Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right Now

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Well for me playing ranked is probably the best reason to play, if I'm gonna put effort into winning i should at least be rewarded in some way. And titles are your rewards.
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    There is absolutely nothin wrong with getting ur groove on in ranked mode. We're just trying understand why the overwhelming majority of ppl are in ranked at the moment.

    I'm kinda of thinkin once everyone has the rank they want, then the room activity will start to pick up.
  3. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    Whats the highest rank then? And why would people who play for ranks stop before it?
    Im not sure if the ranking system from arcade or VF5 ver.C still applies.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    The highest Rank I've seen so far is Destroyer. I think there are a least a couple more tiers of rank.

    "why would people who play for ranks stop before they got to the highest?"

    There are several reasons why a player may stop b4 reaching the top.

    1) The player just may not have the skill (at the moment) to go any higher. They might have hit a performance wall and decide they've gone far enough for now.

    2) Some players just want to have a rank or two above their
    mates (buddies) once they have their buddies beat, they stop

    3) (This one applies to me) There are certain titles that just sound cool or look cooler than other ones. For example I don't like Sentinel, Guardian, or Veteran. I don't like Barbarian, But I do like the sound of a look of Raider, Warrior, and Assassin. At the moment I'm a Raider which is one of the titles I like. The title I like the most is Warrior. If I get that title I will definitely stop there.

    4) At some point there is no one to rank up against. If everybody's off the rank mode and playing room mode, you could be stuck at the rank you are currently in.
  5. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    Hm I kinda understand that last reason. Ive just ranked up to defender and there are hardly any of my rank. Only a few Warriors and the like and the rest are hunters and raiders, who dont give much points for your rank.

    I know its essentially useless to have a rank in this. Especially since people opt for cheaper stuff the higher they are, its not really a feat to have a high rank. Just look at BlackBeltSpartan. Still I like to have a high rank for some reason>_>

    Stupid gaming habits.
    I just hope to get some good players to play some more player matches soon. Until then Ill have to waste my time getting those meaningless ranks.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    Yep, I've noticed that the higher the rank, the more desperate the tactics to keep the rank.

    Someone, earlier in this thread, was advocating demotions, I'm still thinking about the value of demotions though.

    If someone has worked hard enough, to get to your Destroyer Rank, say you've had to beat5 assassins or 5 shatterers, then you've earned the rank right? Now if you go on to play other destroyers and loose 3or 4 matches, I don't know if its fair to demote you, down to shatterer or assassin.

    What point is the demotion trying to prove?

    Up until VF5FS all my major matches have been in 2 player mode in the full light of day. I'm used to players just putting up good game. Something about playing face to face discourages Spam and Cheap, or Alley fighting. But now that VF5FS in online for PS3 I'm checking out online rank, and what happpens? Instead of getting phenomenal play as you go up the ranks, you get players that want to hang on to the rank so badly, that they will use whatever's necessary to win. Which usually results in some fairly ugly game play.
  7. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    Indeed. But it really if infuriating if you loose a rank. If you played well or not it still feels unfair.
    And I initially thought they left that part out when I saw that you only get points, but dont loose them.
    But this system of demotion is just as annoying as the System of SF4. Blazblues was better IMO. They displayed you win ration, but they didnt make you fight for some imaginary points.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    If there will be no demotion, then sooner or later every single player will reach the highest rank possible.
    And that will be wrong. Ranks should show how good you are. No that you where simply trying long enough.
  9. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    The ranked mode is way better now. There's not the stupid bottleneck at Master rank. There really aren't so many "cheap" tactics now that DMPK is gone. Lag has been reduced. You can back out of matches with stalkers or laggy connections. Lag is an issue, don't get me wrong, but in my experience it gets blamed for more outcomes than it is really responsible for. The arguablyworst thing with VFFS in my opinion is that strings and string spamming have been beefed up. For many average players, that means they can spam and confuse people pretty easily and good players can use delays on strings to be very tough to fight. At any rate, the VF experience is much better now than before FS, even if they really need to fix that room timer.

