Taka Combos

Discussion in 'Taka' started by Reno, May 29, 2012.

  1. metadata

    metadata Member

    I can't belive what i see.

    The ender is in 1:27 is marvelous! Seems pretty cool, and isn't an easy input.

    The [4][6][P] isn't better than the [3][3][P] ? Or it can't connect?
  2. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Actually both can connect. [4][6][P] ender "only" deals 98dmg.
    And [3][3][P] has better wake up game than [4][6][P]. So use [3][3][P] if you need.

    Trying in training mode I could make it connect with a [6][K][K] ender against Taka. The [6][K][K] needs a timing but it deals 107dmg.

    Then correct combo against Taka is :
    [3][P]+[K] W! [4][6][P] W! [4][3][P] tachi'ai [P]+[K] (delay) [6][K][K] - 107dmg

    Use the [3][3][P] ender if you can't get the timing right.
  3. metadata

    metadata Member

    Thats intreresting! The [4][6][P] deals less damage than the [3][3][P] ? I have to check it out.

    Thank you!
  4. metadata

    metadata Member

    I tired, and you are right!
    It is strange, because the [4][6][P] and [3][3][P] are equally does 30 damage. I really don't understand how works the dmg scaling in VF.

    However if you want +3 dmg, you need change the [4][6][P] to [3][3][P]+[K]:

    [3][P]+[K]W! [3][3][P]+[K][4][3][P] tachi'ai [P]+[K] W! [6][K][K] - 110 dmg

    And this is also strange for me, because the [3][3][P]+[K] does less dmg than the [4][6][P].
    Maxou likes this.
  5. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Very nice !! And [3][3][P]+[K] is still i17 (less time for stagger than HCF [P]+[K] which is i18) !
    Yeah the damage scaling is kinda weird sometimes.
  6. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Three thing this morning that I didn't see posted here :

    1) CH [4][1][2][3][6][P] _ [6_] [P] _ [6][P]+[K][P][P] is combo for 76dmg.

    Happened to me sometimes and I didn't know what to do after HCF [P] CH. I used to do [K] afterward but this is definitively better.
    The window for 6_P is kinda large, you can do 236P on reaction in order to get 6_P easily.

    2) Every [6][P]+[K][P][P] W! you got (it happens a lot of time since 6P+KPP is the ender for most Taka's combo), I already posted that you can combo with [3][3][P]+[K] afterward for additional damage.
    BUT You can even combo with [3][3][P] instead of [3][3][P]+[K] for 3 more points of damage.

    EDIT : Use 33P against Shun since it sobers 1 DP

    The good part about using [3][3][P]+[K] is that indeed you lose some damage (and only 3 points, not that much of a big deal). But your wake up game is better :
    If they raise up immediatly [4][3][P] seems forceblock (EDIT : It isn't but it's still nice).
    If they don't, you know the drill : [K] into grouded [3][P]is your friend for additional damage.

    3) Playing with Tachi'ai [P]+[K] in the lab, I found a kinda nice wall combo :

    Tachi'ai [P]+[K] W! [6][3][2][1][4][P] W! [4][3][P] Tachi'ai [P]+[K] W! [6][K][K] - 95dmg

    This is the max I could get, if you know better, don't hesitate to share !
    metadata likes this.
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    On lightweights you can do 426P CH, 6_P, 33P+K 6P+KPP for 91 damage. Works up to Vanessa.
    Maxou likes this.
  8. metadata

    metadata Member

    Exactly. I worked on this in the weekend. :D

    btw the [4][1][2][3][6][P] _ [6_] [P]... thing is a nice find. I never know that CH [4][1][2][3][6][P] is a starter without wall. Nice work guys!
  9. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Very nice ! Thank you for sharing !

    Another find :

    CH Tachi'ai [K] _ [1][P][P] _ [6_][P] _ [6][K][K] against most lightweights (could get it to work against Sarah and under) characters for 74dmg. Timing dependant. Need further research into it.

    CH Tachi'ai [K] _ [1][P][P] _ [6][K][P][P] - 74 dmg is garanteed against Eileen. No timing required.
  10. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    You can do Tachi K CH, 1PP, 2P, 6KK on Sarah.
  11. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Nice ! I am preparing a post about Tachi'ai K CH to complete the combos.
    You can also do CH Tachi'ai K (dash) 2P 1PP 6KK against other character when 1PP 2P 6KK doesn't work for the same amount of damage (72dmg).

    Here's some more Tachi'ai [P] combos :
    - Tachi'ai [P] , [4][3][P] , [3][3][P]+[K] , [P] , [3][K] : 80dmg all the cast expect Akira, Jeffry, Wolf and Taka. Finally found a use for [3][K] !!
    - Tachi'ai [P] , [4][3][P] , [3][3][P]+[K] , [6][K][K] : 82dmg for Akira, Jeffry and Wolf

    Will try to find some better combos against Taka.

