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There's life left in VF5!

Discussion in 'General' started by Llanfair, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I too agree with a lot of the things that you said Slide... except that part about anybody being able to be a top player. Just like with anything else, be it a sport or even a trade, some people are just better than others at certain things.
    You can't deny the fact that some people are just can't grasp certain things. There are people who will take to a game like VF like a fish to water and then there are those that will take to a game like chess just as easy but, imho, just because we can all do something doesn't mean that we can all be great at it.
    It's still fun to try to be good at something you love though.
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> The quality of practice and play CIDKID gets,</div></div>
    This motherfucker been went inactive on me.
    I've known Akmaal for years and he's naturally good at playing fighters. Simple as it may sound all fighters are the same and have a basic rule......don't get hit but just hit first lol!!! Some just know how to put themselves in better positions to hit first with quick thinking and other intangibles. Now im not going to speak on his personal bidness but i know he does'nt have time for VF like he used to but he still has his skills. I manage to pull a few games of VF here and there because i can sneak a few hours in during the evening or wee hours at night before i take my daughter to school. One thing for sure if we all where in Japan for a few months we'd adapt also and level up also. ME personally i just don't playing against people who waste my time on VF doing dumb shit to appear uninspired. The thrill of VF to me is enjoying a Virtua chess match by seeing how many times can i make the right guess or to benefit me lol!!.
  3. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Well Shou may have gone about it in an arrogant way , but he inadvertantly lived up to the thread title. By measuring everyone by Japanese players standards, he may have motivated players to put more time into playing VF5 , thus ensuring there is indeed life left in VF5. Nothing puts life into a title more than competitive spirit .

    Is he inclined to be a teacher to new players? Obviously not , but not everyone has the patience to be a teacher. You can give someone tips until you are blue in the face, but that won't force them to break bad habits. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Not everyone can be a top player, but alll the information and resources are already out there, mostly in the archives of these very forums, to at least be on the right track. Anybody who really wants to get better can actively do their own research. An old ninja adage : Those that know don't need to be told, and those that don't know seldom listen.
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I agree that we could be as good as the JPs but they are in their own little bubble. If the bubble was expanded or we had one of our own then we would be just as good. There's nothing about them that makes them physically better they just have access to competition and facilities that we don't.

    You could argue that what seperates a champion from a contender is reaction speed (which would be genetic). But what counters reactions, yomi does. So I guess it would be trial and error to find out who the next Chibita is. [​IMG]

    But there is no reason that the JPs are specifically better than us.
  5. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    i agree.. if everyone in VFDC had the access we did, alot of us would have our games much tighter
  6. mana_knight08

    mana_knight08 Active Member

    I gotta disagree with you on this Boris. I think the JPs not only have a physical advantage but a phsychological advantage as well.
    Looking at it from a National and cultural level, we Brits, in general are seen as Arrogant, rude, drunken, lazy, overweight, slow, indisciplined etc. and the JPs are, well, almost the opposite.
    When taken over a few million people, which country is more likely to produce champions in a game which requires discipline, intelligence, dedication and quick mental agolity and reactions?

    I better add, for the sake of International peace and relations [​IMG], that i have never spoken to a VFDCer who has been anything but polite and friendly.Its just not the type of game for the other kind.

    sorry for stating the bleedin obvious here. [​IMG] Happy New Year when it comes.

    P.S. I would include the Koreans. Hi Erdraug [​IMG]
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Speak for yourself dudes cause you already sound defeated. Infact with all due respect so sound like you just let the JP beat you without lifting a finger lol! Hard work could beat talent when you apply yourself. some of you guys just don't want to get better and its understandible gving you are content with just knowing how to play. I say keep that shit away from me because thats what keeps the bad habits i have active.ANYBODY can be BEAT.

    I agree with Boris. we could play he other all day to a stand still online but certain bad habits from both side could hinder you in growth.
  8. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    What if you're facing hard work and talent?
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Then you lose. Talent imo just means less work required to get to a point, where someone that lacks the talent would need to put in more. So if someone with said talent put in the same amount of work as said person that lacked talent, then they'd be better. Cause they have, what the other doesn't.

    Keep in mind, that I also think that talent can lay dormant, until hard work triggers.

    Also, some people you think are probably talented, just put their hardwork into something else and some things transferred over.

    So I guess it's plain to see, that I don't really believe in "talent," per say?

    We all have what someone else doesn't anyway.

