The Truth about VF...

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    Shang, when will it end? I asked you the other day what you wanted out of all of this? Have you decided yet?

    Now GodEater asks you what the point of all this is? Even if people agree with you (which many still don't in case you haven't noticed), what difference will it make?

    You say his analogy about the colour of sky is ridiculuous, but let me tell you what's ridiculuous -- you completely ignoring his question and instead try to pick apart the analogy, and (I couldn't believe this) bring up some crap about vf2 online (which I doubt is true anyway).

    So, coming back to the original question: what's the point of all of this whining? I guess your lack of an answer is the answer itself -- there is none.
  2. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    I think the main problem with Wolf is that if they were to give him a generic elbow-class move, a decently fast full-circular attack or a fast mid-hitting whiff punisher (~15f) it would give him such good mixup options he would be overpowered. There is very little AM2 can do other than make him either too good or "too" hard to play because of how the character is designed. His throw game is ridiculous, he has a 1:1 counter for the most-used move in the game: 2P, which also happens to be the most damaging reversal in the game, and his combo starters all do above-average damage. The sad fact is that it's a general rule in fighting games that grappler characters take more yomi to play to compensate for the damage they deal out. Look at Hugo in 3s, Gief in ST or Potemkin in #Reload and you'll see what I'm saying.

    That said, I honestly believe Kage needs to be toned down. His throw game is way too good when you take into account that he has both a decent mix of generic striking attacks, special properties and shenanigans.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    All they have to do is make A2 [2_][3][P] not float on mC and I think he'll be OK. Maybe put a cap on how much damage DPPKK can inflict on counter.
  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    I love the characters in this place. There are those who watches and laugh: bk / dandyj. There are those who crying for attention: kiwe / ge. And there are those kage players who defends their character to the bitter end: myke / ice-9. myke lol u crack me up, I love how you defend kage in your sublet ways. you definitely fall into #2 in those who cannot see the truth. I tell u how you can balance kage: make all of his moves that recovery on -6 linear, make D/F+p uppercut float only on counterhit. makd d/f+p -8 recover crouching. OR, nerf his throw games, make f+pg a 50/50 guessing game, make TFT combos weaker, make pg, d/f+pg weaker. make ppbp -1 on block. why does wolf get -1 on HIT and kage get +1 on block is beyond all reason and sense.
    myke just jump on the "I defend kage" bangwagon" it's okay i understand.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    I was tired of this BS before I even got involved, and now even moreso.

    Not once did I try to "defend" anything and all ice-9 did was to offer a suggestion on how to tone down a couple of things, yet you accuse him of jumping on the bandwagon and defending to the bitter end. Man you have some serious issues to deal with I think.

    All I'm asking you is what do you realistically want? You of all people should know that nothing, nothing, you whine about here is going to make any difference to anyone, anywhere. It's just annoying-as-all-fuck noise.

    Now your suggestions on how to "balance" Kage are laughable:

    [ QUOTE ]
    I tell u how you can balance kage: make all of his moves that recovery on -6 linear,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why? So you can evade and throw escape all day without ever having to think about the direction you move in?

    [ QUOTE ]
    make D/F+p uppercut float only on counterhit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A1 is already like that, but A2 isn't. A1 floats can generally produce the most damage though. There's a small tradeoff between the two, but what would you know?

    [ QUOTE ]
    makd d/f+p -8 recover crouching.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Right, one of the slowest moves in the game, let's make it recover even slower! Without enough advantage, any low or mid will beat it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    OR, nerf his throw games, make f+pg a 50/50 guessing game,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, it's already a guessing game between crap damage or decent damage. It's up to you to decide how much damage he can potentially take.

    [ QUOTE ]
    make TFT combos weaker

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    [ QUOTE ]
    make pg, d/f+pg weaker

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah because 40pts for a throw is TOO MUCH!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    . make ppbp -1 on block. why does wolf get -1 on HIT and kage get +1 on block is beyond all reason and sense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is an absolute classic. If you don't have the reflexes to low punch Kage out of this combo on guard, then again, it's not the game that needs changing.

    And enough about the Wolf's -1 on hit (I'm sure you're talking about his knee). I thought I spoke to you about this countless times, yet you still whine about it like a sore bitch.

    So at the end of the day, what do you want? I don't think the frog at the bottom of the well is in a position to tell others what the truth is. Keep looking at the sky.. who knows, maybe it will turn green someday.
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    GE and Myke are gay lovers with a Kage poster.

    Myke your infatuation has reached absolute ludicousy!

