Top 10 Moves

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by deliciousjay, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Uh, if you're hitting (6P)K on counterhit you're not using it to punish...
  2. HiryuZeroTwo

    HiryuZeroTwo Member

    I gotta agree with Jeneric on this one. A CH is by definition not a punish. Punishes are utilized during recovery frames of your opponent, usually after a block. A CH hit is more of a setup to catch your opponent in startup pressing buttons.
  3. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    I'm horrible at explaining things.

    6PK is my go-to punish. 6P hits as an mC, and has no followup unless they press a button (which is not going to happen when they're at -14). I also use it even when it's not guaranteed (not a punish; -13 to -2) and can get a proper CH if they press a button, thus allowing the combo to happen.

    I apologize for all the confusion.
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    [6][P][K] is a guaranteed natural combo on all hits, if you punish you just do [6][P][K] with no delay.

    Most players who have been around Vanessa long enough will duck after [6][P] anyway.
  5. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    What happens is that often they block 6P and immediately press a button right after. I don't usually delay it.

    I might be missing something here.
  6. ShadowGT

    ShadowGT Member

    I think either the K will beat out what they throw or depending on what they press like a 5P the K will be beaten.

    I can't really remember at the moment.
  7. Junito

    Junito New Member

    can anybody help me i dont understand the meaning of 6p+k+g....ect. p=punch k=kick g=guard but i dont undrstand what are the numbers for, are they for the frames? anything would help thanx
  8. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

  9. Junito

    Junito New Member

    Thanks a lot Plume [​IMG]
  10. Junito

    Junito New Member

    What do u mean about OM?
  11. iamthedave

    iamthedave Member

    Offensive Move, I'd expect, which is sidestep + P+K+G
  12. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    After watching several videos of top vanessa players (mainly acebreaker) i've been aware of their use of 4P which is a mid that always leaves you at a frame advantage whether it is blocked or not.
    Its a great tool from mid-range to freeze your opponent and can give you many options for a follow-up.

    On block is a 3 frame advantage and while a throw is a good follow-up, you can be beaten out of it with strike so 6k seems the best followup as it beats standing and
    low punches (not sure about characters with 11 frame punches) and also elbows and with the added bonus of a counterhit you can enter her arm lock (6KCH+P+G) to force your opponent between three throws.

    Im not saying it should be abused, but its good to throw it out there once in a while.
  13. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    DS 4P is far from being Vanessa's only attack that gives advantage on block.

    Obvious ones aside, OM OS [1][K]+[G] gives +3 on block instead of -3. I wonder if there are other attacks that normally are negative, but become positive after side advantage. So far I found none other.
  14. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Moves that do 25 dmg or more get a +6 bonus on sideturned block rather than +3. Really weak moves only get +2.

    Using that info it's not too hard to see what moves fall into that category when looking at the moves list.
  15. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I never remember those numbers.
  16. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Yeah thanks for that Marly. I always wondered why DS 4P went from +3 on guard to +9 on side guard.
  17. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Played ranked from Kyu to hunter tonight, i think that's enough to form a basic opinion about vane's moves. I now understand why some VFdc members have called her "boring" in this version. Here was my bread and butter for tonight:

    DS [K][K] x 100 (really though, substitute with DS [6][P][3][K] against players who know what they are doing - they *will* duck and punish the second hit on reaction :mad:)
    DS [1][K][+][G] > IP [K] > [4][P][+][K][+][G] roll to safety
    [6][P][+][K][+][G] stagger > pray [6][P][+][K][+][G] connects due to online > [P][P][K] because who keeps tracks of stances?
    [P][K] > DS [K][K] or OS [6][P][K] try REALLY HARD to hitconfirm
    repeated [4][4][K][+][G] cancelling if it would be out of range
    DS round openings: [6_] [P][K], [6][6][K], evade boomerang hook or [1][P][+][K]/[1][K][+][G]
    OS round openings: pile bunker, elbow, random move (the range on OS [6][6][K] has failed me a lot)
    OS throws > jump back > either [K] stagger > [3][K] string hoping for a slow unstagger or [6][6][K][+][G] > dash > [7][P] hoping the opponent didn't manage to techroll
    DS throws > jump back > [6][6][K] or [4][P] or [6][P][+][K][+][G] or just [3][K]
    DS [2][P] > random spastic reactions like evade sweep, WS p, another low punch, you name it
    OS [2][P] try to hitconfirm > [P][+][K] try to hitconfirm for [K] otherwise buffer [P] to be on the safe side
    DS oki with [6][6][K] or [4][P]
    OS oki with [3][K] string or, you guessed it, [K][+][G] :confused:

    To say that this playstyle is scrubby would be an understatement!