    EDIT: Time is money, and we don't live forever. So time is unlimited, but limited.
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind when talking about "talent." Sometimes talent will only get you to a certain level, with hardwork some people stay at that level without an "exceptional" amount of hard work. Again seen it a million times, shit, I see it in myself all the time. Pick up something fast but sometimes to get past that initial level of intuition I go through pure hell. That's how I feel about me and VF. I spent may be 4 hours in the dojo in VF5 max, and I can beat other people that I see in the dojo all the time, talking strats etc. When I hit the talented hardworking pool I get destroyed. They actually like the process of learning everything about the game, are good at it, and practice.

    You can't beat that without having the same thing.

    Not that I'm an expert on the guy but Slide aka ActionKungfu made this shit painfully apparent to me. In the beginning I actually didn't find him to be that good early on in VF5. Slowly and surely I found myself losing to him more and more. Finally he just bloody well routed me. I tried to understand but couldn't get past whatever it was he did to best me. For a while there I actually started taking VF5 seriously, some people started to consider me good. It took SO MUCH GODDAMN HARDWORK on my part that I just eventually said fuck this. TWP was born (ironically I might add since I didn't come up with this name)

    Me? I'm only that way when it comes to my careers and other hobbies: Real Estate, filmmaking, and various martial arts. I'll tackle a new commercial project I've never tried before, read up on it etc, I'll learn everything about a camera too shoot a certain way, hell I'll throw my 30+ year old body through the air and spin on my head. Why? These things are worth
    more to me than VF.

    I liken it too my martial arts classes. People ask me out of my students who do I think will be the best. I always point at the person who may be crap but genuinely loves what he's doing. Some people come into my class athletic as hell and able to do a lot of the advanced moves but I don't pick them. Why?

    When things come easy and some talented people run into a stumbling block they quit. Not because they don't want to get better, it's just that they didn't expect it too take anymore of their time than they originally allocated to it. People who work hard for it from day one already have the work ethic, the know what kind of time is demanded. They don't mind hard, it's always been hard.
  11. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    This thread has turned into a "I'm breaking up with you" letter to VF.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It turned for sure, I think it was down to suspicious use of the word hard.
  13. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    TWP you're pretty disingenuous. Subtly trolling people who are serious about the game by suggesting they want to beat up on Japanese teenagers in a video game, then turning around and calling Shou out for losing to Adam. You can't have it both ways -- either shit on people for being dorks and mastering a video game or not being up to snuff competitively. Lashing out like that just makes you seem bitter and using "not caring" as a posture for excusing yourself for being a lazy player.

    For my part, I admit readily I'm lazy. I don't really understand VF5 as well as VF4. I agree with Shou, still, though his methods are pretty close to trolling too imo. Damn, I suck.

    I don't believe in talent or video game royalty. People will advance at a quicker pace due to how much they understand about the game than how much they can intuit about it. Hard work and insight overrides the other factors.
  14. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I dont think VF has ever "lived (in the us[i think])" And there really isn't any competition to be competitive no matter how you look at it, cuz there isn't enough heads playing at that level(in the us), and that diminishes the drive to wanna BE at that level. Nothing like SF or Tekken. I could take a napkin and write the name of every US vf player on it. It's like fucking Slamball. yah i went there. You gotta play because you love the game now. But playing VF competitively AND exclusively? Not worth it IMO unless you're planning on playing a later version (I think I am?)
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    it is what you make it. i think you can read thru here and you hear how people perceive the game is to them, and for them...and they are charting there own course. If you think you cannot get past a certain level, then you can't. If you think it will take a certain amount of hardwork to get there, then you are right again. if you think the competition isn't there to push yourself thru, then your probably right again. if you think you can reach that level without putting in the hardwork...then you don't know the game well enough yet [​IMG]

    As for myself. I've been playing mw2, and it's been a lot of fun and i haven't had to suffer thru so many WTF lag moments. But i don't know where the new year will lead me. As i get better and better at mw2 i see more and more of the skeleton of the game, and just like vf5, when that skeleton doesn't perform true to it's bones, i get jaded. So maybe i'll make a return to vf5 and vfdc.

    Contrary to what a lot of people here think. I think that i can push thru to the elite level against the current players on live, and do it by hardwork and a systematic study of frames, and etc etc. But also like twp, i don't know that i care to make that a goal vs all the other things life has to offer me in that time. Time spent mastering that stuff, is time spent not mastering something else. And the older i get the less time i feel like i can afford to waste.

