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Tekken 6 Screens

Discussion in 'General' started by ShinFuYux, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. Son_of_lau

    Son_of_lau Active Member

    sorry, i meant that tekken 4 was better than tekken 5, but i havent played DR much. ill take your word on it though since you tend to be right about these things.

    anyways, i believe that the tekken series has always had better characters than the Characters, but I prefer The VF fighting system compared to The Tekken games. I actually played tekken 3, tag, and 4 before i picked up VF4:Evo.

    I will. he is the most innovate fighting character in a fighting series.
    A 10 yr old [insert martial arts style here] master isnt very credible/realistic. and it is less realistic that a person of that age beating someone who has been praticing [insert martial arts style here] longer than 10 yrs.
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    It's true that Namco and Sega copy each other -- but if you have not played VF1, VF2, or VF3 then you won't have a proper historical context of how much one company has copied the other.

    Anyway don't be so quick to pass judgment on what's better than the other when you have barely experienced VF.
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Steve Fox... innovative? If being the most broke-ass fucking character (next to Jin in T4) is innovative, then shit, you're right.

    As for the child credibility, you're missing the point and took the quote out of context.

    Credibility isn't exactly a true fit with "Realistic," I choose to pick fun at the fact that to be credible is more likely to be trustworthy. Therefore the scenario I painted in the original post makes a mockery of the quoted statement. But, as I know now... *moves open hand over head while making noises to emulate the wind* wooooooossssh
  4. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Steve might be broken, but his innovation isn't about that, its about the fighting style in general, the way they implemented the boxing style into the game is something no one imagined would work, but it did. That they made him a game-breaking mofo is another matter entirely.

    I totally agree with the basic credibility thing. I get immensely annoyed with things like Xaioyu's (?spelling?) opening where she looks all scared and screams like a little girly before pounding your ass into the floor. That should be left for the Doujin frakkers to figure out. Ah well... Why this is a problem and super-models beating the crap out of heavyweight commando trained army types isn't is hard to describe, that's also true though. This cutesy peepy squeely thing should really just die and I hate Capcom for coming up with Sakura (its a love/hate relationship with them).

    Leo is a notch out of KoF's character designs (maybe even a tribute as SNK finally managed to outstay the SF series with KoFXI, though SF3TS will remain to be played for a long time to come), adding Akira's fighting style and Lion's name is just a nudge (and rather funny I'd say). There are loads of times this happened before, I don't think there's a single franchise to have ever refrained from this kind of stuff. Dan, Mika, Ryo, Sakura's many copies, the list stretches on and on. But these companies know the only reason either of them exist is because of these rivalries. Finally admitted in grand style with SvC and CvS. Every fighting game already took a notch from SF, maybe Namco decided it was time to pull a KoF stereotype, making Leo dual in nature is a direct reference to AoF's King btw ('he' was revealed to be a woman in part 2 and the special ending of 1 or something like that). Maybe its also a direct poke at VF through proxy, saying that Akira is Ryu in disguise by using his fighting style and adding SNK's trademark design. This stuff works on so many levels it could wreck your brain.

    VF to Tekken, SNK to Capcom, these ancient titans have been swinging at each other for ages and destroyed all other compatition along the way, SC, GG, DoA and MB merely dodge the conflict all together by adding stuff that ensures they are not comparable. These things generate interest for the both sides of the conflict, renewing interest and these days things can literally explode through the internet when stuff like this comes up.
  5. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I totally agree. The whole fight between companies is a neverending conflict that acts like the main cog in the machine called marketing-shit-money-gain.
    They copy each others ideas, they try to make characters simmilar to laugh at other game's chars, to show that maybe they can make a certain fighting style better, or any other fucking reason. It's just the way this shit runs, and the way it's going to for the rest of their fucking existence, deal with it.
  6. Zone_Aoi

    Zone_Aoi Member

    Funny thing is, I remember an article prior to T5's release on PS2 in GAMEPRO talking about how the guys working on Tekken do socialize with folks from those working on VF, along with play each others games (probably more on a casual basis)...or something to that extent. Then again, that's what I see from it (recalling what little I can remember from that GAMEPRO article). It could be a whole different ballgame from within...<span style='font-size: 8pt'>possibly like how Itagaki ("MR. DOA", as far as I know) views Tekken</span>...

