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Tekken 6BR system

Discussion in 'General' started by zakira, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Happy, I think you need some more Miguel in your life...

    I'm learning how to side step better and have found you can definitely evade tons of shit in this game. I see now why you need to have good off-axis combos in addition to your B&B's...

    -- Oh, Ghost Mode is the way to go.
  2. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    LOL, To be or not to be...

    It is the curse of Tekken to be forced to live in the
    shadow of VF.

    Tekken is 4evr learning but nevr able to come into the knowledge of the truth

    No matter how much Tekken reaches, the sky is just beyond
    its grasp.

    Tekken brings more hype, more modes, more sound effects, more players, a bigger roster even man and beast

    But in the end VF still takes the round. Sadly, VF wins without even trying. VF presents this bare bones, scaled down fighter, no real advertising, no real support from Sega, no cutscenes, no developed character storylines, and time and time again Tekken is frustrated not able to wrestle the trophy
    from the open palm of VF.

    Its Ironic, Tekken has the large fighting community, But VF has the real fighting game. From the perspective on many Tekken fans, Namco does just about everything right, and from the perspective of VF fans Sega does just about everything wrong, Yet the coveted title of #1 fighter remains just out of
    Tekken's reach, while at the same time no matter how Sega
    trys to sabotage VF, the title of #1 remain around the neck of VF like a noose.

    Because of the abusive relationship that Vfers have with Sega,
    they are always looking for a way out. A reason to finally fire Sega, give them the proverbial kick to the curb. They say to themselves maybe Tekken 6BR will be that reason, and for a
    week or two the sex with Namco's latest offering is kind-a-good, but then the reality of the fireball and the kangeroo sets in, the absurdity of the little chinese girl juggling Kuma through a ten hit combo and in no time the dream is over. Its back to the shitty abusive relationship with Sega, because although the VFer wants to try to deny it, the fact is VF is the best 3D fighting game on the planet, and Tekken comes in a distant 2nd or 3rd depending on whether Soul Caliber is in the running.

    Many hard core tekken fans find comfort in the theory that
    VFers are h8tn on Tekken because they really aren't any good at Tekken or because they really don't understand tekken. Sure that theory applies to some, but some of us are good at tekken and do understand it, and we still pick VF, simply because VF is better, even though we have an abusive relationship with Sega we are forced back to VF time and time again. As each new fighter was released this year, many of our VFer's had cheap flings, but after each fling they come back realizing just how much better VF is than the
    competition [​IMG] Each time hoping for a way out of the sick and sordid relationship with Sega, Each time they come
    shuffling back, pluggin the hori stick in and feeling the power, grace, balance, and beauty of VF surging through their
    hands. [​IMG]

    The curse won't stop at Tekken 6BR, The rumor is, that
    Team Ninja is putting together a brand new DOA 5 or 6.
    DOA will probably be VFer's next hope to escape the sick
    relationship with Sega. And what's seductive of DOA is there are no Kangeroos,Pandas, or fireballs. Sure the DOA reversal was famous for being broken, but perhaps it will be fixed in this next rendition. Maybe VFers can find a new love affair
    with Team Ninja's DOA and finally be released from the sick
    and perverse relationship with Sega [​IMG]

    Probably not, VFer's will probably give the new DOA a week or two more than they gave Tekken and then will come reluctantly back to be abused by Sega.

    Ah yes... What a twisted and distorted bunch the fighting
    game gods are [​IMG]
  4. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    DoA? Seriously?

  5. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member


    they updated it if anyone is interested.

    BTW, if neone is on the westcoast.. I live close to seattle (vancouver) if neone wants to add me and play tekken. Ive been having decent connection with some ppl so if ur looking to play add me mackfactor on xbox live.
  6. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Masterpo, I think you are wishing Tekken 6 was worse than it actually is. I see it as being very close to as good as VF5. There's a lot to learn and everything seems very well thought out to me. Namco did a really good job with the characters and move lists. As far saying which game is better is matter of opinion at this point. Both games have some serious depth.

    As I see it, the console version of Tekken 6 is more akin to VF5R, where they already had a system defined, and then they tweaked it like VF5 to VF5R. The version of Tekken we are playing on console is really the overhauled version of Tekken 6 AKA Tekken 6BR. The game actually feels tweaked to me as well. I haven't run into anything yet that seems really abusable or totally messed up balance wise.

    You can't put 40+ characters into a game, with hundreds of moves each and maintain any semblance of balance without putting A LOT of thought into it. I don't think it's any less balanced than VF5 ver C to be honest. Just because there's fiery hit-effects, animals and eye-lasers really means absolutely nothing, it's just the style of game that Tekken has been since day 1... Tekken isn't really trying to be VF. They may share ideas and concepts (special mids/lows, side steps, ranking system, etc.) but they are not designed to be the same.