    I feel so sad for the guys who worked really hard to be able to fuzzy guard --> EDTEG on reflex after every small and mid disadv situation.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    Not quite Unicorn. You only gain ranking points for fights up to 10th Dan if you loose. At higher ranks you you may gain battle points if you loose I think its 1 pt. But you gain no ranking points. You only gain ranking points if you win. Your little meter will get more green in it. So once you cross the Dan mark in order for you to get to the next level you have to beat several ppl at your rank or higher. Its not guaranteed that everyone will be able to do that.
    You might get up to Assassin and find that you can't beat anybody above that, and that's where you stay until you development for skills (if there's no demotion).

    So its not true that everyone will eventually reach the highest rank just for trying hard. You can only do that up to Hunter, after that you must actually beat a number of ppl at your rank or higher to get a promotion and at that point IMO you should keep the rank you've earned even if later you loose several times to someone at a higher rank.
  11. Caseh

    Caseh Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    What I don't really understand is the amount of ranking points you gain/lose once you pass 10th Dan.

    Once you reach Hunter, if you fight anyone in that bracket (Hunter, Raider, Barbarian) you gain/lose quite a bit of ranking points so you can shift through the bracket quickly.

    However, if a Hunter fights a Defender (1st ranking of next tier up) and wins, the amount of ranking points they gain is next to nothing. I would understand if the Defender gets minimal points as they rank higher, but there is no real incentive for a Hunter to go after higher ranks, as even after 20 fights you wouldn't rank up yet having 5 fights within your bracket levels you up.

    Makes no sense to me.
  12. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    I'm not sure how the rank system works, but irregardless, I would not say that it's for me after trying 75 games. I don't feel like I have learned something from value in that mode. People there seem to have a sort of trend in their gameplay that devolves my own, that conflicts with the approach from playing the experienced.
  13. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    It might be to prevent boosting, or to give higher-ranked players motivation to experiment.
  14. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    I know what playstyle you mean, and I know you're not really talking about general lag.

    However, I personally feel that it's just as important to play mashers who are immune to your Jedi mind tricks (because they have no mind), as it is to play moral (is that the correct Jpnese word?) players who play "the correct way."

    If you find it boring to play mashers because you win too easily that's one thing, but if you get defeated by them or have a hard time, then it's hypocritical to say they devolve your VF kung fu. That's something a MA practitioner would say after a street fighter curb stomps his skull.
  15. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    Ill have to agree to that, but its still kinda sad how some people influence you playstyle.
    Im often fighting a Lau for example. Hes decent, but i usually beat him and hes a dood sport and doesnt deny my requests. However
    he does some silly stuff in matches. Like laus 9P+K and 9K+GP and pounces after knockdowns. So i often counter him with jeans roll which is okay since most people cant hake out of the stun and i get good damage from it.
    But when i fight against better players like that one "avenger" Shun who keeps challenging me for some reason, I try that to, sometimes without thinking about it>_> really annoying. It would be awesome if I had more people for player matches to get that shit out of my system.

  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    I believe the trick is: You get most points from fighting someone with exact same rank as you. The bigger the difference, the less points you gain. (this in addition that named ranks only gain points from other named ranks)

    This makes sense to me, cause otherwise a highrank playing low rank would have everything to lose and nothing to gain, which would mean segregation between players. Highranks wouldnt dare fighting lowranks.

    The gain/loss is always symmetric between players.
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    4+ is all you get. depending on how you play is how much you lose when you lose. from -1 to -2
  18. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    It's because of incentive. People what to see their growth in some way, whether its earning achievements or rank. This provides a great sense of accomplishment and success. Players who what to hone their skills and master their character will argue differently. However, it is simple psychology, people need incentive to play a game. In this case, rank drives people forward.
  19. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    Strange. How is it just as important? It is braindead and I'm forced to form a revolve no different from their own to suite that situation. That makes my mindset more lazier than currently, which depletes interest in the the game itself. There seems to be a different perspective.

    I have not lost to them yet and not had a hard time. There are the reason why I still don't have losses, in that mode record at least.
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Theory why PSN plyrs in Ranked Mode Right N

    I think playing opponents who mind games don't work on is very boring and try to limit it. However it is important to play those types of players every so often just because they force you to play very safe due to their random nature. If they know a few decent set ups and a few ways to mix that up, an opponent of this type can be very hard to deal with.

    Now it's important to practice fighting them because they are going to be a tournaments and you'd don't want to lose to someone like that. Also dude if you have no losses in ranked, you need to fight harder opponents.

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