    But I've been offtopic ranting for too long now. On with the show, if it's still running...
  7. eternalforest

    eternalforest New Member

    LEO IS A GIRLL. Didn't u see the fmv sequence with her lipstick, and chest
  8. ShinFuYux

    ShinFuYux Well-Known Member

    Alot of people over the internet forums have speculated that Leo's fighting style is Bajiquan. But, in reality, Baji looks Completely different. First of all, you can see he keeps his hands open everytime he's going to strike his opponent. In Baji, you see everyone have their fists closed all the time. So i started to do some research and i found out that there is about 9 popular styles that uses the "Ji" or "Internal" philosophy. Internal style usually means that the energy that one produces from "qi" (you read it as "chi").

    (these are the styles I found)
    Quanfa (pronounced as Chuanfa, also known as Kempo/kenpo)

    So I did some indepth research about these styles. Not just by their means of philosophy, but from their stance, way of punching, way of having the arm and hand out, the way of striking the opponent and such. I observed all this, actually, I'm impressed by how some of these martial arts are. Especially how Xingyiquan only concentrates in the heavy form of punching, how taichiquan uses your opponents weight against him, how Bajiquan will be an unstoppable form if it is combined with piguaquan.

    But anyway, my point is that I think I found a more suitable form, that not only looks similar to his art but his stance and such are similar.

    It's called Lauhanquan.
    Here's a short description to it.

    Here's a video of it, mixed with Baguazhang (Baguazhang uses the open palm method)

    So, yeah. Oh, by the way, i found this really great video of Shaoling Kung Fu.
  9. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    There's speculation, and then there's the director straight-up saying it's based on Baji. Besides which, I really don't know where you're getting that Baji only uses closed fists.
    It is called Akira's Stun Palm of Doom, after all.
    There are a lot of different Baji styles.
  10. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Bajiquan is called the "rake fist" for a reason.
  11. ShinFuYux

    ShinFuYux Well-Known Member

  12. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    Did you guys catch this?

    Check out the last question asked near the bottom of the page:
    Tekken 5: DR interview

    Tekken vs Virtua Fighter !!!! Could it happen?
  13. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Yep, It's been already mentioned few times. I think there is even a seperate thread about this, but I'm too lazy to give ya a link.
  14. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    New information recently was released from Arcadia Magazine. The translation is courtesy of SDTekken.com


    Is it me, or has the Tekken series taken a turn for the ridiculous. I understand that the game has always been over the top, but come on. Throwing your shoes at someone? It seems the series has gone to gimmicks rather than build on it's fighting engine.
  15. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    Seems to me that they're stealing from a Chinese drunkard and a Shaolin Monk!
  16. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    gawd i grew up playing tekken to se them now have item move.......gawd

    butb they wont be allowed in competitive play....i hope.
  17. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    I don't know pal, but I was much more captivated by T6 rather than VF5!!!

    I really want see the new Lei WuLong moves and his special item!!!!!
  18. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry


    Well at least I won't own a PS3 for one game!

    I'm actually stoked, imbalances and all. Asuka better get more cancels. f+3b/f+2d>df,d,df+1+2 ftw.

    Any change to Yoshi is welcome... fuck that guy.
  19. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    LOL at his sword is losing power, give me a break. No fighting game has a freaking decent story devil gene and all. As for the item thing, wtf are they smoking over at Namco these days? How about working alittle on the fighting engine for christ sakes because sooner or later all that crap gets old fast. BTW quality over quantity please, they need to cut away alot of that roster. Come on now, panda, bear and rodger???
  20. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    Why? Its only one move.... Is this so frustrating? To be candour I find it very interesting. It should be fun!

    Yes thes roster has to be decreased. But it doesn't seems so. Harada says the biggest character roster in every Tekken game!

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