    My point is, the eye-lasers may require some suspension of disbelief but they don't make or break the game as far as I'm concerned. If they made Roger or Kuma into humans and gave them all the same moves, would that make the game better??? Not really, it'd be the same game and the same characters, they'd just look slightly different. I think it's just that, for a hard-core VF player and fan, eye lasers, kangaroos and bears are easy targets to pick on, but they have little effect on the flesh and bones of the game itself.

    I think Namco did a very good job with this Tekken - but as always, that's just my humble opinion.
  7. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Masterpo, you summed it up. And yes, DOA is the closest thing to playable, and yet still comes up way short. It is true that I do not understand all the Tekken systems, but to the extent that I have seen better players using the wake-up system for example, I can't see that there is anything that I should spend much time on.

    It seems like VF has created and refined the most logical systems to put in its games, and so Tekken has to do something totally different. How else to explain wake-up and throwing on Tekken? Obviously this is a VF site, but if anyone can make an argument as how the Tekken systems are better, I'd be happy to listen.

    At least DOA, with all of its many flaws, copied a lot from VF. And I played DOA before I played Virtua Fighter very much. I didn't know the history of the games but I felt at the time that VF3 had everything I liked from DOA without the stuff I didn't like. Today DOA's fighting system is still good to the extent, and only to the extent, that it copies VF. The departures (ultra generous and damaging reversals, inescapable throws, useless evades) are all the biggest gripes about DOA.

    But SEGA's business side really sucks...
  8. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    lol sorry man, I was with the girlfriend on some museum trips and quickly went down there to have a look. seems ok to me, most are sit down cabs, I think the Blazblue one wasn't though. but they all looked reasonable quality to me.

    I should've checked how much credits where [​IMG]
  9. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    I know alot of ppl are saying bad things about tekken but i started off as a tekken player. If it werent for tekken i prob wouldnt have picked up VF. I prefer VF better, but for the mainstreem market i feel tekken satisfies more ppl than VF. WHen i first started VF, I really really had to try to enjoy the game, only when i got good did i like this game.

    Tekken players have a different mentallity in my opinion. VF seems to balance characters nicely by toning moves down or giving making the characters better with different stats on the move. In my exp with tekken, if 1 character has a broke move, the next version another character will have another broke move to compensate which i think its pretty cool. the mishimas have the electric which is broke, bryan has that unblockable knee, nina has that sidestep p into throw.. etc etc. If you were to tone down electric alot, alot of tekken players will be pissed.. In vf i enjoy the game for a different reason, the game feels like chess. With tekken, i get joy out of spamming electrics and abusing stuff... that to me is what makes tekken fun, abusing broke moves.. but its not a broke a broke game, because evryone has broke moves and its balanced in that sense. As far as tekken 6 br im very happy with the changes, balance wise, toning oki, etc.
  10. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    They did tone down EWGFs in Tekken 6: BR and I don't think there's any move that is broken in Tekken 6: BR.

    And please...chess comparisons...just no.
  11. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    i say whatver i want
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    No worrys. I'm gonna go there tomorrow and have a look before some drinks. Hope to see some Tekken played properly. Maybe try some VF if it's there too.
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yep, serious. What I mean by that is that it's hard to play Steve effectively.

    He's top tier though.

    It's cause, his damage isn't handed to him so easily. For instance, his punishment game isn't very rewarding damage wise(where alot of characters can get a floater for a combo on punishment, steve gets something less), his floaters are very slow, and his lows aren't that fast. Sometimes Steve can be hard pressed to break a turtle.

    Steve needs those counter hits, otherwise it's going to take a good while to knock somebody out.

    ...You get the CH though?? BAM ggs.

    This is all from my limited exp, what I've read, and what I've seen.

    There's actually character difficulty charts floating around and Steve was up there. Either way, it's up my alley, cause he's good as shit in BR and I won't bore myself, cause the challenge playing as him is fun man.
  14. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    yeah i agree. i use Steve too and while he it does take work playing him, he's so fun to use once you get used to his ducking~while standing stuff and his other nuances.
  15. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I've stopped bothering with the fanboy-ism, hate, and hypocrisy. No matter how good a game is, if somebody isn't open to learning it without a hint of bias or whatnot, they're never going to stop comparing it to whatever they find comfort in.

    It's just like saying "Beef isn't bad... but Pork is bettah!" and then proceed to provide arguments to justify why Pork is better, and why Beef sucks. And even if you provide reasons as to why Beef is just as good as Pork, they'll look at it, and say "Not bad... but Pork is still bettah!"

    It's just a waste of time.
  16. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

  17. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Thanks! I can't read the damages though. Is there a transcript somewhere? I'll do one if there's not, I guess.
  19. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member


    I was kinda optimistic when you attached the link but sadly there is nothing I don't know from the video and I think most VFers here know these basics. I was hoping there was really an actual safe way or ways to get up but there isn't.

    Please don't get me wrong. I'm not comparing the game to VF or anything like that. I love fighting games in general but I still can't help but think that Tekken's system is just plain broken.

    I still enjoy it though for what it is and I hope any VFer here just stop the comparison and start to enjoy it as well.
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I hear longrange throws are broken in online


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