    #1, The fact is most characters with strong striking attacks are pretty much linear. Look at akira, jacky or lau, or even sarah... Kage is the only character with very strong striking attacks yet it’s difficult to dodge against. Topping with his very strong throws, he has no weakness. Someone like wolf pretty much is guaranteed to eat at least a free p,k if his circular attacks don’t hit. The fact is people should be able to freely dodge against characters with strong striking attacks. This is the philosophy behind Jacky and Akira, the fact kage is an exception is an imbalance.

    #2, A1 is like that, but A2 isn’t! You are so right. I wouldn’t know... but I’ve been playing EVO for a long time, that I know. And I know the new uppercut combo does a ton.. A TON of damage on counter. WHY????? Give me 1 reason why kage deserve a SPoD-like move. And as regard to d/f+p, this move is one of the cheapest shit Sega ever created, oh yes of course a kage player would say it’s slow.. but conveniently forget it beats dodges, beats pretty much all safe attacks and combos nicely regardless of hit stat. This attack forces the person to use big attacks. Why should someone like kage, who can get good damage combos, good throws, live under -6, when others have to risky -8, -10 and -12 to get the same result?

    #3, Myke.... can you honestly look at yourself in the mirror and say Kage’s throw game isn’t too strong for a character with such great/fast striking attacks? Sega knows TFT is over powered, didn’t they make it 270 until all the fanbois started to bitch and cry?.. like urself... And yes! 40points is TOO much for pg, d/f+pg.. and I tell you why right now.. because wolf’s pg is 40 points!!! And wolf’s d/f+pg is only 50points, but kage gets a free pounce after his d/f+pg.. WHY?????????!!!! Isn’t wolf suppose to be a better throwers?? Does wolf has stronger attacks to make up for his utter shit weak ass powerful throwing game???

    #4, Myke wake up from this fantasy of yours... -1 is -1, +1 is +1. wake up from this dream that low punch cut is so great. Kage can do u/f+kg, it’s the same shit for damage, the only difference is kage is even if he guesses wrong and wolf is KOed if he guesses wrong. Here is one more stupid shit fact about wolf, did you know special high attacks counter hits low punch cut, of course you know.. but have you ever been on the receiving end of this? Why the fuck would jeff’s b,f+p own my low punch cut, my d+p at the same fucking time is beyond fucking me.

    Lastly I’m not bitching the at the sky, I’m bitching at the character you love so much. Do you see the difference? And why not, I care enough about it to bitch. You an GE should go outside of VFDC for awhile. Do you realize 90% of the game forum is bitching?
  7. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    Kage, Flame of the East, forged from the shards of Cheapness. The man who wields the power of this character can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walk this earth!
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: GE and Myke are gay lovers with a Kage poster.

    Do you understand how dumb it is to use Jacky as a posterboy for "freely dodge against characters with strong striking attacks" Shang?

  9. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Re: More general hilarity and good times.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Kage is the only character with very strong striking attacks yet it?s difficult to dodge against

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    His circular attacks aren't "very strong", the're mostly poking moves. His only high damage circular is [3][P] but so what?

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    Someone like wolf pretty much is guaranteed to eat at least a free p,k if his circular attacks don?t hit.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You do know that wolf has a higher risk/reward game right?

    [ QUOTE ]
    And as regard to d/f+p, this move is one of the cheapest shit Sega ever created, oh yes of course a kage player would say it?s slow.. but conveniently forget it beats dodges, beats pretty much all safe attacks and combos nicely regardless of hit stat. This attack forces the person to use big attacks.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It doesn't beat dodges you can evade it to the back. Seeing as though it's 23 frames you should have plenty of time to evade it. Also since when was an elbow a big attack?

    [ QUOTE ]
    And yes! 40points is TOO much for pg, d/f+pg.. and I tell you why right now.. because wolf?s pg is 40 points!!! And wolf?s d/f+pg is only 50points, but kage gets a free pounce after his d/f+pg.. WHY?????????!!!! Isn?t wolf suppose to be a better throwers?? Does wolf has stronger attacks to make up for his utter shit weak ass powerful throwing game???

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What the hell does this proove? Wolf has three directions with 70 point throws. Or to use your way of looking at it, Wolf has three TFTs. Now what exactly makes his throw game so shit?

    [ QUOTE ]
    -1 is -1, +1 is +1.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Why are you crying over -1? There are few characters that get alot of advantage on a normal hit and -1 is hardly an impossible situation to get out of.

