The retirement... err... stupid thread.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by smb, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    It would probably humor everyone in this site, except Myke and thats who's important around here, I'm in a state of paranoia, it was only yesterday that he gave me a speech need to heal the wounds you know? Sorry.
  2. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">and thats who's important around here</div></div>

    Who is important around here are those who contribute to the community and those who contribute to the information on the site.

    You get bitched at occasionally because some of your shenanigans are less than inviting for the online community. Post after juvenile post spilling out over the boards & shoutbox sometimes.

    Personally, I get it. You're 16 years old and you like Jeffry. That's fucking awesome. Also, despite what Myke said I think if you manage to avoid getting banned you will end up becoming a valuable contributor to VFDC.

    You can start with your best shot at a poem dedicated to adamYUKI.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    OMG!! so funny!!!
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    this thead is epic, - those who wanna give away xboxes, im all open arms! :p

    seriously though, VF can be picked up and put down at any time, just like any other game-- no need to really announce a... *formal retirement?* -
  5. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I'm considering a temporary retirement (like 3 or 4 straight weeks) from VF but to just leave the game altogether? Nah...I'm at that point yet :p
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    This is all my fault cause of me wanting to slow down after NYG, and someone made this thread cause of that.

    I'll sell/give you a bricked past warranty old school 360 if you want it.
  7. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Stupid thread or not, heed me. I will be gone for 2 months, the whole of July and August, consider it a semi-retirement. The reason being I'm visiting my other family in the summer, I will be soo rusty when I'm back and be shittier then I already am now. [​IMG]
  8. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Nah, its not your fault at all. I was the creator of the thread, and it was in regards to no one individual. There were a plethora of people claiming retirement in one thread or another, or in the shoutbox. two or three per week. I thought it was silly, so in a mock gesture, I started this thread. But it wasn't in response to anyone player or person, rather the overall pervasive mood of VFDC at the time.

    Ironically enough 90% of the people who posted in this thread are still occasionally playing (thus not retired) including myself. But just as BG's thread has served as a useful place to vent about lousy players, this thread has served as a useful place to vent about our frustrations with the game, and to make broad symbolic declarations about not playing the game anymore.

    This could just as easily, or perhaps more aptly, be named the: "I'm so frustrated with VF that i am going to denounce it publicly but still be drawn from time to time by the addictive nature of the game, but cannot be bothered to care like i used to" thread.

    But that would just be silly.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I'm still retired status.

    Even Jordan or Magic still shoot around and go for layups every now and then... not that I'm Jordan or Magic in VF hahahahah! A regular career guy who's retired can still do what they "retired" from is what I mean.

    I'm still retired, just no more VF advancement, and seriously speaking, I don't even think I've improved one bit since then either... and it shows, badly.
  10. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Sega has retired from vf5... [​IMG] And we all suffer for it.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Been out of this game for years. Played a lot of 3S. Since thats pretty much gone in my eyes I am actually trying to get my feet wet again in vf. Even though I know R is out and its almost a totally different game. But, knowing Sega they probably won't release it ever. So might as well enjoy the version I have now.
  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I have been completely out of it lately. I haven't played VF in a few weeks (since BB released) and since I am in a forced retirement anyways it made me really stop and think about everything I learned from all you guys. I even picked up Jacky the last time I played I was decent with him too. I will always be around and like a shadow I will always right behind all of you watching you all from the darkness.

    I hope to see you all online some day real soon.
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    You were one of the first guys I ever fought on live and always respected your Pai, I too look forward on once again meeting up with you and play some rounds, it's been too long.
  14. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    It was indeed A LONG TIME ago that I came a-trembling through the hallowed portals of this FORUM. Had I known then what a roller coaster ride we were in for I might have trembled even more or turned right round and headed out or, indeed, gone straight to the SEX and blown the whistle.

    But ignorance was bliss in those days! I thought, innocently, that accepting PHYSICAL bribes was a natural thing to do. Good enough for DARTHMINION’s spouse; good enough for me, I thought. But seriously, I was so chuffed to be given the chance to help make VIRTUA FIGHTER into a household name.

    I only want to say a few words myself – I’ve done enough PLAYING VIRTUA FIGHTER 5 ONLINE for a lifetime! But I do want to tell you how much I have appreciated some of the things that make this FORUM so special – not just the business side, but the fun and laughter we have had – to say nothing of the long nights labouring away at last minute GAMES AT 4 FRICKIN' AM. And as for BELIGERENT FECK'S teatime treats – I think that’s what I am going to miss most!

