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Tekken 5 confirmed !

Discussion in 'General' started by ONISTOMPA, May 5, 2004.

  1. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    maybe it'll be a mode in the home version of T5. but i highly doubt it. good luck with all that. either way i am interested to see what's in store for T5, what with all this incredible info coming down the wire. i'm mostly intrigued by the prospect of seeing Heihachi fight out of a wheelchair in an effort to kill his great-grandson by throwing him in front of an ice-cream truck, which happens to be one of the new 7,000 time-locked characters. but all joking aside i really am interested. and KiwE's right, Pong is the Alpha and Omega of fighting games. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    Once knew a guy that had a home version, came bundled with a gun game. You could shoot the ball when people were playing pong and it would go away. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

  3. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    too bad you couldn't do the same to that demonic hound from Duck Hunt... what an ass!

    and i'm guessing that cake icon means it's your b-day? if so, feliz cumpleanos.
  4. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Karate Champ

    Just because Karate Champ was made first, doesn't mean that all fighters owe it a debt of gratitude. Were there no Karate Champ, somebody else would have come up with the not necessarily brilliant idea of having to video game dudes fight.

    I see no need to bother with Tekken when it is demonstrably inferior to VF. Why bother? I would rather learn a new VF character than fuck up my timing and brain flow by playing Dickken.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Karate Champ

    [ QUOTE ]
    SgtRamrod said:
    I see no need to bother with Tekken when it is demonstrably inferior to VF. Why bother? I would rather learn a new VF character than fuck up my timing and brain flow by playing Dickken.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Classic /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.
  6. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Karate Champ

    shut mouth troll
  7. HiNoGaMi

    HiNoGaMi New Member

    I agree with you man. 100% there. What Tekken needs to do is go back to its roots and key features that made it so sucessful.I hope to see a lot of improvements and the creativity that i know namco can do so well. Hoping for more serious characters with interesting new fighting styles.
  8. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Whoa !! /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Who da fuck is that ? Is that Bruce making a comeback ?
  10. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    Whoa !! /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Who da fuck is that ? Is that Bruce making a comeback ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Could be.... Next week we'll know.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link, really got me joltstarted. Is that Namcos official site then? Edit: (just found out it was)

    This might be of interest to someone:

    Few flashmovies released.

  12. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    I don't want to be rude but...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Question: What would it exactly mean for a fightinggame to be "more like VF?" if you put it into words? Take away bs moves? That's not more like VF, it's just making the game more balanced. In fact: doesn't Tekken sell more around the world outside of Japan then VF btw? Why would they even change "gameplay" when the success of VF4 in Japan can be acredited secondary factors like VF.net and demographic issues (if you want to compete - start bye adding Tekken.net)? VF.net is prob a huge factor behind VF's success but it's certainly not gameplay related.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you're saying that VF's success isn't at all gameplay related...?

    Again, don't want to start a war... but ... come on...
  13. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KTallguy said:

    So you're saying that VF's success isn't at all gameplay related...?

    Again, don't want to start a war... but ... come on...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Have you played VF lately? The gameplay of VF is nowhere near Tekken 4. I mean have you played force mode? Obviously it is VF.Net that keeps us international players (the ones not in japan) playing....

    Sarcasm aside ... I have nothing left to say
  14. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    So you're saying that VF's success isn't at all gameplay related...?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gameplay is your steak & potatoes. Items, prizematches, ranking/stat tracking is your blackberry cobbler ala mode. If you've got both, you've got dinner. If you've got neither, you've got Tekken 4.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure but I think he meant to say VF.net is a bigger factor in VF4's overall success, but yes gameplay definitly plays a big role. You can give me all the items in the world, stats, rankings... all that's cool but if the game's garbage what's the use !?

    But anyway lets just talk about T5. This Tekken vs VF thing has been beaten to death, all you're going to get out of it now is shit like ''Dickken''. It's either you like the game or you don't, and if you don't then this thread doesn't concern you. Resist the urge guys, I know it's hard but try.
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    To start a war you need ammo and someone of a different opinion.

    [ QUOTE ]
    So you're saying that VF's success isn't at all gameplay related...?

    Again, don't want to start a war... but ... come on...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I refuse to talk shit about Tekken and say something positive about VF at this point in order to be one of the boys (hoping that you would atleast get a complimentary cool jacket) in a short sentence with the complimentary smiley attached. Tekken is actually (imo prior to T4 but to many still) a good game.

    Wether you, or I, think gameplay is important is irrelevant - better gameplay doesn't always make the most popular game. Specially outside of the eastern market.

    There are tons of games with bad gameplay that have sold alot and even if Tekken has worse gameplay then VF, it's sold more worldwide then VF outside of Japan. Hence demographic issues.

    Namco cares about their sales; not their penisenvy for Sega as it never had anything to do with it. They're not, either, ashamed and cry themselfs to sleep at night thinking VF is a better game. Sales, sales and then sales again. Granted though, VF was a big success in arcades in Japan and gave lot of money to Sega who comes from a great arcade background and tradition.

