Sunday Night R.A.W. -- Weekly Online Exhibitions

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

By BLACKSTAR on Oct 5, 2013 at 3:46 PM

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Welcome to "Sunday Night R.A.W."! - Online exhibition matches - FT'5's, FT7's and all the way up to FT10's (if approved). They will occur on Sundays, from 7pm-until (EST), and will be streamed by me (@BLACKSTAR) at​


    Next: Sunday Night R.A.W. #51
    The LAST R.A.W. of Season #1!
    Sunday, April 12th, 2015 @ 6:30PM EST.


    -Main Event (10pm EST): YYY | @BBountyHuntyr (Aoi) vs. @_Denkai_ (Jacky?) -- We're going out with BANG for the last Main Event of the Season! US' Best Aoi vs. Best Jacky!

    -@Kamais_Ookin (???) vs @SNAKE BOSS (Lau), FT7, 9:15pm EST
    -@oneida (Lau) vs. @Shidosha (Taka?), FT7, 8:30pm EST
    -@Swordfish2 (Wolf) vs @VFhayato (Goh), FT7, 7:45pm EST
    -@Sindanez (Lei-Fei) vs @AngryFlyingChop (Goh), FT7, 7pm EST
    -@DigitlSamurai (Jacky) vs. @VFhayato (Goh), FT5, 6:30pm EST

    Be sure to list your character when you sign up!

    All R.A.W. matches are now STANDARD FT7, unless FT5/F10 is asked for, discussed, and agreed upon!

    -Wanna make your own exhibition for this week's R.A.W.?
    Make your voice known in the comments!!


    Are you interested in playing a long set on stream with commentary? ANYONE is invited, skill level is NOT a factor, and new players are encouraged to join in!

    Make a post and let us know you want to join!

    We want more people to commentate! ANYONE is invited to commentate, whether you are a vet or a new player, or if you wanna commentate or just laugh and joke with the players! During or before the sets begin, use Skype and send a message or friend request to 'blackstar2478' to join in on the call! Limited space in the XBL room will also be made available for those who want to use XBL Chat!

    How it works is like this:

    Reply on this thread with your gamertag, the date you (and your opponent, if applicable) are available, location you play from, and what you would like to do, and you will be placed on a list of 'interested players' on the opening post (this post).

    For example:
    or like this
    NOTE: If you have an opponent in mind, make sure that THEY REPLY IN THE THREAD TOO, OR THE REQUEST WON'T COUNT.

    Also, NOTE: FT10's take FOREVER, so only especially hype matches get to do those.

    So, in other words, if you want an interview, just ask and I'll do it. If you're a spectator, and IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOMEONE GET INTERVIEWED, just ask me as well, and i'll try and arrange one with them if they want.

    If there is a disconnection (DC) during a RAW set, neither player will win the match where the DC occurs (unless BLACKSTAR or designated person says otherwise).

    Instead, both players will play the next match by first allowing each player to willingly give up the same number of rounds they had lost in the previous DC'd match, before playing out the rest of the match.

    3 UNINTENTIONAL DC's are allowed in a RAW set. Any further DC's will result in the immediate end of the RAW set and a DRAW(can be overruled, if both participating players express that they wish to continue).

    ANY 1 DC DEEMED INTENTIONAL by BLACKSTAR or designated person will result in the IMMEDIATE disqualification and loss of the entire RAW set for the offending player. A subsequent BAN from participation in future RAW events may also occur.

    Sure, why not. Just see if your opponent is cool with it, and both of you guys let me know that that is what you want to do.

    Short answer: NO.

    Long answer: Unless you have a good reason where its ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to do RAW on a Sunday, then NO. Even if you do, note that we will work with you, but nothing will be guaranteed. I have my own life to live, after all. That being said, if you want to have a RAW match, but can't do Sundays, let us know here on the RAW thread, and we will work with you.



    Upcoming Matches and Interested players:


    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

      Its not for you to say. I just want a normal FT10 vs anyone and even GT can step up to take on king of psn vf lol.
      Lol, I am really tired right now after casino playing poker.
      Hey exzety are you still in match with or what? You should be happy too that you not going to be banned if you lose and I did not want to ban you in the first place. I just want a normal FT10 with no drama like I said before vs anyone even that fake kingo, but no one has been stepping up except you ezxety and I respect that, so dont back down now.Lets have a ggod match on November 10.
      IcKY99 likes this.
    4. ShinyBrentford
      Check the front page and STFU. I'm just stating facts. IMO you got saved. Just teasing the fact that we might have a mod made you sweat more than whore in church. The way you were sweating on the shoutbox we could already tell you were going to lose the match. "Please don't make it a your ban match cause I don't want to ban Exzety" LOL. This whole thing leading up to the match showed me your true color and that's yellow.