    A word about DS [2][K][+][G] : i feel bad but it worked really well for me, either boosted due to online, or due to the fact that, with the new system, it yields +3 on side CH, meaning WS [P] will beat pretty much everything the opponent might throw at vanessa, a situation that messes up opponents royally.

    Anyway, disclaimer, this is not my list of vane's best moves, just a list of what has been working for me recently. I wanted to post these impressions because i have to go to straight to work without getting any sleep now and i might have forgotten some of these; if i ever do a list i'll try to list moves in a more rational, structured and comprehensive manner, following a method similar to the one i used for VF5 vanilla vanessa moves.
  18. iamthedave

    iamthedave Member

    Vanessa's DS sweep is a fine move; no reason to feel ashamed for using it. The thing is that Vanessa has very few powerful lows or lows that go into worthwhile combos (OS 2K CH notwithstanding, but it's no good on anything but CH), so few players duck low against her unless it's to avoid throws.

    My anti-scrub murdering 'strategy' involves DS 1P into 2KG over and over. I've won entire matches just using that two-move sequence.

    Against better players 2KG is nice as an emergency round-ender or mixup if you use 66K to crush rising kicks or pressure them on wakeup a lot.
  19. Tekkendero

    Tekkendero Member

    Ill play Vanessa just for fun ill just wanna know what the other players like to recycling moves for success also ill notice is really weird see a Vanessa player stay in defensive stance so ill took a task to master that stance here is my list.

    My tops moves in Defensive stance

    6 [K]CH[G][+][P] 6[G][+][P]

    Offensive Stance

    [P] [P]
    2 [K][P]
  20. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    10 good moves for Vanessa.

    DS 1. 4p+k , This is a great move for CLOSE range situations. This move is safe if blocked,gives you advantage if it hits normally,and floats the opponent into the air on COUNTER hit allowing you a juggle opportunity. The execution of this move is good at 14.

    DS 2. 3p , This move is good for CLOSE range situations. The execution of this move is extremley fast at 10. Use this move to cut off the opponent in situations where they should normally have advantage. This move is also safe if blocked.

    DS 3. k+g , This move is good for MID range situations. This move is fully circular and will stop people trying evades or offensive movements. This move is also safe safe if blocked...which is rare for a full- spinning attack.

    DS 4. 66+k , This move is useful at LONG range. This move is good at pressuring standing opponents from a distance ,and can also punish opponents who like to tech/quick roll after hitting the ground. This move is safe on block,but the wind-up of this move is kinda slow.

    DS 5. 1p , This is a good ClOSE range move that will shut down 2p spammers. This move will also stuff a few other things besides 2ps. The execution of this move is decent and its safe if blocked.

    OS 6. 9k(or 9k+g) , This is a good CLOSE range move that beats out low attacks. The opponent will be floated into the air if this hits allowing a juggle opportunity. This move is UNSAFE if blocked. Only use this move against anticipated low attacks.

    OS 7. 6p+k , This is a good CLOSE range move that has good execution speed at 14 and is safe if blocked.This moves leads to juggle if it connects(although the timing is strict). This move can be used to fish for counter hits or to surprise the opponent.

    OS 8. half-circle backp+g , This is a throw that takes Vanessa directly into her take-down position. This throw has great damage potential. If you press 4p+g afterwards you get 70 damage, if you press 6p+g afterwards you get 75 damage,and if you just press p+g afterwards you get 60 damage. The opponent has to guess between three throw escapes that all offer good damage.

    DS 9. 3p+k , This is a good CLOSE range high hitting move that will stagger the opponent if it hits(allowing you a combo opportunity) and is completely safe if blocked. Use this move right after evading an attack, or if you are sitting on an advantage of at least +5.

    OS 10. 3kk ,These two mid kicks are best used at MID range. Both these kicks combo naturally and you can cancel the second kick by pressing 6 which will shift you into vanessas' intruder step. The second k in this two hit string is UNSAFE.

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