?
  2. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I still pre-order this shit and hopefully pick it up on Wed.^^
  3. wrinty

    wrinty Active Member

    Well in the several months the game has been in arcade it has not proven to be gamebreaking, it actually helps you on wakeup, and other situations like gief spd ticks. It just another option, say you backdash on wakeup to avoid a meaty sweep, next time your opponent gets you in a wake up situation he would ex fireball instead to catch your backdash.

    Lets see the invul. frame last are for 8 frames so you sill have to time it, and when you backdash your also giving up space, so yeah just another option.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I didn't discover it, but I'm pretty sure they said it avoids throws as well. I'm not sure about special throws... maybe unless the game still considers you grounded even though you are clearly hopping back off the ground.

    Maybe Shinobifist can elaborate on this....
  5. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's broken, first for being too strict to pull off, second because SF is about controlling the space. Doing a backdash deliberately you are trading off space for less damage. It's just another defensive option.

    My pre-order hasn't been shipped yet, but even if it is, it'll take a while to get here. Probably will have the game by march ;/

    Is anyone here picking it up on the PS3 besides myself?

    btw Gametrailers video review: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45570.html
  6. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    According to people at SRK the PS3 versions seems closer to the arcade speed......and PS3 is EVO standard so I went PS3.
  7. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Backdash has been known since arcade release =Q But what I have a question on is the youtube description says Dan doesn't have a backdash. But he does. Does it not work the same way? I've actually been reading his back dash is really good so I would assume the universal backdash property wouldn't change just for him.
  8. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Yeah I heard that too. Add me on the PSN then (see sig) =)
  9. HarlemHero

    HarlemHero New Member

    Dans backdash is a mini run and it didnt work for him /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif and yea u can dodge throws(kara included). I guess this tactic really only benefits gief' and certain footsies as mentioned above.
  10. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    It's almost necessary for some characters. Otherwise players could just time a meaty level 3 FA on Oki. This provides a tool to avoid that.

    I just thought Dan's dash animation was the run, not that it was an actual mini-run.
  11. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to go to EBgames to get my copy on PS3 on the 18th. I am off for a few days as well, I will have plenty of time to practice it as well.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Picked up my order yesterday.

    I had some fun and frustration (mostly fun though) completing the challenge mode combos with some characters. The frustrating part was that with some combos there are vital pieces of information that are not given which are critical to success.

    There's nothing in-game to help, nor any demos to show you how something is done to clue you in on timing or spacing or other such requirement.

    One example is this Sagat combo:

    cr.MK -> low tiger shot -> EX SA Attack -> cr.MP -> tiger knee

    There are two things vital here for this combo to work:

    1. The EX SA must be charged to lvl 2 in order for it to crumple the opponent. Charging too short and you can't combo, too long and they'll guard. So getting the right timing for this is quite tricky.

    2. You must dash cancel after the SA in order to continue into cr.MP.

    To someone completely new to SF4, but not new to SF games in general, I found this pretty frustrating.

    Another example was Fei Long's combo:

    12369+HK -> HP -> 412K -> EX SA -> 12369+K

    The first special move is a 3 hitter from up close, but the combo will not work if you start by connecting all 3 hits. In fact, I could only get it to work when the last hit connected.

    p.s. are people using the term Saving Attack (SA) or Focus Attack (FA)?
  14. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    I see people using the term both ways. Arcade gamers are using mostly SA, as the arcade is the Japanese version of the game. Readers and others with little to no experience with the arcade are calling it FA.
  15. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Most people are calling it Focus Attack on Shoryuken and on our UK fighting game sites.

    It's Saving Attack in Japan and Focus Attack in the west I think.
  16. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    <span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'>I picked up the PS3 Colls. Ed. because I wanted the Ryu figure (its not great, but it also isn't as cheesy as it could have been) and the Blu Ray movie. The biggest reason is the 360s stick; I can't stand that pad for fighting games and I knew I was not dropping the $80 some bucks for the SFIV Arcade Stick.

    Does anyone have the PS3/360 Coll. Ed. and has got the code to work for the free pack of alternate costumes? I can't get mine to work... I might just have to wait awhile.</span>
  17. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    They haven't updated the PSN store yet with the SFIV DLC. Someone at SRK posted what dates the various SFIV DLC come out on but search is disabled at SRK right now. I'm sure at Capcom Unity there is the info somewhere.
  18. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    I imported the PS3 CE as well for the same reasons as you Faison. Seth Killian/S-Kill did state that the code would be for the first costume pack only (the brawler's pack). But I'll hold onto mine and try it on another pack I actually want. Who knows maybe it will work
  19. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    <span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'>Oh, ok I see; I guess how just have to give it awhile. Thanks for the information guys...</span>

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