    KONJOU was right. I am leaving but I will be watching your progress with interest and I shall indeed be back. I am certain you will all go on to achieve far better things than I did. If my legacy to you was time spent building this firm up, your legacy to me is one of comradeship, faith in teamwork and an abiding passion for rock cakes.

    I have just one final point to make – that is to thank you for the wonderful present. How could you have guessed that it was just what I wanted!!??

    I now raise my glass to you and say farewell.

    Thank you.
  15. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Damn Cozby, it's hard to believe your gonna be gone now [​IMG] I'll always remember you for your legendary lei-fei and your current Jacky that was very respectable, I've enjoyed every single of those matches that you raped me in, hopefully one day vf5r will be released and we can once again create memories.
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, I believe most people will return to VF when R comes out!!!
  17. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    WTF...any particular reason your stopping? You still gaming?
  19. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    YOSKUE....come to the east coast before you retire!
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Well this is it folks. Congrats to all that qualified at this year's WCG event! I will admit that I am extremely saddened I didn't make it to the finals yet again this year.

    I don't know what it is about me and my style of play, but it's just not built for tournaments. Also I always seem to get a tough road through really strong players and even when you think you have a game plan that somehow even seems to fall through.

    No ill will towards anyone, just much disappointment in my lack of effort and mental discipline to prevent the jitters that comes from tournament play.... really it's leaves me feeling a little heart broken and with a lasting mental question to myself of " am I really strong / good at this game? "

    It's been fun people, but really I think this will be my last post until VF5R or VF6. I would really appreciate it if people didn't send me invites on XBL any more. I'd just like to move on until the next one any put vanilla 5 behind me.

    * Big thanks to Myke for running the best forum on the net and introducing the one of the best emoticons ever. [​IMG]

    * Big thanks to Ice-9 for paying the bills [​IMG]

    * Big thanks to Talis and his lovely wife Catherine for throwing the best VF parties ever.

    * Big thanks to Gerald (LA) who has become like a big brother to me.

    * Big thanks to Denkai for being an awesome friend and fierce rival. Yeah we can kid ourselves all we want, but we did have a little hidden rivalry going. Honestly you came out on top just like I told you you would like 3 years or so ago.

    * Big thanks to Akmal (CidKid) for just being a good friend and awesome players.

    * Big thanks to Gentleman Thief for always inspiring me to just keep trying. Really I honestly think you are the future of VF. I don't know how serious you take the game, but you have the potential to be great.

    * Big thanks to Jason (Slide / Action Kungfu) for being
    another one of those great players like Gentleman Thief... A really nice guy and I'm lucky to call him my friend.

    * Big thanks to Chief Flash for surpassing me. What can I say you have learned to just cripple my game with the adamYUKI style that you have implemented. It shows that you worked really hard on it. Good stuff man and good luck in the finals. I'm sure you will place in top 3 for sure. If you played like how you did today you can win easily.

    * Big thanks to Shag, Hayato, Smurf, Monty, ghettoSHUN, Darkgift, Azusabo (Yes that fucker was a New Yorker at one time... damn punk moved away)... all of crew NYC. Greatest bunch of friends in the world man. I really feel sorry for people who don't know these guys outside of VF. They are simply just too awesome.

    * Big thanks to King / QueenOfCarnage... BigBoyYoAss!!!!!! Revive it man... Revive it! [​IMG]

    * Big thanks to Cozby / Numbers... you guys are gonna have to be the ones to hold it town for the East Coast now.

    * Big thanks to JHow77, None Other, MasaRED... The Shun trio from hell! While I hate the fucking character I really enjoyed playing you guys. Thanks to you three I no longer have a fear of Shun anymore.

    * Big thanks to everyone that I may have left out. While at rare times I may have come off as an asshole to people in some of my random posts. I never meant anyone any harm. Sometimes my passion for VF can just get the best of me and I speak without thinking. My deepest apologies to anyone I may have offended.

    * Last and final big thanks has to go out to no one other than adamYUKI himself. Honestly even if I had won WCG I still don't think I would have been satisfied. I would have been happy about the money, but I really don't think I would have been happy about the win. It's nothing personal against any of the players who participated, because I'm sure Denkai, Cidkid, etc would agree...

    Adam simply was the man to beat! If you could best Adam then it really didn't matter who you lost too afterwards or if you couldn't win a tournament. While me and Adam have been awesome friends for the past 15 years or so he has always been my achilles heel in VF. Always besting me in every tournament, gathering and sessions.

    I give him thanks because he has helped me grow into a fabulous player and a good person. Thanks bro! You are greatly missed!

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