    So why is it popular in Japan then? It could be lots of different reasons - maybe the japanese people have grown used to VF's role as the leading fighter. Maybe the fact that Akira and Lau look Japanse. Maybe Segas stronghold over the entire country. Maybe the fact that Sega put alot of money into real tourneys and has agreat PR system over there. Maybe they simply are better people to judge a games tru worth (like many here seem to believe). But why is then Tekken bigger in korea - the birthplace of proplayers thru the likes of BW?

    Imo, if tekken5 was built upon Tekkentag and had added a system like vf.net and the ability to customize your character and name him, put as much PR into tourneys etc in Japans as Sega, it would have had just as big of a shot at being big in arcades as doing a random jump to copying VF's gameplay and starting on a clean slate. VF's system has been built upon now in 10 years and the last time Namco tried the random jump we got Tekken 4; which made it's playerbase split up in two camps and cause of it was a disaster.

    There's a HUGE difference between playing a fighter and having an avatar of yourself in a fighter, hell any game.

    How popular would quake/bw be if everybody online playing it would be named player1, player2 etc in the game? How much motivation do you see in random players trying out VF for the first time in arcades in the west and loosing as compared to if they had their own avatar to take care of and their name on the screen? Then they go over to tekken cause it's easier to play immideatly and that's a part of tekken charm and why it's popular (but you can play Tekken on very highlevels aswell, don't kid yourselfs). They have a niché on the market and a base of players they have built up and shouldn't leave as there are reasons why those players choose Tekken over VF. And it's their right to do so.

    In fact, if VF found a way to keep that random person trying the game on in that shite arcade hole without changing it's gameplay I would welcome it at once as it would generate a bigger pool of players. I'd even love it as VF doesn't get the attention it needs or deserves. Maybe the new flash in FT could be some sort of help to newcomers and / or a start who knows. The enhancements for quest and training mode etc in Evo for the homeversion of the game were great anyways - I didn't get into the game really until Evo. I hope FT gets released on both Xbox and PS2 to give a bigger pool of players - wether they will suck or not.

    Shit like this does matter. I know that if I had a great item right now for Brad that came at 7000 wins or something I would be playing my ass of instead of debating this (poorly) with you. I know I would be happy if Sega fixed the savesystem so I could take that character (my avatar) and play on my friends system against him aswell.

    As I said in my post, which you / others didn't read properly (and started up the standard vf rulz tekken drewlz style thing) - there's alot of BS in Tekken (moves etc) that could be fixed. Fixing imbalences amongst the characters and moves doesn't equal making the game "more like vf gameplay" on any level but it should be done - with higher priority then copying VF's gameplay (as they've had trouble with it for these many years).They simply shouldn't be allowed to exist. Shit conversions of TekkenTag for PAL on the european market shouldn't either and lots of other things to various to mention.

    Customization of characters or a vf.net system wouldn't make "more like vf's gameplay" but it would sure as hell boost the games popularity. VF.net is an enormous success and will probably leave it's mark in arcades for years to come and to underplay it's eventuall role in the matters is silly. So back to the question at hand that sparked the debate and fire:

    [ QUOTE ]
    So you're saying that VF's success isn't at all gameplay related...?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll answer with my own:

    [ QUOTE ]

    So you're saying that Tekken's success isn't at all gameplay related...?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /KiwE (Doesn't feel a need to be in some elitist group in order to play the game he feels is the best).
  17. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    Tekken and Koreans

    Imho, and as a Korean, I think asides from whatever other reasons, Tekken's success in Korea is in part to:

    1. TKD
    2. Style

    1. Sega is so dumb about refusing to put in a TKD guy in VF. Are Koreans that easily swayed? With regards to national pride- yes.

    2. Ever been to Korea lately? Or a K-town in one of the major cities in the US? Style means a LOT to the Koreans. Are we that vain? Yes. Style means a lot in Japan, too, but in a diff way. Korea has this vanity type of styling going- which Tekken has, and VF simplely does not.

    FWIW, I'm looking fwd to a "VF-styled Tekken", whatever that means. To me, it sort of sounds like the best of both worlds.
  18. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    Re: Tekken and Koreans

    [ QUOTE ]
    agios_katastrof said:
    Style means a LOT to the Koreans. Are we that vain? Yes. Style means a lot in Japan, too, but in a diff way. Korea has this vanity type of styling going- which Tekken has, and VF simplely does not.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    please, please, please elaborate.
  19. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    3 new characters

    Looks like Ganryu is back and some smokin' Asian chick. And Blade I think that is.



  20. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    Re: To start a war you need ammo and someone of a different opinion.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
    (Doesn't feel a need to be in some elitist group in order to play the game he feels is the best).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Elitist group"? Aren't we overstating the case a bit? Faboyism is one thing; elitism is something quite different. You seem bright enough to know the difference, which is why this comment is so puzzling. <-- loose example of elitism

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