    Wolf is higher risk character, period. He is designed to be higher risk - sega didn't just accidentally fuck him up so stop comparing Wolf to Kage - they're apples and oranges.
  10. Wonderful

    Wonderful Active Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    Actually, Shang has me convinced, I´m going to start playing Kage !! He´s the best, right ?
  11. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    Myke said:

    "All I'm asking you is what do you realistically want?"


    "Fuck you myke, fuck you ice-9, fuck all of you kage players!"

    what Shang wants is to yank your chain man. This thread isn't about Kage or Wolf really, it's about goading you into being frustrated enough to argue with his points /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    Shang is bored, this is how he entertains himself I guess, trick is just to goof on him like he's goofing on you:

    Hey Shang, have you even played FT you bitch?

    Speaking of bitches, u need to go back to Final Fantasy XI and play your female White Mage some more

  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    If you know Shang which obviously you don't. He' s basically venting besides it's clear that he hasn't had any really good sex with a Chick lately. Oh yeah he hasn't played FT by the way. But knowing how fucking smart the whiner is, he really doesn't need. So back off if you haven't meet the FOB yet.

    If you're wondering why I'm defending the Stupid Chink it's b/c he's a fellow Mainland Chink. that's really the only reason silly but true.
  13. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    I love ur comments smartass! LOL....

    Team China represent!!
  14. Wonderful

    Wonderful Active Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    Sorry about my previous post it was intensely sarcastic if you didn´t notice. What I mean is (warning, big parenthesis: coming from a guy that has less than half of Shangs and Mykes and a lot of other peoples here knowledge and understanding of VF core mechanics and technicalities, a n00b if you like, Shang would surely call me a "n00b that belongs to the group of people that watch and laugh", and a "noobie that should go back to playing quest mode" I play quest mode and find it challenging and fun !!!!! no shame here, I´ll accept my place in your ludicrous "VF hierarchy" as a nobody a "guy that thinks an evading throw escape is hard to do") that you have to accept: Shang that Myke and a lot of clever people here have a strong point, one that simply and plainly beats yours.

    Point being that your ranting is for absolutely no purpouse at all, accomplishing nothing more than (this is so excellently put I must commend you for your choice of words Myke /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif (but then again I´m Icelandic and english is my 2nd language, thanks for great examples of its application ) : "It's just annoying-as-all-fuck noise."

    Come on Shang you can use the bandwith for much more constructive things than this BULLSHIT ! And you can stop putting people down while arguing about a friggin game character. Myke is right, nothing you rant about here will have any significance whatsoever other than to create "annoying-as-all-fuck noise."

    It´s not going to change the game one bit. I know something else however, that judging from your (few, maybe 30-40) posts I´ve read, you can make an excellent "Wolf vs Kage guide" simply because you have exceptional understanding and knowledge about VF, go fucking do it !!! If your ultimate conclusion is that "the game is rigged" agains you, go use your apparently immense energy on something else. It would be as logical as to quit playing chess as white because the rules dictated that black has 2 queens and will therefore simply win 90% of the time because they are superior. That kind of game is one not worth playing if you ask me.

    Ahh... I also love ranting ! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif !
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    is it me or are all Europeans vf players a bunch of faggots? I'm sitting here reading the previous post and say to myself this guy must be a eurofag, i look up.. Iceland...
    Smurfu >> boston pls
    spotlite, wtf is akiralove? spotlite is much cooler.
  16. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    Wait, akiralove is Spotlite? WTH, you Slut you! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    If you know Shang which obviously you don't. He' s basically venting besides it's clear that he hasn't had any really good sex with a Chick lately. Oh yeah he hasn't played FT by the way. But knowing how fucking smart the whiner is, he really doesn't need. So back off if you haven't meet the FOB yet.

    If you're wondering why I'm defending the Stupid Chink it's b/c he's a fellow Mainland Chink. that's really the only reason silly but true.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you're saying that on this website it's Shang's priviledge to insult people he hasn't met?
  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    [ QUOTE ]
    So you're saying that on this website it's Shang's priviledge to insult people he hasn't met?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually no, shang insults everyone even ppl he has meet. If you don't believe me, ask Myke who's the most senior here. Besides I'd already stated the reason for his period during the month. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    [ QUOTE ]
    So you're saying that on this website it's Shang's priviledge to insult people he hasn't met?

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    Best post of this thread.

  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Shang - Stupid Post

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:
    Actually no, shang insults everyone even ppl he has meet. If you don't believe me, ask Myke who's the most senior here. Besides I'd already stated the reason for his period during the month.

    [/ QUOTE ]

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    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mind explaining this contradiction to me? And this question is also directed to Myke or Ice-9.

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