    About [4][4][P]+[K] :
    Reno said that [4][4][P]+[K] [4][3][+][P], [3][3][P]+[K], [6][P][+][K][P][P] is only garanteed against lightweight only characters.
    That's actually wrong. It is garanteed against all the cast except Akira, Jeffry, Wolf and Taka.
    It deals 87dmg btw.
  12. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Tachi'ai P, 43P, 33P+K, K+GK works on everyone up to Akira and does 82dmg. You can do the same combo from 44P+K for 86 dmg up to Jean. Also works off CH side hit 3P+K.
    Maxou likes this.
  13. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    After 9K, 6KK (only on normal hit as 6K on itself launches on CH) 4K+G, 43P and on stomach, head toward low rising kick (position after Jean 6P+G, for example) you can universally do 1PP, 33P+K. On lightweights, 1PP, 2P, 3P+K for more damage and on Eileen and Blaze, 1PP, 6KK or 1PP, 2P, K.

    I'm going to list random comboes next, sorry if they're already known; CH K+GK, very slight dash forward 1PP, 2P, 3P+K. This works ONLY on normal CH K+GK, on crouch hit, either CH or normal hit, the opponent gets pushed too far away for the combo to work.

    After 46P+G, 6P+G against Wolf and Jeff: 1PP, 6KK. On Jean, lighter midweights and lightweights 1PP, K+GK, on Eileen and Blaze, 1PP, 6P+KPP.

    P+K comboes only from closed stance: On Jean, P+K, P, 4PPP. On Eileen and Blaze, P+K, P, 33P+K, 6P+KPP.

    With some strange timing that I haven't figured out yet, you can do 4P+KP, 1PP, 6KPP on Eileen and Blaze. I'll have to look into this more.
    Maxou likes this.
  14. metadata

    metadata Member

    My first Taka Arashi combo vid:
    Maxou likes this.
  15. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Nice video !
    I was in training mode checking what to do when I connect with CH [K]+[G][P] and you teached me a very nice Vanessa specific combo !
    PS : thank you for quoting me at the end of the video :oops:
  16. metadata

    metadata Member

    Well, thanks for the [3][3][P] ender! It is massive, and works with everyone. ;)
  17. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Addendum to all of this :

    [4][3][P] :
    - [1][P][P] , [6][P]+[K][P][P] 70dmg is combo against Eileen only

    [P]+[K] :
    - [6_][P] , [3][3][P]+[K] , [6][P]+[K][P][P] 74dmg is garanteed all stance against Eileen and Aoi. Only garanteed against Blaze closed stance. PS : If you do P instead of 6_P it's only garanteed against Eileen closed stance.
    - [1][P][P] , [6_][P] , [6][K][K] 70dmg is the garanteed best damage against other lightweights.
    - [P] , [4][P][P][P] 67dmg is garanteed against all of lightweight characters too ! I didn't know it was garanteed against Jean, nice find !

    [4][P]+[K][P] :
    - dash [1][P][P] , [6][K][P][P] 75dmg is garanteed against Eileen and Blaze. No timing required, just be sure to dash correctly before 1PP imput.

    And btw... , it's not K+GK but K+GP :p

    Speaking of which :
    CH [K]+[G][P] :
    - [1][P][P] , [6][P]+[K][P][P] : 95dmg Aoi, Eileen, Blaze
    - [1][P][P] , [K]+[G][P] : 91dmg Pai, Sarah, Lion, Shun Di
    - [1][P][P] , [6][K][K] 94dmg Vanessa
    - [1][P][P] , [2][P] , [K] : 88dmg other middle wieght characters - Deals 93dmg against Jean
    - [1][P][P] , [3][3][P]+[K] : 83dmg Akira
    - [1][P][P] , [K] : 82dmg Jeffry, Wolf
    - [1][P][P] , [6][P]+[K][P] : 83dmg Taka

    If you know better, don't hesitate to share ;)
  18. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Yeah, P+K, P, 4PPP works on Jean, but from closed only. Sometimes distance is a factor, so you'll have to use 6_P for 4PPP to connect, and sometimes even that doesn't help, so you'll have to do the normal 1PP, 6P+KPP stuff.

    And yes, you are right that it's K+GP, I'm an idiot. By the way, CH K+GP, 1PP, 2P, K doing more damage on Jean, it's just because of this: http://virtuafighter.com/threads/jean-takes-more-damage-than-other-characters.15927/

    By the way, about 43P, it would be good to learn how to hitconfirm this move as on hit you get a combo, but on block you have advantage (+1) and can go into Tachi'ai. I'm not sure do you lose the advantage if you late cancel into Tachi, will have to test, but otherwise it's a good pressure move on your opponent's wakeup. If hitconfirming into Tachi on block feels hard and you accidentally do it even when 43P hit, you can get 43P~Tachi P+K_K as a combo, with P+K doing the most damage.
  19. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    You lose the advantage if you cancel to Tachi'ai after 43P.
    I wrote it all in the Tahci'ai stance data thread.
  20. DamagedPhoenix

    DamagedPhoenix New Member

    iv used some of those combos but ended them differently i have on that works on the wall but its not easy to do

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