Tierlist or tipps for beginner

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by DieKrake, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    lol, so many DoA players in this thread.

    Alot of people in the DoA community really want to learn VF5 when it comes out for the 360.
  2. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    I have it already. VF5, I mean. Not on X360, though.
  3. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    I already have it on my PS3 too.

    But I'm still also gonna buy the 360 version.
  4. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    Can't wait for Version C!!!
  5. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    I'm very likely gonna hold off on the X360 version for a bit. I wanna see what comes of the Ver. C patch rumors for PS3, plus I'ma likely look to get a VSHG at some point in the near future.
  6. DieKrake

    DieKrake Member

    i wanna have my broken xbox back to start playin the demo=(
  7. Einzelkind

    Einzelkind New Member

    Hi everyone,I'm new,too.I didn't play Virtua Fighter since part 2(I was about 8 or 9 years old at that time),so I guess you could say I have no idea about this game,but I'm willing to put school and that stuff aside to learn the game.^^

    I have a question regarding the demo: The difficulty is like... nonexisting,is it?I mean I'm basically just mashing buttons at the moment,but there's no problem with defeating the opponents.

    I think I'm going for Lei-Fei or Aoi as my main,but both of them seem quite complicated.So should I start with someone like Pai or Eileen or go straight forward to the characters I like to play with?
  8. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    difficulty non-existent? uhuhuh just wait and see.
  9. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Wow, you're really good. Chibita had trouble beating Jeffry AI.

    As it has been said a million times before: VF is meant to be played against other people.

    Play with who you want. There is no guideline to follow, but I'll give one anyway:

    1. pick a character you like
    2. mash with them
    3. pick another character
    4. mash some more
    5. get your friends to play
    6. mash with them

    By 6 you'll find the character you're comfortable with. I mean, I can "play" almost every character, but I can only play Vanessa and Jeffry, but only because my homies and I go back 2+ years of mashing.
  10. DieKrake

    DieKrake Member

    i think im going to try two out of these ones:
    ive only see how they look like but i know that i have to see them in the dojo...(and of course my 360 back-.-)
  11. Einzelkind

    Einzelkind New Member

    Oh jeez,I didn't want to sound like I know how to play the game already.I just had the impression that the demo's difficulty does not represent how the actual game's gonna be like,because the computer characters just stand there doing nothing sometimes.

    That's all I wanted to say.
  12. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    The best tip for all beginners it to actually look up the system of the game in the VFDC Wiki first. Learning how VF works itself will make you a far better player than just knowing your character.
  13. Kurenaii

    Kurenaii Active Member

    God, is this like.. the DOA:C VF thread or what? ;]

    HI JAIL!
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    A nice tip I received that I feel will help others is to force yourself to move a lot. This is kind of a good tip for all fighters, as it helps you get a feel for the movement and learn how to evade more, but I find it particularly helpful with VF. So force yourself to dash a lot, crouch dash, evade, etc. Even when you don't know why you're doing it, until it clicks as to when to use it and how.
  15. Ollie_X

    Ollie_X New Member

    Is it worth reading alot of the stuff for Ver. A and Ver. B now or is it best to wait untill Ver. C guides are out incase there are any changes, eg. black book combos all work in Ver. C?
  16. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Most of the info in version B holds up really well, I can't speak for A. The changes in C are really easy to learn when you already have the knowledge/experience of B.
  17. Arest

    Arest Active Member

    I´m good if I don´t have any trouble beating the demo opponents??
    Because I´m using them as dummies to train my moves, and do only loose when I´m messing around wayyy too much..
    And, by the way, this is almost my first time playing VF...
  18. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Arest he was being sarcastic....
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    another instance where a smily face added to the post would convey the sarcasm so much better
  20. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    In principle, you don't win VF matches by pulling juggles.

    This means that, as far as old school players (who are supposed to be the ones writing the guides), you could train your MTEs, ETEGs and stepping skils in any version, from VF4 up to and VF5c.

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