Tekken Player Has No Clue, Calls VF5US A Joke.....

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    @masterpo I think you're paying too much attention on what mainman says.

    But i disagree about VF5 models looking better than T7, VF5FS definitely doesn't look as detailed as T7, for US it's debatale depending on the characters, last DLC characters in T7 looks more details than VF5US, base roster T7 roster looks pretty much same i would say maybe? i mean it depends on the characters also.

    Honestly i don't really care about those dabates on whiche one is better or look better, play what you like, and don't play what you don't like lol. I think the one to blame here is not maiman, but Sega, they have always done poor job when it comes to VF, it's time they start caring about VF.

    I just want Sega to stop treating VF like a second class franchise, and put solid rollback in the game. I'd rather see the positive thing is that they fucked up on VF5US by not putting rollback and single player contents, but for VF6 they better not pull it THIS WAY IN ANY WAY, VF6 need be godlike netcode wise and have big packages of single players content just like the big fighting games of nowadays, or VF4 Evo back then, but with story more too, say what you want but this is ultra important for attracting casuals, which for reminder are 90% of the people that buy fighting games.

    When it comes to the game itself, i don't want them to do the Harada thing in T7, keep on focusing on cool characters base on Martial Arts. Fuck those 2D and weapon characters, i mean i play 2D characters and SC games, and those are super great in their type of games, tho those are just wrong in Tekken, and VF should never do that too. As it is right now to me VF5 is a better game than T7, T7 is great but there is also a lot of shitshow in the game that prevent me to put in the saint graal of the best fighting games ever, to me T5DR was that game, as well as VF5 and SC2 for some examples.
  2. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    VF5FS/US really is simplified. Just for the heck of it, I started playing VF5 vanilla again yesterday and almost forgot how pretty that game was. It's unbelievable how good it still looks for a 2006 game!! The moves list was more expanded and pacing of the matches were fast! OH and the stage backgrounds :love:

    When I think about it, VF vanilla has its pro and cons but the gameplay, to me personally, seemed like it had a bit more style and entertainment factor going for it. Whereas FS was a...more or less of a graphic enhancement in gameplay with better fluid animations. I say more or less because background visuals were diminished and not as vibrant as vanilla, probably in favor of for the online content? @masterpo I'm not really sure what was the reason for the downgrade, could help me out on this? But anyhow, this was probably the only redeeming factor on why FS might've been better than vanilla.

    In fact, I'm starting to think US' graphic overhaul change was inspired originally from Vanilla. They both have aesthetically pleasing stages, Vanilla still has the best lighting however...for me it's like this:

    Best Gameplay
    VF is known for having great gameplay in all of its installments, but VF5 vanilla for me felt the best.
    reasons: more moves in vanilla than FS/US, also quick and faster pacing makes the matches look really fluid in motion while FS had better fluid animations

    Best Presentation (visuals & entertainment factor)
    tie between VF2 and VF4 honorable mention to US
    reasons: great music, great openings, good VAs (between both of them), cool attitude and style within some of the characters (Vanessa Lewis was soo pretty in VF4 she still is now in 5 but was just more interesting looking in 4), good content, easy looking UI, moves had more impact and flair, what else can I say about these games, they were just fun..fun to play and fun to look at. US is a big improvement on the graphics of FS. It fixed some of the inconsistencies and added some of the aesthetic style back from vanilla.

    If VF6 were to be a thing, I feel like the combination of these series would bring everyone together without having to sacrifice anything. And look I didn't even have to mention including story/arcade endings although it still would be nice.. :notworthy:

    With how fighting games are looking in general its almost like FGS are going back into hibernation, especially 3D fighters, Tekken and Soul Cal, being the only ones currently relevant. This is Sega's chance to pop back into the scene so please don't miss another golden opportunity Sega. We all want VF6 to go through but it's all in your hands not the fans.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2021
    Sonic The Fighters and masterpo like this.
  3. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    I've never really liked VF5 vanilla, it feels like a beta of VF5FS/US.

    VF5FS/US gameplay reminds me a lot more about VF4 EVO than VF5 vanilla.
    Zekiel and SSfox like this.
  4. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    MadeMan > MainMan.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  6. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I much prefer VF5 vanilla over FS. FS mostly felt like a backward step apart from the combo system and my main character Brad got streamlined.
    beanboy likes this.
  7. Thesch28

    Thesch28 Well-Known Member

    I find it hilarious that VF4Evo has better sound quality than VF5US.
    beanboy likes this.
  8. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    Brad plays so damn fun in Vanilla. They definitely nerfed his movelist in FS. He was way more agile with his ducking, swaying, and phase turning techniques (y)
    beanboy and Sonic The Fighters like this.
  9. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    I must agree, some moves have been removed. I forgot about that.

    But still to me FS/US is better and a lot more modern overall.
    SSfox and gido like this.
  10. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    I have a very close friend who happens to be a Tekken fan and who upon trying VF for a few minutes sent me a middle finger picture and an angry post of how I wasted his time by having him try VF5US which he says has bad animations, bad graphics and bad sounds and is so baaaad that he is nauseated.

    I didn't bother because that's what I say about Tekken 7 myself :ROTFL::ROTFL:
  11. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    That is what people including myself, and a few others here, have been saying for years. If they put back all of the moves, throws and stuff that were in the previous entries, that they took out, the VF fans who disappeared, would most likely return. And that's alot of VF fans, who disappeared, over the years.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2021
  12. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    This part made me laugh.:p
  13. Zaibatsu

    Zaibatsu Active Member

    The problem with VF is actually this: it's always a tlaking about the past, but what about the future? In which way do you thing a 15 years old kid would start playing this game? SEGA should start thinking about new generation of players. Sticking to the past won't be of any help to VF, at least if SEGA's goal is to make VF a big thing and not a game that struggle to be noticed.
  14. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    I made my little brother into VF at 15, today years later he is a beast and totally addictive with this fighting game, so it's not impossible !

    SEGA should go "all in" with Virtua Fighter (real budget, massive content, multiplatform, cross play, rollback, Quest mode, DLCs...).

    VF5 was unlucky in the past and marketing was totally different. But in 2021, fighting games (with the internet, YouTube, social medias, streaming, forums, Discord, Major events, online tournaments...) have more exposure than ever.

    If Samsho, KOF, Killer Instinct ... have made a huge comeback, they have no excuse and they just have to make the hard work. SEGA has to stop acting like a cheap ID developer wtf, while this company is still big and top 5 for video games in Japan.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
    SSfox and gido like this.
  15. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    They can start making a story mode ala NRS games, this is a base to introduce anyone to fighting, Sarah and Jacky voice actors already summed it in their recent interview.

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