    Good luck to all those that still believe in themselves. I think we have a lot of players out there now that if they continue to do what they are doing, they will be the new elite in a couple years from now, and every bit as good as the players we consider elite now.
  16. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    To be at a competitive level in VF5 (in America) it doesn't really take much time at all. When I started playing the game I really didn't care to be better or equal to those I would never see (The Japanese) I just wanted to be at a level where I can at least entertain those around me (Adam, Rodney etc) You can only be as good as the people you play against anyway. I believe playing alone against the cpu will never truly make you a skilled player unless you play every day for hours but that's just time that no one has.

    People like Glory, Action, Gentlemen Theft, Assassin CP and some others leveled up fast because of online alone. I believe strongly that it’s not about the time someone puts in but what they do with the time they put in. Most people lose a match and hit the start button to begin the next one others lose a match and their competitive nature compels them to understand why they lost, that thought process alone eliminates maybe half the amount of time it takes for a person not to think about a lost in terms of progression.

    VF I believe is a game that requires a lot of common sense to be good at, when you repeat the same move over and over again (DM P+K for example) and are getting punished heavily for it why would you continue to do a move that grants minor damage for something that will hurt you more in return? It’s the little things about the game that prevents people from going above their plateau. This isn’t necessarily cured by how much time you put in but rather the thought and mental process you put in to it. It may be scary because it’s a video game but yes you do need the aid of your brain to reach a higher level.

    Here are a few reasons why it doesn’t take that much time to become at a competitive level in this game America.

    1. No one in America plays the second you learn the move set for one character you may already be better than most people playing this game
    2. Players that are considered good in America aren’t pricks this isn’t Street Fighter where the good players will not help you without paying them. Action and Glory talked to me many times about the game and I learned from them as well from our talks
    3. The top players in America in reality aren’t really that strong me included..If VF had Tekken numbers no one that’s considered good now would be because none of us really put time into the game.

    Now let me be clear, everyone lives a life and that will and should obviously take higher priority than a game especially a game that Sega abandon but that should be common knowledge should it? Theirs no reason to state the obvious, anyone that does just doesn’t want to state their own shortcomings as to why they aren’t better.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I don't even know who Shou is to be honest. Adam Yuki/Denkai are the only players that we've probably had the chance to mutually play. If he got owned by Yuki it just gives me some perspective.

    The Japanese teenager/early 20's thing I don't think is trolling. Isn't it reality? Shou talks about how great everyone is over there, at this point in my life most of the people he's talking about are probably a good deal younger than me. If I recall there's a lot of old heads on this site. All I'm saying is that he's bat shit crazy if he thinks people are really going to dedicate that much of their life to be as good as a demographic that has that much more free time on it's hands. To even suggest traveling to Japan for essentially nothing but being able to say "Hey I'm good at Virtua Fighter."

    No lie, I can get more comp on VOOT on Live than VF. We in the US are a minority that like this game, much less want to get good at it. Some of the people on this are a bit obsessive, too each their own. Slamming people for not being obsessive though is heh, stupid.

    In reply to Denkais post above me: All of those guys you listed I've seen play a shit load of VF. Less now of course because everyone growing past it. Yah they had a different thought process while playing but you can't downplay the amount of time they spent playing and literal studying of the game when they were into it.
  18. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Then perhaps TWP maybe I should of mentioned you. I can say that you are better then a lot of players that I have played that play much more then you do.
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Man listen Some of you motherfuckers is Content with the bullshit you do because it works online. Play in a Tourney offline get your ass handed to you and see how well that loss sit on that long ride back to wherever the hell you live. Add the fact that your little sheninigans did'nt work and you lost your money in the pot.Im not the best player but i can understand how Denkai Leveled up playing Against Cid,Yuki, Chief,Rodney ETC.. All possess something the other lack so that experience is all worth it taking them loses if you ask me.

    Each of those Said players i played against Destroyed me my first couple go rounds in VF and forced me to learn the nuances. Since i don't like losing i made it my duty to understand the game more and adapt so i won't get frustrated losing by blow outs. Believe it or not you can set a light goal for yourself to make sure you level a little each time out without it being to time consuming. For instance if you play a first to 5 online and lost five straight shoot for atleast 2 victories next time out and then 4 until you eventually win (Don'ty forget to hit that dojo and practice.)
  20. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

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