Taka 101

Discussion in 'Taka' started by Sebo, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I've tested it today and found out how it works. Basically, if the enemy doesn't recover and rolls to the side, you have to jump the way he rolled right before he does his wake up attack or just stands. This way his attack will miss and you will be right behind the opponent so you could do anything you want to them.
    You can jump in the other direction, but the timing for it is harder, the attack may hit you or you will be too far from the opponent, so, just jump the way he rolls.
    It worked against Aoi and Sarah online. Be aware of the rise kicks at place (with no rolling), they can hit you. If you see the enemy waking up straightaway with a kick, do [P][+][K] to beat it, or, if you expect a low kick, you can still jump so the low kick will miss.
    Reno likes this.
  2. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I had no idea where to put this video when the first time I saw it, and I don't think anyone here actually discuss about this situation before?

    It's the sideturned situation against Jacky and since his 3KPK is guaranteed(fucking annoying:mad: ) , the follow up SSP is not blockable. It leads Jacky +16 on sideturn which means total is +19 free for 6K combo. The entire setup can easily take 100 dmg.

    Well, the video brought up that Taka is forced to do fuzzy against SSP and SSP+K.
  3. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    That thread is great!!
  4. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    So, by now everybody probably knows your favorite sumo wrestler can't haul his ass fast enough to fuzzy from -5, but for Taka the limit is -4. Since apparently it hasn't been done yet I decided to compile all of Taka's moves after which he can fuzzy for quick reference. So in essence this is a list of moves that are -4 or less on guard and hit.

    BT [P] -2
    [4][4][P] -3 (puts Taka into BT so probably not possible to fuzzy?)
    [P][P] -4
    [4][P] -4
    [7]_[8]_[9][P] -4
    [1][P] "-4" (I'll list this as a special case because very often this move impacts on it's second active frame on guard making it -4 when actually it's a 14f move that's -5 on guard)

    ON HIT:
    [P][P] -1
    [6][P] -1
    [1][P][P] -1
    [6][K] -1
    [6][K][P] -1
    BT [K] -1
    [4][K] -2
    [K][+][G] -2
    [6][6][P][P] -2
    [P][P][P] -2
    [P][P][P][P] -3
    [P][P][P][P][P] -3
    [6][P][+][K] -3
    [6][P][+][K][P] -4
    [2][P][+][K][P]_BT [2][P][P] -4
    [3][P] -4
    [1]_[2][K] -4
    BT [2][K] -4
    Tachi'ai [P][+][K][+][G] -4

    Finally, all Morosashi ([4][6][P][+][G]_BT [P][+][K] on hit) continuation grabs leave Taka at -3 after opponent escapes them.
  5. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

  6. SegaMarc

    SegaMarc Member

    the 1st vid is now private :(

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