      Here is the truth the only reason ANYBODY would want to see you in a match is to watch you get banned. Nobody wanted to play you before I put up the challange.

      So right now you are safe, but.........................

      I can't wait till you see tomorrow's announcement. RAW has a way of dealing with players like you.
      For November 10 I can still do the match FT5 or FT10 if exzety, does not back down anf if he does then I have replacements like hoyati or afroalmighty from psnand I am in the ec.
    6. ShinyBrentford
      Wait til you hear Blackstar's announcement tomorrow. Like I said RAW has ways of dealing with you. Time to start sweating Snakeboss. I can hear your raisin shrinking.
      ExzetyXat1 and Kamais_Ookin like this.
      Lol I was not sweating anything I knew no mod is going to accept this and I was just trolling the trol. Also I am normal player that has changed the way he plays for the bette. So I will let you keep making a fool out of your self unless you want to step up to your own challenge vs me and if you can beat me then you will need no mod because I will leave vfdc myself and dont tell me you dont play on psn, go get it or borrow it or what ever but if you dont step up then you are the real yellow one, now stfu.
      Lol I was not sweating anything I knew no mod is going to accept this and I was just trolling the trol. Also I am normal player that has changed the way he plays for the bette. So I will let you keep making a fool out of your self unless you want to step up to your own challenge vs me and if you can beat me then you will need no mod because I will leave vfdc myself and dont tell me you dont play on psn, go get it or borrow it or what ever but if you dont step up then you are the real yellow one, now stfu.
    9. EvenPit
      ^^ He so nervous he posted the same thing twice >__> Twitchy fingers??
    10. Kamais_Ookin
      I guess I was right. It didn't even reach the actual games - the mental pressure was too much.
      ShinyBrentford and Tricky like this.
    11. Tricky
      Never underestimate the power of the mental pressure. He lost while Ezy was powering up

      Snakeboss is yajerobi in the vid (the fat ass guy next to the cat for those that don't know)
      Skip to 00:50
    12. Kamais_Ookin
      LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Snake Boss almost got blown away to Snake Way! :D
      ExzetyXat1 and BLACKSTAR like this.
    13. ShinyBrentford
      Just got confirmation. SnakeBoss is going to Shit his pants in 8 hours.
      Preach it Gladys knight and the Pips!

      Snakeboss "Is about to lose his mind."
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2013
      IcKY99 and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    14. Lucky_GT
      I woke up this morning to a TV that no longer works so anything involving me would have to be postponed. Just know that it would be more free than the air you are currently breathing.

      My feelings are hurt. How could you say that after we sung Bohemian Rhapsody together?
    15. ShinyBrentford
      Can't let you get that EGO. Somebody has to keep you humble.
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2013
      Tricky likes this.
    16. erdraug
      Very entretaining & intresting set.

      (i) Most games went to the 5th round! And so many throw breaks!! Almost choreographed :)

      (ii) Both Blackula and Libertine play Brad very differently from what i had assumed is standard Brad play.

      Most used moves:

      3P+K (P)
      slipping P+K
      4K6 ducking mixup
      2P+K variations

      Unexpectedly absent moves:

      slipping mids

      So thank you for the matches ; also a big thumbs up for the pre-match interview as well as the in- and post-game commentary.
      Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
      Blackula, phanatik, Tricky and 2 others like this.
    17. SNAKE BOSS
      You keep thinking that and making excuses lol, I would have beaten exzety either way and plus I have beaten him many times in rank before but the he question is do you accept my challenge if you beat me then I live and if I beat you then you dont have to live there I made it easy for you not to run away and also the same challenge for exzety and anyone else so who is next?
    18. Stl_Tim
      Shit or get off the pot.
    19. SDS_Overfiend1
      Im Ya Huckleberry. Im rusty as fuck and need these habits beat out of me pronto.
      Tricky likes this.
    20. ShinyBrentford
      LOL. Snakeboss why are you shaking?
      VFhayato likes this.

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